SAN specializes in portraying unbuilt architecture. The name of SAN represents the principle of our work: SPACE, ART and NATURE. SAN is a professional art studio that specialize in portraying unbuilt architectures.
The name of SAN represents the principle of our works:
The Space:
For every project we took, we pay into our attentions to study and understand the concept, temperament and function, especially the inspiration of the design, which is the most important aspects and fundamentals of our following creations.
The Art:
We have professional aesthetic and vision,we thus avoid any inelegance factors.This leads to SAN's productions were created and represented based on beauty elements.We also expert in mainpulating light,shadow.color,atmosphere,and composition skills,to portray our unique works,which are more vivid,spiritual,emotional and narrtive.Just like what we have been chasing for as always,we are making artworks,not only the pictures.
The Nature:
Everything belongs to nature,as well as well as our works.We always seek a way to merge the designer's inspiration together with our art creations.We grant the frame with the feeling of "Order in Chaos",and make all the elements being blended into harmonius whole.Without affectation and duplication,the beauty of nature is the target for all of our works.
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New year,new website.Check our newly launched,we hope you enjoy the renderings from our cgartists! ARCHITECTS The American Institute of Architects ARCHITECT magazine