Crew Cutz
Full service Barbershop and Hair Salon in one establishment!
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facebook.comCrewcutz is closed on Monday. Sorry for any inconvenience@cutzcrew #crewcutz #crewcutzwhitby#crewcutzladiez #crewcutzmenz #crewcutzkidz #barbershopconnect #barberswife75 #
Working on Sunday is Paul 10-2, Tina 10-2, Steve 11-3 and Chloe11-3@cutcrew#barberswife75 #paulthebarber #cutzcrew #barbershopconnect #crewcutzwhitby#crewcutzkidz #crewcutzmenz #crewcutzladiez #crewcutz#
Saturday team Paul 8-3,Tina 8-3,Steve 8-3,Sarah 10-4,Irene 10-4,Daniela 10-4, Carson 10-4, and Chloe 10-4.@cutzcrew#barbershopconnect #barberswife75 #paulthebarber #cutzcrew #crewcutz#crewcutzwhitby#crewcutzkidz #crewcutzmenz #crewcutzladiez#crewcutz#
Friday staff is Paul 10-7, Tina 12-8, Sarah 12-8, Daniela 10-3,Steve 10-8, Carson 12-8, Irene 930-7, and Chloe 12-8.@cutzcrew#barbershopconnect #barberswife75 #paulthebarber #cutzcrew #crewcutzkidz #crewcutzmenz #crewcutzladiez #crewcutzwhitby #whitby#crewcutzfamily#
Thursday Staff Tina 10-8, Paul 10-7, Steve 10-8,Irene 930-7,Chloe 10-8,and Carson 12-8@cutzcrew#crewcutzkidz #crewcutz #crewcutzwhitby#crewcutzladiez#crewcutzkidz#cutzcrew #paulthebarber#crewcutzfamily#barberswife75 #barbershopconnect#
Staff hour for Wednesday Paul 10-7, Sarah 10-8, Irene 930-7, Steve 3-8, Carson 13-8, and Chloe 12-8.
Staff hour for Wednesday Paul 10-7, Sarah 10-8, Steve 3-8, Irene 930-7, carson 12-8, and Chloe 12.
Gift cardz available at Crewcutz @cutzcrew #crewcutzmenz #crewcutzkidz #crewcutz #crewcutzwhitby#paulthebarber#barberswife75 #
Back to work on a Great Tuesday Paul 10-7, Sarah 12-8, Irene 930-2, Steve 3-8, and Carson 12-8.@cutcrew#crewcutzmenz #crewcutzkidz #crewcutz #crewcutzwhitby #paulthebarber#barberswife75 #whitby#cutzcrew#
Layite is great idea for Christmas 🎁
The Sunday Dream Team is Sarah 11-3, Daniela 11-3 and Carson 11-3.@cutzcrew#paulthebarber #crewcutzwhitby #crewcutz #crewcutzkidz #barberswife75 #crewcutzsundayteam#crewcutzmenz #crewcutzkadiez#cutzcrew#
Crewcutz Kidz first haircutz 🎉💈