LoneRidge Quarter Horses
We are a family owned farm and take pride in raising quality all around quarter horses. We have prospects for any discipline.
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facebook.comOur family would like to thank everyone for coming out to our sale, for saying hello, for the handshakes and the help. Our horses went to some great families and we appreciate the support. Don't forget to give us updates!
Well I was hoping to post the catalog here but as usual, I'm having issues! Haha! If you would like a copy of it, comment below and/or pm me your email address.
Well, everybody! It's that time of the year again. Our annual production sale is September 23, 2017 at Beaverhill Auction in Tofield. We hope to see you all there! If you have any questions about these babies, give me a shout or message us. You can view at the farm up until the 21st. Please feel free to share our page for anyone who might be interested.
We've been waiting ever so patiently for this guy to get here. The last one!!!!
And 2 more😍
AND..........just because I can't leave these cuties out. Just a few Of them. I guess it's been a little busy. Haha.
Last fall we made a difficult decision to downsize our herd a bit. It was gut wrenching and scary to say the least and then we had to determine which ones we were giving up. You can't imagine how hard it was as these horses are a part of our family. Today, I received a message from someone who shared pictures of one of our mares that she bought who just had her baby. It made our day, seeing that she's being taken care of and loved as much as she was here. Thank you so much Shelley Lupaschuk!
And this is early bird. Nothing wrong with her. Lol
We are, as always, behind on posting our pictures. Finally the nice weather and things are drying up. It's a good time to visit the new babies!
A little surprise this morning! About 2 weeks early but she's healthy and now has her raincoat to keep her nice and warm.
https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/fr/cp0/e15/q65/14894533_10154772938427526_1254490538_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoibyJ9&_nc_ad=z-m&oh=f56c77ae63cb1ca55307616e3b177b42&oe=581AB3FB We LOVE getting updates on our horses and the places they go. This is TIpper and she seems to be doing alright. Lol.