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A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间

普陀区莫干山路50号7号楼106室, Shanghai, China
Museum/art gallery



「A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间」座落上海莫干山路M50园区,聚焦中、台、港的创作,并朝向区域链接的方式介绍东北亚、东南亚艺术,针对当代性的各个面向提出批判并进行对话,在亚洲当代艺术的进行式中打造一个面向国际发声的平台。


A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间

双个展彭奕轩“非永久性的标记”与陈熹“∞”已于7月4日在A+ Contemporary完美落幕。燃点作为艺术界有影响力的前卫杂志,让我们来看看他们是怎么评价的吧! Peng Yihsuan's "Impermanent Marks" and Chen Xi's "∞", have been closed at A+ Contemporary on 4th July. As an influenced contemporary art magazine, Randian provided an professional review, let's look at what they have said!…/two-visions-of-disasters/

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【展览抢先看|「□」群展|亚洲艺术中心二馆】 上海A+ Contemporary亚洲当代艺术空间将于台北二馆所展出的Kim Jihee、苗颖、宋建树、邓国骞则分别表述对生存环境和文化现象的认知,展期为7/23-8/29。本展聚焦年轻世代的艺术家如何质疑既有的创作形式,对身处时代保持高度感知,从中延伸出创新的介入方法,进而突破框架、与时俱进。 倒数3天,「□」群展将于23号于亚洲艺术中心二馆与大家见面了喔! A+ Contemporary is pleased to present the group exhibition “□” at Asia Art Center Taipei. In Asia Art Center Taipei II, Kim Jihee, Miao Ying, Song Jianshu, Tang Kwokhin each illustrate their individual perceptions to our living environment and cultural phenomenon from Jul. 23 to Aug. 28. In this exhibition, we focus on how the young generation of artists critically questions the contemporary artistic practices and how they remain highly sensitive to our age in order to explore innovative intervening methods to break the existing boundaries. Count down 3 days, the opening will be at Asia Art Center Taipei II on 23rd July. -- ☞☞想要收到最新展讯 欢迎持续追踪A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间。 For the latest news, please follow us A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间on Facebook.

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触摸艺术不用愁,A+ Contemporary 为你们提供更多更丰富的资讯平台,满足艺术家以及艺术爱好者的需求,A+ Contemporary 进驻Instagram,在那里将为你们带来更多惊喜。 欢迎关注A+ Contemporary Instagram! Do not worry how to search art information any more, A+ Contemporary will provide more abundant information about art, according to the necessary of the artists and enthusiast of art, A+ Contemporary has been enter Instagram, we will surprise you there. Welcome to follow us at Instagram!

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【正在展出 | “肉身:恐怖谷”】 “肉身:恐怖谷”现正展出~! 由杨紫策划的展览“肉身:恐怖谷”已于昨天在A+ Contemporary成功开幕!参展艺术家包括姜琤、李琦、沈阳超、孙文浩,王墒、谢燚、张如怡。非常感谢各大媒体与艺术界朋友们的莅临! 虽然名为“恐怖谷”,但是大家不用害怕哦,我们所呈现的并不是一个血肉淋漓的展览。这次A+ Contemporary的空间以暗房呈現,在策展人的指引之下,大家可以在这个相对隔离与安静的空间里进入艺术家与作品间对话的情感世界。以下节录策展人的论述,一起来看看他怎么说的吧: -- “展览名“肉身:恐怖谷”试图精简地提出类似问题。“肉身”是法国哲学家梅洛-庞蒂为了调合理智主义与经验主义的对立而提出的概念,亦曾被译为“感体”。在该展览的语境中,意识、身体与世界的隔离所引发的焦虑及相关现代性问题,被限定在艺术家和作品之间。由日本机器人科技专家森政弘提出的概念“恐怖谷”——原意指不够逼真的仿真机器人所引发观众负面心理情绪的理论——隐喻了他们的关系:彼此联系紧密,互为模拟,却又不断滋生出难以填平的细微沟壑。展览既是对这种状态的展示,也是对参展艺术家与自己的作品达成“和解”之行为的致敬”。 ——文|杨紫 需要更多展览资讯吗?完整论述请见: -- 【On Exhibition | 「La Chair」】 The exhibition "La Chair" is now on view!!! "La Chair", curated by Yang Zi, is successful opened in A+ Contemporary at yesterday! The 7 exhibiting artists include: Jiang Cheng, Li Qi, Shen Yangchao, Sun Wenhao, Wang Shang, Xie Yi, Zhang Ruyi. Thanks for the media and the friends of art to support and visit us! This exhibition named "La Chair" but do not feel scared please, what we exhibit is totally not blood flesh. At this time, A+ Contemporary presents a dark space, under the guidance of the curator, viewers may be leaded into the sensational realm intertwined by artists and artworks in this more isolated and quiet space. Below is a part of the curatorial statement, let's look what he said: -- "The name of the exhibition, La Chair, attempts to raise such questions in a simplified way. “La Chair” (meaning “the flesh” in French) refers to French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s “la corporéité,” an attempt to resolve the opposition between rationalism and empiricism. Within the context of the exhibition, it refers to the anxiety and other related modern problems created by the separation of consciousness and body from the world--the setting of the artists and their works. First suggested by robotics expert Masahiro Mori, the “Uncanny Valley” originally referred to the theory that insufficiently lifelike humanoid robots had the potential to upset viewers, becoming a metaphor for their relationship: two things which are inseparably close, one simulating the other, all the same constantly provoking a subtle yet unfillable gulf. Although first and foremost a representation of this state, the exhibition is also meant to allow the participating artists to achieve a respectful “reconciliation” with their own work". ——By | Yang Zi Do you need more information about our exhibition? The complete curatorial statement please go to: -- ☞☞想要收到最新展讯 欢迎持续追踪A+ Contemporary亚洲当代艺术空间。 For the latest news, please follow us A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间on Facebook.

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A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间's cover photo

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【展览抢先看|「□」群展|亚洲艺术中心一馆】 上海A+ Contemporary亚洲当代艺术空间将于台北亚洲艺术中心一馆呈现蔡泽滨、贺勋、鞠婷、邝镇禧以及彭奕轩的作品,展期为7/23-8/29。在当代艺术已超越所有媒材限制的同时,绘画能否得到新的驱动力而保持在当代艺术的范畴里?而对你来说“□” ,会是甚么呢?欢迎于23号莅临我们亚洲艺术中心二馆的开幕! A+ Contemporary is pleased to present the group exhibition “□” at Asia Art Center Taipei. In Asia Art Center Taipei I, we are going to present Cai Zebin, He Xun, Ju Ting, Kong Chunhei, Peng Yihsun’s artworks from Jul. 23 to Aug. 28. While contemporary art has overcome the limitations in medium, how would paintings attain new momentum while continuing to play a part in contemporary art? What do you think about “□” ? We welcome all of you to come and join our opening at Asia Art Center Taipei I I on 23rd July! -- ☞☞想要收到最新展讯 欢迎持续追踪A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间。 For the latest news, please follow us A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间on Facebook.

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A+ Contemporary | □

A+ Contemporary | □

A+ Contemporary | La Chair 肉身:恐怖谷

A+ Contemporary | La Chair 肉身:恐怖谷

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【展览预告|「□」群展】 A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间荣幸地宣布,我们即将于2016年7月23日下午4点于亚洲艺术中心台北二馆举行 “□”群展的开幕式,本展将于亚洲艺术中心台北一、二两馆空间同时展出,参展的九位艺术家包括蔡泽滨、贺勋、鞠婷、Kim Jihee、邝镇禧、苗颖、彭奕轩、宋建树与邓国骞。展览将持续至2016年8月28日。 -- 【Upcoming Exhibition|“□”】 A+ Contemporary is pleased to announce the opening of group exhibition “□” in Asia Art Center Taipei II on 23th July, 2016. The group exhibition will be presented in two spaces, Asia Art Center Taipei I&II. Participating artists include: Cai Zebin、He Xun、Ju Ting、Kim Jihee、Kong Chunhei、Miao Ying、Peng Yihsuan、Song Jianshu、Tang Kwokhin. The exhibition will last until 28th August. -- ☞☞想要收到最新展讯 欢迎持续追踪A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间。 For the latest news, please follow us A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间on Facebook.

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【展览预告|杨紫策展「肉身:恐怖谷」】 A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间荣幸地宣布,我们即将于2016年7月16日下午4点举行由青年策展人杨紫策划的群展“肉身:恐怖谷”开幕式,参展的七位艺术家包括姜琤、李琦、沈阳超、孙文浩、王墑、谢燚、张如怡。展览将持续至2016年9月4日。 -- 【Upcoming Exhibition|“La Chair”】 A+ Contemporary is pleased to announce the opening of group exhibition curated by young curator Yang Zi: “La Chair” . Participating artists include: Jiang Cheng, Li Qi, Shen Yangchao, Sun Wenhao, Wang Shang, Xie Yi, Zhang Ruyi. The exhibition will last until 4th September. -- ☞☞想要收到最新展讯 欢迎持续追踪A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间。 For the latest news, please follow us A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间on Facebook.

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【正在展出 | 彭奕軒「非永久性的標記」】 我們在白板上進行書寫及繪製,呈現於這白色平面上的一切,都是臨時的,成為推進於個體思考的某個節點,隨著九零年代後網路平行的演進下,人們對於讀寫思考方式有時代性的轉變,並有了跳躍式的文本閱讀習慣。 隨著這樣的狀態,我們的個體就如同白板一般,不斷接收各個方向的資訊,並超連結出自己個體的理解方式。 臺灣新聞媒體大量發展的時代,正是我出生的年代,隨著媒體帶領我去觀看許多資訊,媒體成為極具有權力的地位,我們很容易的能接受到任何有關臺灣的災難訊息,現場的慘重畫面,讓我們有共同經驗,反之因為媒體網路的分心感,似乎又有一種迅速淡忘,或被新事件覆蓋過去。但媒體影像歷史會持續遊移於網路流中。 我試圖從出生至今的記憶與新聞災難進行重新回顧,作為建構個人的影像記憶系譜,白板就如同自身,標記了每個我身處年代裡的災難事件,資訊全面地滲進到我們的影像生命史裡。 ——彭奕軒 -- 非永久性的標記 藝術家:彭奕軒 策划:姜毓芸 展覽地點:A+ Contemporary 亞洲當代藝術空間|上海市莫干山路50號7號樓106室 展期:2016. 5. 21 - 2016. 7. 4 -- ☞☞想要收到最新展訊 歡迎持續追蹤A+ Contemporary 亞洲當代藝術空間。 For the latest news, please follow us A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间on Facebook.

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Photos from A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间's post

端午佳節將至,A+ Contemporary 亞洲當代藝術空間全體成員祝您佳節愉快!我們將於6月9日閉館一天,6月10日、11日正常開館。 Happy Dragon Boat Festival to our dearest friends! We are closing on 9th June but will continue to open on 10th and 11th. -- A+ Contemporary 當前展覽 展名:陈熹“∞” | 彭奕轩“非永久性的标记” 参展艺术家:陈熹、彭奕轩 策划:姜毓芸 地点:A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间 | 上海市莫干山路50号7号楼106室 展期:2016. 5. 21 - 2016. 7. 4 A+ Contemporary Exhibition Title: Chen Xi's “∞” | Peng Yihsuan's“Impermanent Marks” Artists: Chen Xi, Peng Yihsuan Coordinator: Yuyun Chiang Venue: A+ Contemporary | Room 106, Bidg. 7, 50 Moganshan Road, S hanghai Exhibition Period: 2016. 5. 21 - 2016. 7. 4 -- ☞☞想要收到最新展訊 歡迎持續追蹤A+ Contemporary 亞洲當代藝術空間。 For the latest news, please follow us A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间on Facebook.

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A+ Contemporary currently exhibition:Rural Rhapsody Artist:He Xun Venue:A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间 Duration:2016. 3. 12 - 2016. 5. 1



Chen Xi "I am Your Voice"



Cai Lei "Framework"



NEAR A+ Contemporary 亚洲当代艺术空间