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facebook.comFrom Sean MacLellan: I'll be giving these away some time later this afternoon on my show, courtesy of Canadian Blood Services (correct answer required)
Big Thanks to Cheryl Hurlburt " Front Office " For Making Pancakes Today & treating the Staff . <3
( Hart ) Today is “Mardi Gras”, aka “Fat Tuesday” or “Pancake Day”, the last big blow-out before Lent begins. What do YOU Put on YOUR Pancakes ?
Congrats to Mike Harding. Winner of the Canadian Blood Services Fleece Jacket.
( Hart ) Today is “World Radio Day”, a UN observation to remember the unique power of radio to touch lives and bring people together across every corner of the globe. #WorldRadioDay
Canadian Blood Services Jacket Promo
Well over 80% of women do THIS….less than 75% of men do. What do you think THIS is?
From Canadian Blood Services: Unfortunately, our blood drive tonight in Clare is affected by the power outage. We had to cancel the entire day. If you can, please try to donate in Yarmouth (Tues-Wed). We will return to Clare in May.
There is a power outage this afternoon in our region affecting over 3,800 Nova Scotia Power customers from Beaver River to Grosses-Coques. Nova Scotia Power says damage to transmission equipment is the reason. Estimated restoration time is this evening at 9:30.