Samostan svete Klare bio je najpoznatiji od osam ženskih samostana u Dubrovniku u kojem su se uglavnom zaređivale dubrovačke plemkinje. Izgrađen je tijekom 13. i 14. stoljeća. U njemu je već u 13. stoljeću otvoreno prihvatilište za napuštenu djecu, a godine 1432. dubrovačka je vlada osnovala Nahodište, jedno od prvih u Europi onoga vremena.
Dolaskom Francuza 1806. ukinuti su svi ženski samostani u Dubrovniku, pa tako i samostan svete Klare, čuvenih Klarisa, koji je pretvoren u konjušnicu i skladište streljiva. Danas ovaj samostan ima višestruku namjenu. U njegovu klaustaru pružaju se već desetljećima ugostiteljske usluge (restoran), dok se u drugom dijelu nalaze uredi dubrovačke biskupije.
Restoran Klarisa je zasigurno jedna od najljepših lokacija u dubrovačkoj povijesnoj jezgri.Restoran Klarisa, nekad imena Restoran Jadran, otvorio je svoja vrata 2011. godine nakon potpune rekonstrukcije. Naš menu sadrži zdrava i ukusna mediteranska jela kojeg prati vinska karta sa širokim izborom hrvatskih i stranih vina.
The monastery of St. Klara was the best known of the eight monasteries for women in Dubrovnik which mostly ordained noblewomen from Dubrovnik. It was built during the 13th and 14th century. In the 13th century the shelter for abandoned children was opened within the monastery, and in 1432 the authorities of Dubrovnik founded Nahodište (Orphanage), one of the first of its kind in Europe at the time.
With the arrival of the French in 1806 all monasteries for women in Dubrovnik were closed, among them the monastery of St. Klara, the well-known Klarisas, which was turned into a stable and an ammunition warehouse. Today this monastery has numerous assignments. Its cloister has been a restaurant for decades, and in the other part there are the offices of Dubrovnik Diocese.
Restaurant Klarisa is probably one of the most beautiful sites in the historic heart of Dubrovnik.Restaurant Klarisa, previously known as Restaurant Jadran, opened in 2011 after complete reconstruction. Our menu consists of healthy and delicious Mediterranean dishes, accompanied by the wine card with a wide selection of Croatian and foreign wines.
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What would you say if we invited you to a lunch in one of the first orphanages in Europe? What if we invited you to a glass of wine in Napoleon's weapons repository? Restaurant Klarisa is all that, and so much more…
Restaurant Klarisa Dubrovnik's cover photo
What would you say if we invited you to a lunch in one of the first orphanages in Europe? What if we invited you to a glass of wine in Napoleon's weapons repository? Klarisa restaurant is all that, and so much more…
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In May 1806, when the Napoleon's army entered Dubrovnik, all convents were closed, and the Convent of St. Claire was turned into a stable and an ammunition warehouse. Later in history the Convent of St. Claire served various purposes. After World War II, a restaurant called "Jadran" was opened within the convent, which was later renamed "Libertas", nowadays named "Klarisa".
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Wine with deep dark red-black color and intense aroma - Imperator. 🍷
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Did you know that the monastery of St. Klara was the best known of the eight monasteries for women in Dubrovnik which mostly ordained noblewomen from Dubrovnik. It was built during the 13th and 14th century. In the 13th century the shelter for abandoned children was opened within the monastery, and in 1432 the authorities of Dubrovnik founded Nahodište (Orphanage), one of the first of its kind in Europe at the time.
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Refreshing and light, this salad exposes the most exquisite taste and texture of the octopus due to its freshness and the few accompanying ingredients.
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The sight of food cooked to perfection, the smell that tantalizes nostrils and the flavours that are an explosion on the taste buds are enough to make you fall in love with it.
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The ultimate experience of enjoying the seafood specialities is guaranteed by daily fresh Adriatic fish and various seafood.
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May you feel love and happiness during this holiday. Have a wonderful Easter.
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Spend Easter days in a pleasant ambience. 🍷🍴
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Enjoy excellent dishes which represent Mediterranean cuisine.