Iznajmljivanje apartmana Apartmani Nejašmić
Apartmani se nalaze 5 minuta pješice od centra mjesta. Smješteni su podno brda Koštilo s prekrasnim pogledom na otok Hvar, kanal i crvene krovove obiteljskih kuća na jugu te Vidovu goru, najviši vrh jadranskih otoka, na sjeveru.
Apartmani se nalaze u dalmatinskoj kućici s velikim, u dalmatinskom stilu uređenim, dvorištem s puno zelenila, cvijeća i mediteranskog bilja. Nudimo mogućnost korištenja kamina.
Kuća ima samo dva apartmana, moderno opremljena, s lijepim vrtom i pogledom na more.
Pješački pristupi omogućeni su s juga i sjevera, a na sjeveru, uz cestu, nalazi se osigurano parkiralište za 3 automobila te garaža koju se može koristiti i za bicikle.
U svakom apartmanu nudimo Vam brojne informacijske vodiče i letke o Bolu, otoku Braču, restoranima, spomenicima, plažama i sl.
Obitelj Nejašmić živi u obiteljskoj kući ispred kuće s apartmanima i uvijek Vam je na usluzi.
Apartmani su dostupni cijele godine.
Apartments Nejašmić
The little house is below the hill Koštilo with beautiful south views and two modern apartments. You can see island Hvar on the south and hill Vidova gora on the north. It is just 5 minutes from the town centre.
The house has a big, in Dalmatian stile arranged courtyard surrounded with flowers and Mediterranean plants.
You are allowed to use the fireplace with barbecue.
Except from the south, you can come by foot also from the north. There is also a street and a parking place for 3 cars.
In every apartment there are many of information guides and brochures about Bol, island Brač, restaurants, monuments, beaches etc.
Family Nejašmić lives in the house below and is always at your service.
Apartments are available the whole year.
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2+1 apartment is available just from July 12-15 and in September. :) Book your perfect vacation now! :)
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Beautiful studio apartment is still available from July 8-17 and in September. Book you perfect vacation in Bol :)
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Spoj funkconalnosti i estetike u bolskoj Kući boje sunca
3 years ago...:)
Visit our web page and book your perfect holiday in Bol! We have still some available dates! ;)
Apartmani Nejašmić
Visit our web site and book your perfect vacation in Bol! :) Reservations are already in progress...
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15 degrees. Merry Christmas :)
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