Shannon Konsmo Professional Corporation
"Helping you make the best of your business"
Providing affordable, reliable, accounting and tax services for your small-medium business Providing affordable and reliable services in accounting, assurance, tax planning, fraud/loss prevention, business strategy, and business finance to the Whitecourt/Mayerthorpe/Fox Creek areas.
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Not surprised by this at all. It's nice to see experiences being translated into hard numbers though!
Absolutely! We are your partners is business, there to help you grow your business from the roots up! Please feel free to share and spread the word.
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Well...It's something, at least. $50K in passive income allowed under current regime before the new rates kick in. So if you own a bunch of rental properties but self manage, you could get caught, but most small-med businesses should be fine. Happy to see them back-pedalling a bit!
Very well written article. I couldn't have said it better. Here's hoping the petition and other pleas made by taxation groups, accounting professionals, and others, don't fall on deaf ears and the proposals get the discussion time to adequately determine the possible effects.