Pampered Chef with Jennifer Hladilo
Here you will find; product information, kitchen tested recipes, my clearance bin (demo/discontinued product for sale from my personal stock), tips and a whole lot a Pampered Chef stuff!!
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I'm having a message glitch 😯 FB is notifying me I have messages, but I can't see them in the message section. Please....if you've sent me a message... comment below and I'll message you. Sorry for the glitch
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Have you recently heard about how bad the metal bristle bbq brush is? Apparently those bristles are breaking off and getting in our food. That's not healthy or safe!! Check out the new Wooden Grill Scraper. Made of oak and shapes to your grill as you use it. **Flash sale** So Popular - OFFER EXTENDED!! Comment or message me to place your order :) Thank you! #PamperedChefVegreville
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A name was picked.... 🍾🎉🎁☺ Congratulations to Marilyn Braun Topechka 🎉🎉 Which size scoop would you like? Please message me where to deliver/ship to :)
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Help Whip Cancer Twice a year (May and October) Pampered Chef raises money for the Canadian Cancer Society for the research and awareness of breast cancer. They do this by turning products 'pink'. $1 from the sale of each item goes directly to this cause. Since 2005 they have raised ove $540,000 Check out the two products available this month *while supplies last!
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May Host Special
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May Guest Special
Pampered Chef with Jennifer Hladilo
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This little guy sure got a workout today!! 300 + treats!! The Small Scoop is the perfect size when making trays and trays and more of goodies! What's your favourite size Scoop? Comment your fave size and share this post...for your chance to win a Scoop!! Contest closes - 8 am, Wed May 03 #PamperedChefVegreville
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Happy Friday....the sun is shining! Wahoo!! :) If you're in the area tomorrow...check this sale out!! It's usually a good one! #asseenattradeshows
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Happy Easter everyone!
Pampered Chef with Jennifer Hladilo
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Carrots for dessert? Yes! When they're chocolate covered strawberries ;) - Start with some white chocolate, melt in the microwave on medium heat (white chocolate burns easily), add some gel food coloring. Dip (washed and dried) strawberries, let the chocolate set, pipe some lines across. Viola! #playwithyourfood