Camping Village Šimuni - OFFICIAL PAGE
Island Pag
Croatia (HR) Pag skriva mnoge tajne - od paške čipke i slavnog paškog sira do prirodnih ljepota i nezaboravnog noćnog života, ali najbolje čuvana tajna otoka su Camping Village Šimuni. Smješten u šumovitom uvalama središnjeg Paga, Camping Village Šimuni biser je Jadrana i Mediterana. Gostoljubivi domaćini, nenadmašna ponuda i briga za svakog gosta obilježja su Camping village Šimuni i razlozi zbog kojih se naši gosti vraćaju svake godine.
(EN) The island of Pag holds many secrets - like Pag lace and famous Pag cheese, great natural beauty and unforgettable nightlife, but the best kept secret of all is Camping Village Šimuni. Situated in forested coves of the central Pag, Camping Village Šimuni is the pearl of the Adriatic and Mediterranean. Hospitable hosts, unbeatable offer and care for every guest are the assets of Camping Village Šimuni and the reason why our guests keep returning every year.
(IT) L'Isola di Pago nasconde molti segreti- dal merletto di Pago e il glorioso formaggio di Pago fino alle bellezze naturali e l’indimenticabile vita notturna, ma il segreto meglio custodito è il Camping Village Šimuni. Situato nelle baie boscose della parte centrale di Pago, il Camping Village Šimuni è una perla dell’Adriatico e del Mediterraneo. Gli ospitanti gentili, offerta insuperabile e la preoccupazione per ogni ospite sono le caratteristiche del Camping Village Šimuni, ma anche le ragioni per cui i nostri ospiti ci ritornano ogni anno.
(DE) Die Insel Pag verbirgt mehrere Geheimnisse – von der Pager Spitze und dem berühmten Pager Käse bis zu den Naturschönheiten und dem unvergesslichen Nachtleben. Das bestgehütete Geheimnis der Insel ist jedoch Camping Village Šimuni. Es verbirgt sich in den bewaldeten Buchten der Inselmitte. Camping Village Šimuni ist eine Perle der Adria und des Mittelmeers. Gastfreundliche Gastgeber, ein unübertreffbares Angebot und Sorgfalt um jeden Gast ist das Kennzeichen des Camping Village Šimuni und der Grund, dass unsere Gäste jedes Jahr wiederkommen.
(SL) Pag je poln skrivnosti - od paške čipke in vse povsod znanega paškega sira do naravnih lepot in nepozabnega nočnega življenja, najbolj varovana skrivnost otoka pa je Avtokamp Village Šimuni. Kamp se nahaja sredi gozdnih zalivih na področju srednjega Paga in je biser Jadrana in Mediterana. Gostoljubni domačini, odlična ponudba in skrb za vsakega gosta so značilnosti Camping Village Šimuni in razlogi, da se k nam gosti vsako leto ponovno vrnejo.
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"If you look deep into nature, you will understand everything better." During your stay, don't miss the opportunity for a day trip to a national park Kornati. Sit back, relax and let us take care of the organization and transportation to this dream destination. :)
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Happy Women's Day to all women out there doing their best in life. We can only wish you a great day because we know you're handling everything else yourself. :)
Playing games and creating new memories is a must for every child! That's why we created Šimi Club - a perfect summer place for all activities for the young ones. Check out more about Šimi Club in our video. ;)
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Our Diamond beach is famous for being the oldest salt beach in Europe. Do you know the names of any other beaches in Šimuni?
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We wish you a happy and passionate Valentine's day! Just like our fireshows. :)
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The best way to surprise your Valentine is to book a romantic getaway! :)
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It only takes 140 characters to tell you why you should choose Camping VIllage Šimuni this summer! You can now find us on Twitter: :)
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[COUNTDOWN] 142 days until the beginning of summer and we're already dreaming of soaking up the sun. :)
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You don't have to seek paradise because it's right here in Šimuni. :)
Camping Village Simuni's cover photo
Let your dreams set sail in Šimuni! :)
We got recommended by ADAC
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Be sure to visit us at these fairs! Take your friends and family with you and grab this special discount. ;)
Loveliest, miss you 💕
