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The Dominican-Canadian Community Development Group

, Welland, Canada
Non-profit organization



The DCCD Group is a grassroots not-for-profit charitable organization based in Ontario, Canada. The DCCD Group strongly supports the practices of solidarity and empowerment through self-sustaining self-help community development projects.  Through these practices, the DCCD strives to mobilize communities and open pathways to economic opportunities through; i) engaging Dominican and Haitian youth in areas of post-secondary education, skills training and capacity building and ii) providing Dominican and Haitian agricultural workers with technical skills training in organic farming practices.

The DCCD also offers an experiential educational program through its sister-organization, The DCCD Experience for Justice Program.  This program is offered to Canadian high school, post-secondary and adult participants and is designed to raise awareness about the need for social justice in our world, promote responsible tourism and provide alternative travel options that appeal to the socially aware.

The DCCD Experience team collaborates in solidarity with various Dominican NGOs and partner communities to provide a unique program that touches on various aspects of development while examining and learning about a wide range of ever-present issues including but not limited to;  social, political, economic and gender issues.

Objectives are as follows; to educate participants on the day-to-day realities of life in the Dominican Republic, to analyze and build understanding of the issues that surround that reality, to give opportunity to experience and appreciate another culture and through friendships, reflection and hands-on experience, to encourage and challenge individuals to become agents for social change.


Photos from The Dominican-Canadian Community Development Group's post

After enjoying a nice summer break, our friends in Las Pajas are getting ready to go back to school. Elvio Valdez Henderson and the Las Pajas youth group are spending this week painting the school and getting everything ready for the new and returning students. All the best for a successful new school year! :)

Photos from The Dominican-Canadian Community Development Group's post

This Year's Dominican Day Parade Is All About The Ladies

"Celebrating & Empowering Dominican Women" is the theme of NYC's #DominicanDayParade2016 today.

Prime Minister's Youth Council -

Hey you 16-24 year olds! Check out this pretty cool opportunity to advise the Prime Minister on some very important issues like access to education, climate change and building stronger communities. Be the change!

Buy Fair. Be Fair.

#FairHer ❤️

World Fairtrade Challenge

Any takers? sign up for the #worldfairtradechallenge and start drinking some delicious coffee!

World Fair Trade Day

Sipping on a #fairtrade coffee and wishing you all a happy world fair trade day! #buyfair #befair #worldfairtradeday2016

Photos from The Dominican-Canadian Community Development Group's post

The DCCD Group board members and community members wish to send their most sincere condolences to the family of Sandy Cherry Reyes. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we are sending love from Canada. Sandy will be truly missed, but his memories will continue to live on in our hearts. #sandyacevedo #arroyoindio Nelson Canelo Yocasta Charles El Grupo Desarrollo Communitario Dominicano-Canadiense (DCCD) quieren enviar su más sincero pésame a la familia de Sandy Cherry Reyes. Está en nuestros pensamientos y oraciones y nos estamos enviando amor desde Canadá. Lamentamos mucho esta gran perdida pero su recuerdo seguirá vivo en nuestros corazones.

Photos from The Dominican-Canadian Community Development Group's post


Earth hour this eve!

International Women's Day - #PledgeForParity

#PledgeForParity #IWD2016

International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day! #IWD2016

Los cacaos San Cristobal


NEAR The Dominican-Canadian Community Development Group