Hi everyone. My page will have a lot of different items for sale. Please feel free to make offers on the items that state that there are offers available.
But the biggest thing I`d like you all to know is that all the Under Armour that is posted on the page are TRUE Under Armour products. They are not fake. They are true items. I have many locations that this brand can be bought from. But people are to freely to throw out comments before they really know about the true brand. There are so many retail store in all areas of Canada & USA and also all over the World. So please read up on the website before you throw out comments. I`ll personally share my knowledge of the brand U/A.
So have fun and do some great shopping in my store. With some good deals.
Tell your friends
We are just working on a new thing for next year.
Can`t wait till Sat. We`ll be at the Mitchell`s Bay Car,Bike,Truck And Tractor Show.
Hey folks, we are still here working on some new adventure.
Sun Gazing
Hi everyone. We at Stingrays have been turned down for our Canada Day Event in the Wallaceburg Downtown Core. We accept that denial. But we are not giving up yet. So we are writing this to advise everyone that we were recommended to go another avenue. At which time have already took the steps in that direction. We strive for success and we still will be striving to bring an successfull events to the people of Wallaceburg. With or without the help of certain people, places or things. So for the people that think we are doing good things for the community stay strong as we are not giving up from this bump in the road. For the vendors that already have committed. Please contact us and we`ll keep you up to date on what, when and how things are. If you are not a vendor hopefully we can have your support and move on to bigger and better things. Thanks and have a great day all!
Vendors please send a request to join the group and you`ll get added to the Canada Day Street Party Vendors only. Thanks
We will be setting up a Facebook group for the vendors only for the Canada Day Street Party. This group will be for members to share and talk about anything or just be apart of. Messages and announcements can be in your interested. We will be sending out messenger invites to all of the vendors.
We at Stingrays like to thank all the vendors that were at the C-K Animal Rescue. We feel bad as you`s for the low attendence. But we must move on and hope that there are bigger things ahead