Glamour Shine kennel - - uzgajivačnica zlatnih retrivera sa rodovnikom. Golden retriever kennel with pedigree. Uzgajivačnica zlatnih retrivera "Glamour Shine" osnovana je 2008. godine.
Prvo leglo zlatnih retrivera imali smo 2009. godine. Naš uzgoj baziramo na zdravim, veselim, dobro socijaliziranim psima, kvalitetnih europskih krvnih linija. Svi psi koji ulaze u uzgoj imaju nalaze kukova, laktova, očiju i srca.
Naše pse redovito izlažemo na izložbama pasa, radimo sa njima za radne ispite te prvenstveno uživamo u njihovoj ljepoti, inteligenciji i društvu.
Svako leglo pomno planiramo i uistinu nam je bitno da štene ode u topao dom, kod odgovornih ljudi koji će ga paziti, maziti i tretirati kao člana obitelji.
Štenci do dobi od 8 tjedana, dobi od koje se mogu preuzeti, budu cijepljeni protiv zaraznih bolesti, čipirani, 4x očišćeni od crijevnih parazita, socijalizirani na različite zvukove, podloge, sa ljudima i odraslim psima.
Svi štenci su prije odlaska u nove domove nekoliko puta pregledani od strane veterinara i pregledani od strane voditelja uzgoja Retriver kluba Hrvatske. Svi posjeduju registarski broj Hrvatskog kinološkog saveza, rodovnik HKSa te veterinarsku knjižicu.
Novim vlasnicima uvijek stojimo na raspolaganju jer smatramo da posao uzgajivača ne završava kad štene odlazi u novi dom.
Osim u Hrvatskoj, psi iz našeg uzgoja žive u Bosni i Hercegovini, Italiji, Sloveniji, Srbiji, Mađarskoj, Rumunjskoj, Grčkoj, Njemačkoj, Austriji, Nizozemskoj, Finskoj, Islandu i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.
više o našim psima možete vidjeti na web stranici
Glamour Shine kennel, located in Croatia, 60km away from capital city Zagreb, is breeding golden retrievers since 2008. We had our first litter in 2009 and since then we exported dogs to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Austria, Italy, Germany, Finland, The Netherlands, Iceland and United States of America.
We tend to breed healthy, happy and good looking Golden retriever, who is not oversized and who actually can work! Our goldens are pretty active and they love everyone. All dogs which are going into breeding have hip, elbow, eyes and heart tests done.
We show our dogs regularly and we work with them for working tests.
More about our dogs you can find on
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facebook.comGLAMOUR SHINE DANZA KUDURO - "CALLEIGH" Champion of Croatia Champion of Republic of Srpska Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina open CH. of Slovenia and INT.CH. 15xCAC, 5xR.CAC, 2xCACIB, 2xBOB, 1xBIS WORKING DOG HD:A ED 0:0 EYES: clear HEART: clear GR_PRA1: clear GR_PRA2: clear PRA_prcd: clear GRMD: clear ICT: carrier
CHAMPION OF CROATIA CHAMPION OF REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA Glamour Shine Dynasty Warrior Legend Lives On - "Destiny" (Dewmist Rainbow Warrior & Glamour Shine Be My Valentine) open CH.BIH. and INT.CH.
Glamour Shine Linked With You - "Lilly" (Dreams Come True Happy Company & Glamour Shine Freakin' Great) 1 year old enjoying her life in Rijeka (CRO)
We are planning litter out of combination Junior champion of Serbia Junior champion of Romania Junior champion of Hungary Show champion of Hungary Champion of Romania Champion of Serbia Czech club winner + BIS 2017 Double BIS Winner HEARTBEAT FAMOUS GOLD - "SKY" (Lawpark Spellcaster & Flying Heart Famous Gold) HD:A, ED 0:0, OCD:free, EYES:clear, PRA1:clear, PRA_prcd:clear, PRA2:clear, GRMD:clear, ICT:clear & GLAMOUR SHINE CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE - "LILLY" HD:A, ED 0:0, EYES:clear, HEART:clear, PRA1:clear, PRA2:clear, ICT:affected Our waiting list is now open. Please contact for more info!
2x CACIB Osijek and TWO NEW CHAMPIONS!! SUNDAY judge: Petar Klarić (CRO) Glamour Shine Dynasty Warrior Legend Lives On - working class - exc.1., CAC ...and become CROATIAN CHAMPION!! Glamour Shine Freakin' Great - open class - exc.1., CAC Glamour Shine Danza Kuduro - working class - exc1., CAC ...and become CROATIAN CHAMPION!! SATURDAY judge: Alla Filatova (RUS) Glamour Shine Freakin' Great - champion class - exc.2., R.CAC Glamour Shine Danza Kuduro - working class - exc.1., CAC, CACIB & BEST OF BREED!!!
We are planning puppies in fall 2017!!
Puppy plans for fall 2017!
Planiramo štence u jesen 2017. / We are planning puppies in fall 2017 Primamo rezervacije / We are taking reservations <3
Lilly - mummy to be
**PUPPIES PLANNED FOR FALL 2017** We are planning puppies out of Bonett Bride Energy Source - "Diesel" & Glamour Shine Danza Kuduro - "Calleigh". Last year we mated Calleigh's mother Stella to Diesel and got only 4, but stunning puppies from that litter. So, this year I decided to mate her best daughter - "Calleigh" to him as well. I have really high hopes for this litter. It is really nice blend of quality and the most important healthy lines with wonderful character and show success. Both dogs are true representatives of breed and I am looking forward their puppies so much. Reservation list is OPEN!! Rezervacijska lista je OTVORENA! http\:// http\://
"Masha" - Angelonato Masquerade at Glamour Shine completed her JCH.CRO. tittle and now she is JUNIOR CHAMPION OF REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA JUNIOR CHAMPION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA JUNIOR CHAMPION OF CROATIA JUNIOR CLUB WINNER OF REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA 2017 5xJCAC, 3xJBOB, 1xCAC, 1xBOB, 3xVP2, 1xVP1, 1xR.BISS Puppy Masha is out of F: Pippin Rozmachany Ogon M: Angelonato Limoncelo breeder: Natasha Borishevic - kennel Angelonato - Belarus owner: Marijana Račić - kennel Glamour Shine - Croatia