Diving center Blue planet, Dubrovnik, Croatia
PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Dive Resort, www.blueplanet-diving.com
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Our dear guest Brian Cobb, the biologist and great diver sent us short video clip with highlights of 4 dives he made with us. Thank you Brian!
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FINALLY FULLY EQUIPPED! This is our instructor Marko finally fully prepared for all challenges of conducting Introductory dives, protected from grisly cold of unheated pool and merciless winds, ready to teach even the most untalented divers and perhaps, lead a smaller military action. The mask is hiding the expression of happiness on his face for finally being warm and dry 😌
Photos from Diving center Blue planet, Dubrovnik, Croatia's post
BLUE PLANET VAS TRAŽI! Ne tipkaš satima po mobitelu s jednim okom na ekranu s rezultatima utakmica? Ne zoveš tatu kada treba promijeniti žarulju u dnevnom boravku? Nije ti problem susjedi iscijepati drva? Ruke ti ne služe samo za mijenjanje kanala na daljinskom? TI SI SIGURNO ČUDAK I SPADAŠ U 2 % STANOVNIŠTVA REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE, ali, bez panike, ujedno si pravi kandidat za rad u Blue Planetu! Svi mladi ljubitelji sunca i mora pozvani su da se pridruže timu odabranih ekscentrika Blue Planeta! Prednost imaju čudaci s iskustvom, vozačkom i plovidbenom dozvolom u novčaniku. Ako znaš roniti, odlično. Ako ne znaš, zato valjda i postoje ronilački centri da te nauče pa je opet odlično. Javiti se na 091 899 0973 ili na email: info@blueplanet-diving.com Može i osobno, u naš ured na prvom katu hotela Dubrovnik Palace od 9 do 5! A vi dragi prijatelji Blue Planeta, sherajte ovaj oglas!
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF UNDERWATER KIND Today on Little Africa reef our instructor Orsat Brnada managed to capture on camera an alien - like creature sending a mysterious signals. We can`t understand it, but we can at least enjoy in its outlandish beauty.
Photos from Diving center Blue planet, Dubrovnik, Croatia's post
Cold winter days are gone and forgotten, warm springtime days are back! Enjoy with us in photos of perfect clear blue Tuesday morning in Blue Planet.
Timeline Photos
DIVING CENTER BLUE PLANET RECEIVES PADI RECOGNITION OF EXCEPTIONAL GROWTH IN PADI DIVER TRAINING! Years of good work of entire Blue Planet staff finally get diserved recognition - Blue Planet accepted wonderful PADI prize for exceptional growth in diver training on the famous international Boot Fair in Dusseldorf. A great satisfaction of hundreds of divers who made their first steps towards great adventure of diving in our diving center brought us this great honour. Thank you all for placing your trust in us! Big congratulations to our fantastic instructors for their responsability and professionalism - they are now officially the best!
Photos from Diving center Blue planet, Dubrovnik, Croatia's post
SUMMER NOSTALGIA Bright colours, azure sky, crystal clear water of Adriatic, serene sunny days....We can`t wait, how about you?
Photos from Diving center Blue planet, Dubrovnik, Croatia's post
When the night falls on Blue Planet house reef.....
Photos from Diving center Blue planet, Dubrovnik, Croatia's post
BEST DIVES OF SEASON 2016 - LOKRUM Lokrum turned out to be the hit of the summer - nobody could resist a dive that seemed like something out of Indiana Jones movies: the tunnel leading to the lake in the middle of Lokrum island, beautiful park of nature full of mysterious legends and a speedboat ride by the famous Dubrovnik Old Town!
Photos from Diving center Blue planet, Dubrovnik, Croatia's post
BEST DIVES OF SEASON 2016 - TARANTO Wreck Taranto doesn`t need lot of advertising. This remarkably preserved wreck laying in a silent blue mist is always one of our most sought after dives. Our instructor Orsat Brnada made photos of few great details from Taranto.
Photos from Diving center Blue planet, Dubrovnik, Croatia's post
REMEMBERING SOME OF BEST DIVES OF SEASON 2016 - MAROS CAVE Two Ukrainian technical divers asked our instructor Alex to take them to really challenging location and show them something they`ll remember. He chose Blue Planet`s jewel among shore dives -Maros Cave, deep, dark and irresistibly exciting. Great choice, Alex! Photos by: Alex Dolina
Photos from Diving center Blue planet, Dubrovnik, Croatia's post
SOMEBODY`S AFRAID OF THE COLD? Not young divemaster from Korea who used great sunny weather we had these days to visit our popular Little Africa dive site with reliable guidance of our instructor Marko.
Just a bit warmer

아드리아해. 함께. #신혼 #신혼여행 #크로아티아 #두브로브니크 #아드리아해 #스쿠버다이빙 #여행스타그램 #honeymoon #croatia #dubrovnik #adriatic #journey #scubadiving #angrybird

My Scuba dive view/spot #best #blueeee

연애 800일 기념 스쿠버다이빙하러 갑니다 :) 오빠의 첫 다이빙이 성공적이길 바라며... + 파도가어마무시한데잘할수있을까 ㅜㅜ . #신혼 #신혼여행 #honeymoon #croatia #크로아티아 #두브로브니크 #dubrovnikpalace #blueplanet #divingcenter #800일기념 #스쿠버다이빙도전 #내년엔오픈워터 #파도가세다 #물고기구경 #안녕

Into the Blue mit Frau Göttel💙 #honeymoon #dubrovnikpalace

#scubadiving #awesomefeeling #scubalove

How do you feel after two awesome dives :) #padi#highdepth#nitrox#diving#goodlife

Dubrovnik iz mora

Polvo e eu. 🐙 #dubrovnik

Sunset before our night dive. They are like this every single night here, and look even better in real life. #Sunset #Diving #Dubrovnik #Croatia

#deepbluesea 🐟

Plenty more fish in the sea 🐠
