Shanghai Studio Rental, Equipment Rental, Digital Imaging and Video Editing Company studioark is the premier, full service visual solution studio hub in Shanghai, Asia’s capital of style and crossroads of East-meets-West fashion, photography and film.
Situated in the heart of Shanghai (Puxi), with an expansive floor space of over 1500sqm, studioark is the largest photography and motion studio facility within the Central Business District area.
With four individual but fully configurable 100sqm - 240sqm studios, studioark accommodates multiple small scale tabletop shoots to large custom-built sets. There is even a dedicated Celebrity Studio to meet the highest standards in privacy, comfort and security.
Pillar-less studio spaces with 8m ceiling height throughout is every producer's dream and playground for production flexibility.
Constantly updated with the latest in studio equipment for rental and with ark-imaging, our post-production and CGI arm, we have forged partnerships and supported many industry market leaders, most visionary creatives and innovative brands.
We are studioark.
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facebook.com2017 AMANACLIQ 4TH SUMMER FESTIVAL 7月7日 本周五晚上,快来加入我们的夏日艺术派对,又是一年一度的广告人聚会,让我们一起看看艺术展,听听现场乐队表演,吃吃喝喝跳跳舞,度过美好的夏日周末夜。 Come join us this Friday night for the open event, the exhbition will last till Next Monday. Let's chill and embrace creative passion! Here are all the artists whose work will be featured at the event: Joseph Lau, Ton Mak, Naomi Wu, Shan Jiang, Fu Le, Visitors, Lala Company, Camille Chan, Shuang Hu, Brandon Tucs, Ryan Nimmo, Wassim Boutaleb, Emma Xu, Strong Zhu, Nicky Zhu, Keith Cheng, K Fish, Joe Cai, Sally Zou, Samuel Chen, Eszter Chen, Alicia Shi, Annie Atienza and Dave Tacon, Elsie Tao, Miss Smurf, Anita Chen, and Charl Jacobus Grabe. 下面是活动当天的一些艺术家集锦,先睹为快吧! Below we have highlighted of few of the artists so you can get a taste of what’s in store for the day! 特色艺术家 | FEATURED ARTISTS 插画师 | Naomi Wu – Illustrator Naomi Wu现居上海,她用插画作品传递出人的情绪和意识。她相信,插画是一种自我治愈,也是一种人性的心理探索。 Naomi Wu is an illustrator based in Shanghai. Her illustrations are mostly telling stories about peopleʼs emotion and subconsciousness. She believes illustration is a way of self-cure and psychological exploration of personality. 插画师 | Joseph Lau – Illustrator Joseph Lau曾就职于Weiden + Kennedy上海,近期加入了MAL上海,担任广告创意副总监,专门为苹果公司打造广告。2012年,他创立了“会议兽”(The Meeting Monsters)个人插画项目,他在会议上观察形形色色的人们,由此创作了很多怪异多变的“怪兽”,每一张插画都映射出会议中人们独特的性格和行为。 Joseph Lau has worked at Weiden + Kennedy, Shanghai and recently joined MAL Shanghai as a creative lead for advertising work for Apple. He started a personal illustration project called “The Meeting Monsters” in 2012. Through observing different attendants in different meetings, he created many weirdly wonderful “monsters”, all revealing unique personalities and behaviors during the meetings. 插画师 | Shan Jiang – Illustrator and Creative Director 江杉现居伦敦,是Pig Chicken & Cow 艺术丝巾品牌的创始人,也是Shotopop的合伙人、总监。 Shan Jiang is currently based in London. Founder of a scarf label Chicken Pig Cow. He’s a partner and director at Shotopop. 插画师 | Ton Mak (Flabjacks) – Doodler and Visual Artist Ton Mak(Flabjacks)是一位常驻上海和香港的插画师,涂鸦手和视觉艺术家。她的作品风格独具,生动有趣。她还把自己的作品做成各种日常生活中实用的小物件,让你可以戳一戳、抱一抱、玩一玩,比如趣味卡片,手机套,懒人沙发、毛绒玩具和搪胶玩具等。 Ton Mak (Flabjacks) is a doodler and visual artist based in Shanghai and sometimes Hong Kong. She makes products, things you can poke, hug or just simply hang out with in the form of bean bags, plush toys, soft vinyl toys, and various practical stuff in life. 特色音乐家 | FEATURED BANDS Brandon Lee from Evil Twins Keith Cheng and Tiger from Buzz Terence Leong / Edward Bell / Charles Edwards from Black Star
GFX OPEN STUDIO is a collaboration between FujiFilm China and StudioArk, one of the top professional photography studios in Shanghai, to promote FujiFilm's latest offering the FujiFilm GFX50S camera system. This event aims to create wider awareness among professionals and enthusiasts to understand the actual performance of this new GFX generation, its capabilities as well as solutions to overcome technical and lighting challenges in studio photography. GFX OPEN STUDIO 活动是由富士数码相机主办与全国一线商业影棚合作,推广富士无反中画幅GFX50S系统,提供联机影棚拍摄解决方案。让更多摄影师了解新一代无反中画幅数码相机实战性能。 - EVENT DETAILS | 活动详 - Date: 30th May 2017 Time: 1000hrs - 1230hrs (for Normal Users), 1400hrs - 1700hrs (for Professionals) Address: 3rd floor, East Block 1, 1029 South Zhong Shan Road, HuangPu District, Shanghai 200011 日期: 2017年 5月 30日 时间: 1000hrs - 1230hrs (普通用户), 1400hrs - 1700hrs (商业用户) 地址: 上海黄浦区中山南路1029号1号楼东3楼 邮编:200011
Check out our updated Studio Rental information and retouching portfolio for Ark Imaging for 2017.
ARK IMAGING - 从创意人到后期制作人 | Unusual Career From Creative To Post Production
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Nikon's KeyMission Series
GoPro's latest offering
Zenmuse X5 | DJI
Osmo + Zenmuse X5 Combo available for rental soon. Contact us at for more information.
Check out 2016 amanacliq summer festival @studioark. 1000 people attended with the whole space transformed into a huge art gallery and concert hall.