Early Bird International Cultural Exchange, North America, provides the young people in North America with opportunities to travel, study and work in China
BODHI YOGA 成立于2011年,是一家致力于小班授课的瑜伽中心。
ハンドメイド雑貨販売とお教室 手工艺制品零售和教室 Handmade goods shop and showroom
A new and anticipated restaurant isarriving in JingAn this fall. The 100-seat restaurant will include the longest,most well-stocked bar in the area!
ECNS.cn, the 2nd largest news agency in China, provides English news to global audiences. All about China including people, culture, tech, biz, etc.
Opening 01 November, 2010
MADE Innovation is an industrial design consultancy located in the heart of China