Vulcan Legion Branch 21
A great place to meet with friends , family and business associates. Play pool ,darts or have a meal. Everyone welcome members and guests alike!
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URAL Sidecar Motorcycles
The Royal Canadian Legion Dominion Command
War History Online
Photos from Vulcan Legion Branch 21's post
We will soon be renovating our bar to look more like this with a dozen elevated chairs seated at the new horse shoe shaped bar.
NTD Television Canada
Cold Dead Hands
Timeline Photos
More info to follow in the coming days !
The time has come for you to come and eat some terrific meals at The Brothers Restaurant in your local Legion. Yes I am willing to say that this my just beat the New Club Marble Cafe. I dare you to try the Veal-cutlets they will melt in your mouth like cotton candy. Yes maybe even better then the Marble Cafe ! So come out and give your self a treat, starting May8th. And also just like home you have to eat everything on your plate Raymond hates to see good food go to waste ! 10% off to all Legion members who show an up to date Legion card!