RASCO is a leading manufacturer of professional road service and maintenance technology in Europe. Founded in 1990. RASCO is a leading manufacturer of professional road service and maintenance technology in Europe. Founded in 1990, the company manufactures and markets snow ploughs, salt spreaders, crane mowers and associated vehicle upgrades. As a proud family business, RASCO is committed to solving difficult challenges of road maintenance in constantly changing weather conditions.
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After they have given us a truck they made especially for us, children from the kindergarten "Ladybird" have prepared an exhibition inspired by their visit to RASCO. Artistic masterpieces include RASCO machines in Arts, and mock-ups of RASCO factory and machines in lego bricks. :)
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RASCO was recently recognized as a Certified Body Builder of MAN vehicles. The certificate is one of many confirmations of RASCO's quality, durability and trust we have earned amongst our partners and buyers. We are looking forward to the future projects with MAN fleet!
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You still have a chance to see this Unimog machine fully mounted with RASCO winter maintenance equipment. Visit us at Kamion&Bus magazin Roll Show in Croatia! :)
NEVA crane mower with HYDRA mowing head in action
Altough NEVA is primarily designed for grass and bush maintenance, it has no problem with handling much higher vegetation. ~~ Iako je kranska kosilica NEVA primarno dizajnirana za održavanje trave i niže vegetacije, savladavanje visokog grmlja joj ne predstavlja nikakav problem. ~~ Obwohl die Heckauslagemäher NEVA in erster Linie als Mäher für das Gras und niedrigere Vegetation etworfen ist, auch hohe Büsche meistern sie ohne Problem. ~~ Косилка NEVA в первую очередь предназначена для скашивания травы и низкой растительности, хотя и высокие кусты не проблема для нее.
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MAXIMA telescopic crane mowers mows where no other crane mower can reach. Deepest canals and highest banks represent no problem for MAXIMA mowers. With a telescopic crane arm system providing 10 meters of reach, these mowers enable quick and efficient mowing of hard to reach areas.
Photos from RASCO's post
From spring to winter in less than 24 hours. Luckily, this SPECTRA crane mower is equipped to work in both seasons with UAB "Alwark". ;)
HYDRA combined operating head - rolling footage
Grass and vegetation up to 5 centimeters thick is not a problem for operating head HYDRA. The spiral distribution of blades reduces energy losses. Also, increased aperture on the rear end of the head enables high outflow of material, and accordingly, a higher mowing speed. What type of vegetation is mowed in your area? Would this operating head be helpful to you? 😊 ~~ Trava i raslinje debljine do 5 centimetara ne predstavlja problem radnoj glavi HYDRA. Spiralni razmještaj noževa smanjuje utrošak energije dok povećani otvor na zadnjem dijelu glave omogućava veliku protočnost materijala i time veću brzinu košnje. Kakav tip raslinja se kod vas najviše kosi? Bi li vam ovakva radna glava pomogla? 😊
Pajakulma Oy
Winter season is not over yet for our secret buyer from Gotham City. ~~ Zimska sezona još nije završila kod našeg tajnog kupca iz grada Gotham.
Photos from RASCO's post
We had the honor to host a visit from the youngest members of our community: children from the kindergarden "Ladybird". They also made a „truck“ specially for us, and mounted it with a snow plough and spreader. According to the truck, there are probably some future constructors among them. What do you think? :)
SPECTRA rear crane mower
SPECTRA is a rear-mounted crane mower with medium reach. A professional, robust grass, weed and bush maintenance machine, SPECTRA provides high mowing speeds due to excellent mowing head visibility. Read more here:
RASCO's cover photo
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MAXIMA crane mower we delivered a few days ago has now joined the rest of the crew. :)
Tieto sú fakt výborné! 😍 . #foodlover #minibones #urciteskus #foodporn

Strong Day's 🔫👏
