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Apartmani Hero Baška otok Krk

Gorinka 19, Baška, otok Krk, Baska, Croatia
Apartment & Condo Building



Apartmani obitelji Hero nalaze se u Baški na otoku Krku, vrlo su ugodnii za svačiji ukus blizu mora. Kućni ljubimci su dobrodošli!  Apartmani ADA nalaze se u novoj kući u vrlo mirnom dijelu Baške, klimatizirani, od najmanjeg studija do jednosobnog i dvosobnog apartmana. Preporučaju se osobama koje žele svoj mir, a blizu su i moru (450 m) i centru (350 m) mjesta.

ADA Apartments are situated in the new house in the very peaceful part of Baška, they all have air-conditioning - from the smallest studio to one-room and two-room apartments. They are close to the sea (450 m) and to the town centre (350 m) and are recommended to persons who search for a peaceful place.

Apartmani NEVA nalaze se u samom srcu Baške, 50 metara od mora. Posebno mirno mjesto za odmor, a tako blizu centru svih zbivanja u mjestu! S terase apartmana može se uživati u mirisu mora i prekrasnima izlascima i zalazima sunca. Pogled na otok Prvić zauvjek ostaje u sjećanju i vraća Vas na isto mjesto!

NEVA Apartments are situated in the heart of Baška, 50 meters from the sea. Especially peaceful place for vacations, and at the same time so close to the centre of all events! From the Apartment’s terrace one can enjoy in the smell of sea aroma and in beautiful sunsets and sunrises. The view on the island of Prvić will stay in your memories forever and will take you back there again!

Apartman FRANE je najljepši apartman u cijelom mjestu! Na samoj plaži! Doživljaj koji nikako nećete moći zaboraviti!

Apartment FRANE The most beautiful apartment in the whole place! On the beach!
Experience that you can never forget!


Perfect beach just for you! Savršena plaža samo za Vas! #islandprvic #visitbaska #apartmentsherobaska

Baška sea <3 Naše more <3 #apartmentsherobaska #visitbaska


Da i ovo je u Baški! Biciklistička staza uz Velu riku idealna je za prošetati s djecom, psima, voziti biciklu ili samo doći meditirati! Yes this is Baška as well! Bike road next to Vela rika (river) is perfect for walking with your children, your dog or you can come here and just relax from everything! #apartmentsherobaska #visitbaska

Good morning <3 #apartmentsherobaska

Izlet na Plitvička jezera ide i iz Baške brodom i busom jednom tjedno (točnije u srijedu 19.7.2017)! Svi naši gosti imaju specijalne popuste na izlete! Slobodno nam je javite! Djeca do 4god besplatno, 4-12god 50% jeftinije! Plitvice lakes excursion goes from Baška once a week by boat and by bus (on wensday 19.7.2017.)! All our guests have special discounts! Just contact us! Kids up to 4 years-free, 4-12 yrs 50% discount!

Sea temperature 28°C... summer <3 #apartmentsherobaska

Zalazak..sunset #apartmentsherobaska

Prvi jutarnji pogled <3 First morning view<3 #lovebaska #apartmentsherobaska


U OKOLINI Apartmani Hero Baška otok Krk


Baska, Croatia
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