Town of Valleyview
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REMINDER- Dog Registration and Business License renewal were due January 1, 2017. Anyone later could receive fine(s).
If you haven't registered your business please do so before March 31, 2017 or it can result in fines and your business can not operate in the Town of Valleyview.
Please have your pets registered by March 31, 2017. After this date, you could receive fine(s) if not registered or the dog removed from town.
Valleyview Community Wellbeing Survey 2016
Hi everyone; The Town of Valleyview is currently conducting a well-being and happiness survey as part of our efforts to understand what makes life worthwhile for you and your family in Valleyview. What do you love about Valleyview? Why do you choose to live here rather than anywhere else in Alberta or Canada? What would you like to see improved in terms of your quality of life? How satisfied are you with your life, work, your household finances, recreation, and your relationships? We would appreciate you, your family or your household taking a few minutes (5-10 minutes) to complete this short and confidential survey. Your input will be held in confidence; everyone's input will be aggregated ensuring your anonymity. At the end of the survey, you will be given the opportunity to leave some contact information to be entered into a draw for one of six prizes from the Town of Valleyview and local businesses. These prizes include: • One first prize of $1,000 in Valleyview Chamber of Commerce 'Chamber Bucks'; and • Five second prizes of annual passes to the new recreation facility once it opens. Here is the link to the survey: Your answers will provide Council and Administration with your thoughts about living in Valleyview. This input will form the basis of a well-being assessment for Valleyview to help the whole community build and maintain a flourishing community of well-being and happiness. Our project leads for this initiative are well-being economist Mark Anielski ( and municipal sustainability consultant Ian McCormack ( Your contact information will be separated from your survey responses by the survey company to keep your responses anonymous. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact me at If you would like a hardcopy just let me know and we can get that to you, or make it available for pickup at the Town office.
REMINDER To Residential Owners, Renters or Leasees; Residential area property fronting or abutting on any of the sidewalks must be cleared within Forty-eight (48) hours of the end of a snowfall. Sidewalks should normally be cleared of snow and ice for the entire finished width, to the finished surface. If icy then salt or sand should be applied. Please note that the Noise Bylaw 2010-03 prohibits the use of snow-clearing devices powered by an engine in residential areas between 11 pm to 7 am on weekdays or Saturdays, and between 11 pm and 9 am on Sundays and or statutory holidays. Residents are not allowed to stock pile on the sidewalk or plow into alleyways or in the roadway. The only time that snow can be dumped, pushed or shoveled into the roadway is when the Town has plowed up wind rows. It is the responsibility of the renter, leasee or owner to make arrangements to have the dirt, snow or ice removed. It is illegal to push, plow or pile dirt, snow and or ice on anyone else’s property without permission. Enforcement 1. Where the Peace Officer or Designate finds that walks have not been adequately maintained, a written notice will be issued advising as to what action is required, and providing a period of not less than 24 hours to take action. 2. If Notice is not complied with there will be a fine issued for non-compliance and the Town of Valleyview will have the work done and a bill will be issued to the renter, leasee and or owner. If the fine or bill are not paid within 30 days, the Town of Valleyview reserves the right to apply these charges to the property taxes.
Due to looking at comments we adjusted the bylaw see attached draft . Town of Valleyview BYLAW 2016-02 A BYLAW OF THE TOWN OF VALLEYVIEW IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA FOR THE PURPOSES OF LICENSING, REGULATING AND CONFINEMENT OF ANIMALS THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VALLEYVIEW, IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, DULY ASSEMBLED, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: TITLE This Bylaw may be cited as the “Animal Control Bylaw” of the Town of Valleyview SECTION 1. - DEFINITIONS 1.1 “ANIMAL” means any vertebrate, excluding the following: a) Humans, fish and birds; b) a wildlife animal as defined in the Wildlife Act (Alberta), as amended from time to time, and which is held live under a permit issued pursuant to the Wildlife Act or the keeping of which is otherwise subject to permit requirements under the Wildlife Act; c) domestic mice, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, hedgehogs, rabbits, ferrets, chinchillas and sugar gliders. 1.2 “ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER” means a Bylaw Enforcement Officer appointed by the Town to do any act or perform any duties under this Bylaw and includes a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, a Municipal Peace Officer, or any person appointed by the Town to carry out the provisions of this bylaw. . 1.3 “ANIMAL TAG” means an identification tag issued by the Town showing the license number for a specific Animal and intended to be worn on a collar attached to the Animal’s neck. 1.4 “AT LARGE” means where an Animal is at any place other than the Owner's Property or Permitted Property and is not being carried by any person or is not otherwise restrained by a Permitted Leash held by a person who is physically able to handle the animal, and that Permitted Leash is attached to a choke chain, collar or harness securely holding that Animal, then the Animal shall be deemed to be “At Large”. 1.5 “ANIMAL SHELTER” means premises designated by the Town for the impoundment and care of Animals. 1.6 “BYLAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER” means a person appointed by council. 1.7 “CAT” means any feline animal of any age or gender. 1.8 “CAT CAGE” means a cage used to capture animals by affording entrance but not exit and have a door or lid actuated by a latch. 1.9 “DESIGNATED OFFICER” means a person appointed as such under the provisions of Section 210(1) of the Municipal Government act. 1.10 “DOG” means any canine animal of age or gender. 1.11 “DOG HOUSE” means a structure that structurally sound, peak roof, insulated (top, bottom, sides), door flap, bedding, off the ground 3 inches and door must face away from prevailing winds and must have spill proof water and food containers. The dog house must be the same color of your residence. 1.12 “CHILDREN’S PLAY APPARATUS” means swings, roundabouts, climbing frames, and any other equipment specifically intended for children’s play. 1.13 “TOWN” means the Town of Valleyview or the corporate limits of the Town of Valleyview, as the context may require. 1.14 “TOWN RESIDENT” means a person who lives within the Town. 1.15 “CONTROLLED CONFINEMENT” means the confinement of an Animal as required by Section 5.3 of this Bylaw. 1.16 “DAMAGE TO PROPERTY” means damage to property other than the Owner's Property, and includes defecating on such property. 1.17 “HORSE AND CATTLE” means an animal of bovine, equine species, or other diversified livestock species by whatever technical or familiar name it is known, and includes any horse, mule, ass, pig, sheep or goat. 1.18 “HORSE AND CATTLE CORRIDOR” means a corridor, designated by Council, that allows access through the Town, or portion thereof, by a person who leads, drives or rides a horse or cattle. 1.19 “HORSE OR CATTE DRAWN VEHICLE” means a vehicle designed to be pulled or drawn by a horse or cattle including, but not limited to, a wagon or a carriage. 1.20 “IMPOUNDED” means lodgments of an animal at a designated pound within the Town. 1.21 “LICENSE” means a License issued by the Town in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw and, where the context permits, includes a Restricted License. 1.22 “LICENSE FEE” means the applicable annual fee payable in respect of any License issued pursuant to this Bylaw as set out in Schedule “A”. 1.23 “MUNICIPAL TAG” means a tag or ticket whereby the person alleged to have committed a breach of a provision of this Bylaw is given the opportunity to pay a voluntary penalty to the Town in lieu of prosecution of an offence. 1.24 “OWNER” means a person(s) who: a) has the care, charge, custody, possession or control of any dog; b) are single, couple (married or common law) owns or who claims any proprietary interest in any dog; c) harbors, suffers or permits an Animal to be present on any property owned, occupied or leased by him, or which is otherwise under his control; d) claims and receives any dog from the custody of the Animal Shelter or an Animal Control Officer; or e) a person to whom a License Tag was issued for any dog in accordance with this Bylaw. For the purposes of this Bylaw a dog may have only one (1) Owner. 1.25 “OWNER’S PROPERTY” means any property in which the Owner of any Dog has a legal or equitable interest or property, the use or control of which has been given to such Owner by the legal or equitable owner and includes, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, land, buildings and vehicles. 1.26 “PARK AND RECREATION AREA” means any municipal reserve in the Town, or any lands designated by the Town’s Community Service Director as a Park and Recreation area, including those listed in Schedule “C”. 1.27 “PERSON” means an individual and includes a firm, partnership, joint venture, proprietorship, corporation, association, society and any other legal entity. 1.28 “PERMITTED LEASH” means a lease not exceeding two (2) metres in length adequate to control the Dog to which it is attached. 1.29 “PERMITTED PROPERTY” means private property the owner or occupier of which has given permission to the Owner of any Dog to be there. 1.30 “PLAYGROUND” means any part of a Park and Recreation Area on which children’s play apparatus is located, and includes the part of such area within (20) meters of any piece of such apparatus. 1.31 “POSTED AREA” means a area posted with a sign which prohibits Dog from being in that area. 1.32 “REGISTERED VETERINARIAN” means a veterinarian registered and entitled to practice in Alberta. 1.33 RESTRICTED DOG” means any breed(s) of dog(s) that shows aggression towards any person(s) or other animals off the owner’s property and is not on leash may be deemed restricted by a Bylaw Officer, Peace Officer, RCMP, CAO or The Vet. Plus, the following; 1.34 “RESTRICTED LICENSE” means a License issued with respect to a Restricted Dog or Vicious Dog. 1.35 “SCHOOL PROPERTY” means property within the Town owned or operated by any school district or private school. 1.36 “S.P.C.A.” means the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 1.37 “SERIOUS WOUND” means an injury to a human or animal resulting from the action of an Animal which causes the skin to be broken or flesh to be torn. 1.38 “SPECIFIED PENALTY” means the penalty specified in Schedule “B” which may be paid in response to a Violation Ticket, for an alleged offence of any section of this Bylaw. 1.39 “VOLUNTARY PENALTY” means the penalty specified in Schedule “B” which may be paid in response to a Municipal Tag within thirty (30) days of the Municipal Tag being issued. 1.40 “VICIOUS DOG” means a dog of any age, breed, which when on or off the property of its owner, shows a propensity, disposition or potential to attack or injure, without provocation, to dog(s), other animals or humans, or without provocation chases persons who approach it, or is a continuing threat of serious harm to dog(s), other animals or humans, or without provocation, has attacked persons or other animals. 1.41 “VIOLATION TICKET” means a ticket issued pursuant to Part 2 of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act. SECTION 2. - LICENSING PROVISIONS 2.1.1 Every person who is the Owner of any dog shall pay the applicable License Fee as set out in Schedule “A”. If: a) the person becomes the owner of the Dog; or b) the Owner takes up residence in the Town of Valleyview; c) the Owner shall obtain a License within seven (7) days of that time. 2.2 If the keeping of any Dog would breach any Federal or Provincial statute or regulation or other Town Bylaw, the Animal Control Officer shall refuse to issue a License. 2.3 Each license issued pursuant to this Bylaw will be kept in force so long as the Dog to which it pertains is kept in the Town. 2.4 An Owner must provide such information as may be required by the Town and the Animal Control Officer. 2.5 Any person who provides the Town or an Animal Control Officer with information required pursuant to Section 2.4 of this Bylaw which is false or misleading is guilty of an offence. 2.6 A License is valid for a period of 12 calendar months commencing on the first day of January of each year. 2.7 A License is not transferable from one Dog to another, nor from one Owner to another. 2.8 Once the License Fee is paid, the Owner will be supplied with a License Tag bearing a number. 2.9 The Owner shall ensure that the License Tag: a) is securely fastened to a choke chain, collar or harness worn by the Animal; and b) is worn by the Dog at all times when the Dog is anywhere other than the Owner's Property or a Permitted Property. 2.10 No person is entitled to a refund or rebate of any License Fee with respect to any Dog. 2.11 A License shall be issued free of charge to any Owner who is blind or otherwise handicapped and utilizes the services of a registered guide dog and with respect to any police service dog used by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or other police service. 2.12 An Animal Control Officer may revoke a License if: a) the owner fails to comply with any condition of the License; b) the License was issued on the basis of incorrect information or a misrepresentation by the applicant; c) the License was issued in error; d the Owner breaches a provision of this Bylaw; or e) a Registered Veterinarian certifies that the Dog is a health risk. 2.13.1 An owner of a spayed or neutered Dog must provide a dully signed Certificate from a Registered Veterinarian before he or she is entitled to a reduced fee for a License or, alternatively, make a Statuary declaration declaring that the Dog is spayed or neutered. SECTION 3. ANIMAL CONTROL PROVISIONS 3.1 An Owner of a Dog which is at Large is guilty of an offence. 3.2 An owner who does not keep his or her Dog on a Permitted Leash at all times whilst the Dog is off the Owner’s Property or a Permitted Property is guilty of an offence. 3.3 An Owner whose Dog barks or howls or makes another noise which disturbs the quiet or repose of any person is guilty of an offence. 3.4 An Owner who permits or allows his or her Dog to be on any School Property, Playground or Posted Area is guilty of an offence. 3.5 An Owner whose Dog Causes Damage to property within the Town is guilty of an offence. 3.6 (a)An owner of a Dog(s) is guilty of an Offence if such Dog(s) threatens, harasses, barks at, chases, in aggressive way towards person, animal and or their dog(s) while off the owner’s property. The Dog then may be deemed a Restricted Dog or Vicious Dog by a Peace Officer, Animal Control Officer, RCMP and or a Registered Veterinarian. Can also be seized or banned from Town. Owners are responsible for all costs occurred at the Vets. (b) An owner of a Dog(s) is guilty of an Offence if such Dog(s) attacks or Bite, the dog is then Quarantined for 10 days and then euthanized. The owner is responsible for all costs at the Vets. 3.7 If a Dog(s) defecates on property which is not the Owner's Property, the Owner shall cause the feces to be removed immediately and disposed of in a sanitary manner, and an Owner who fails to do so is guilty of an offence. 3.8 The Owner of any Property where a Dog(s) is kept shall maintain such Property at all times in a clean, sanitary and inoffensive condition. 3.9 An Owner of a female Dog(s) shall keep it housed and confined in a building or kennel during the entire period while it is in heat. The dog may be allowed outside any such building or kennel for a reasonable period for the sole purpose to urinate or defecate on the Owner's Property. 3.10 No person shall tease, torment, annoy, abuse or injure any Dog(s). 3.11 No person shall untie, loosen or otherwise free any Dog(s) which is not in distress unless such person has the authorization of the Owner . 3.12 No person shall interfere with, hinder, lie to or impede an Animal Control Officer in the performance of any duty authorized by this Bylaw. 3.13 Owners of any dog(s) that are left outside must make sure to have a proper dog house or access to inside of a garage or building where the dog(s) can get out of the elements. The owner must make sure that the dog(s) has food and water. Food and water containers must be attached to something so they can’t be spilled. 3.14 Any person who has a complaint about a cat running at large or causing damage to his or her property may obtain a Cat Trap from an Animal Control Officer for a fee as set out in Schedule “A”. 3.15 Any person who has a Cat Trap must check the trap a minimum of twice daily. If a cat is trapped, it must be taken to the local Veterinarian. 3.16 Where a person is allowed to lead, ride or drive a horse and cattle, that person shall: a) have safe care and control of the horse or cattle at all times; b) do so with due care and attention; c) do so in a manner with reasonable consideration of other persons and animals; d) do so in a manner that complies with or conforms to the Traffic Safety Act and regulations; 3.17 Any person desiring to operate a horse or cattle drawn vehicle for commercial or tourist purposes, for providing sightseeing or entertainment, may make application for a horse or cattle drawn vehicle permit to the Designated Officer. 3.18 The Designated Officer may grant permission to the applicant for the operation of the horse or cattle drawn vehicle. 3.19 A person who holds a horse or cattle drawn vehicle permit must meet the following conditions: a) within one hour following the conclusion of the event, remove from a street, road, or other public place, all excrement dropped by the horse or cattle used to pull the vehicle; b) operation of the horse or cattle drawn vehicle shall not take place later than one-half hour after sunset or earlier than one-half hour before sunrise, unless the vehicle is equipped with lighting as required by the provisions of the Traffic Safety Act and regulations; c) operation of the horse drawn vehicle may be restricted to certain locations or areas in the Town; d) parking the horse drawn vehicle shall be limited to “off-street” parking spaces unless authorized in the permit; e) the operator must be insured for an amount of not less than $1,000,000 against any claim arising from the operation of the “horse or cattle drawn” vehicle. 3.20 No person shall keep any animal associated with farming within the Town’s limits, except where permitted by the Land Use Bylaw. SECTION 4. - CONTROLLED CONFINEMENT 4.1 A person who has received a Serious Wound or the Owner of any Dog(s) which have received a Serious Wound and the Owner of any Dog(s) which has inflicted the Serious Wound shall promptly report the Dog(s) to an Animal Control Officer who may thereupon place the Dog(s) under Controlled Confinement. Any Dog(s) so placed shall not be released from Controlled Confinement except with the written permission of a Registered Veterinarian and an Animal Control Officer. At the discretion of the Animal Control Officer, such Controlled Confinement may be on the premises of the Owner, with a Registered Veterinarian within the Town or at an Animal Shelter. 4.2 Upon demand made by the Animal Control Officer, the Owner shall forthwith surrender for quarantine, any Dog(s) which has inflicted a Serious Wound to any person, or any Dog(s) which the Animal Control Officer has reasonable and probable grounds to suspect of having been exposed to rabies or other disease. The Dog(s) may be reclaimed by the Owner if: a) adjudged free of rabies or other disease; b) confinement expenses are paid; and c) the licensing provisions of this Bylaw are complied with. SECTION 5. - RESTRICTED & VICIOUS ANIMAL 5.1 An owner of a Restricted Dog(s) must apply for and at all times keep in force a Restricted License for his or her animal. A photo of the dog(s) must be presented at the time of registration. 5.2 An owner of a Restricted Dog or Vicious Dog shall keep in force a policy of liability insurance in a form satisfactory to the Animal Control Officer providing third party liability coverage in a minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 for injuries caused by the Owner’s Dog(s). The policy shall contain a provision requiring the insurer to immediately notify the Town in writing should the policy expire or be cancelled or terminated. Upon cancellation, expire or termination of the liability policy, the Restricted License will be automatically cancelled. Proof of insurance must be presented at the time of registering the dog(s) 5.3 At all times while a Restricted Dog or Vicious Dog is on the premises or property of its Owner, the Owner shall either keep such dog confined indoors under the effective control of a person over the age of eighteen (18) years, or confined in a securely enclosed and/or locked pen approved by an Animal Control Officer or CAO that is constructed so as to prevent the entry of a child. Such pen shall have secured sides, if it has no bottom secured to the sides, the sides must be embedded in the ground to a minimum depth of one (1) foot and may or may not have a secure top (approval has to be by Animal Control Officer or CAO). Such pen must also have a working locking device. If the dog(s) begin to climb the fence, then a top must be installed. 5.4 Each pen proposed for Controlled Confinement must be inspected by the Animal Control Officer before it can be approved. 5.5 An Animal Control Officer may at any time enter upon property where a Restricted Dog or Vicious Dog is harbored to ascertain that the provisions of this Bylaw are being complied with. 5.6 When any Restricted Dog or Vicious Dog is off its Owner’s Property, the owner or a person over the age of eighteen (18) years shall securely muzzle such animal, and either harness it or leash it securely to effectively prevent it from attacking or biting a person or another animal. This must be done in their own yard if there is no kennel or one is being constructed. 5.7 Any owner of a Restricted Dog or Vicious Dog must at all times prevent such dog from Running at Large. 5.8 Any owner of a Restricted or Vicious Dog must comply with the restricted Dog bylaw and at all times ensure that his or her dog will not chase, bite or attack any person or another animal. SECTION 6. - POWERS OF AN ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 6.1 An Animal Control Officer is authorized to capture and impound any Dog(s) which is at Large. The Animal Control Officer is further authorized to enter upon any private or public property and take such reasonable measures as are necessary to subdue any Dog(s) which is at Large, including the use of tranquillizer equipment and materials. If any such Dog(s) is injured, it may be taken to a Registered Veterinarian for treatment. 6.2 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Bylaw, any Dog(s) that bites any person may be impounded by the Animal Control Officer and held in a Veterinary Clinic for a period ten (10) days then may be euthanized. 6.3 An impounded Dog(s) may be kept in the Animal Shelter for a period of ninety-four (94) hours not including Sundays and Statutory Holidays. During this period, any Dog(s) may be redeemed by its Owner, except as otherwise provided in this Bylaw, upon payment to the Town of Valleyview or its authorized agent of: a) The appropriate impoundment fee as set out in Schedule “A”; b) The appropriate License Fee if the Dog(s) is not licensed; c) The Voluntary Penalty or Specified Penalty for any outstanding offences under this Bylaw; d) The cost of any veterinary treatment required to treat any Dog(s) that is found to be injured when picked up or injured in the process of capture; or e) If the owner does not wish to pay any outstanding penalty for offences under this Bylaw, a ticket issued under Part 2 of the Provincial Offences Procedures Act (Alberta) will be served on the Owner prior to the release of the Dog(s). However, if no License is issued for the Animal or all the conditions of the License have not been met, the Animal Control Officer is not obliged to release the Dog(s) to the Owner. 6.4 If an Animal Control Officer determines that a License will not or should not be issued for the Dog(s), or if a License has been issued and will subsequently be revoked or cancelled, then the Owner of the Dog(s) will be given orders to remove the Dog(s) from the Town of Valleyview 6.5 Any Dog(s) that is not removed from the Town of Valleyview when order by the Animal Control Officer or Peace Officer shall receive a fine(s) and their dog(s) seized. Section 7. – PENALTIES 7.1 Any person who contravenes any provision of this Bylaw is guilty of an offence punishable on Summary Conviction and is liable to a penalty as set out in Schedule “B” and costs. 7.2 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 of the Bylaw. a) any person who commits a second offence under this Bylaw within one (1) year of committing the first offence, is liable to a penalty double the first offence. b) any person who commits a third offence under this Bylaw within one (1) year of committing the first offence is liable to a penalty is double of the second offence fine and the Dog(s) are to be removed from Town or seized. 7.3 Any Dog(s) that have attacked, kills and or bitten in which a person, animal or other dog(s), where the Dog(s) have bruised, broken the skin or drew blood shall be deemed VICIOUS and seized immediately and quarantined for a period of ten (10) days as per Alberta Health. After the ten (10) days the Dog(s) may be euthanized by a Registered Veterinarian in a humane way. The quarantine days and euthanizing will be at the expense of the dog(s) owner. SECTION 8. - GENERAL 8.1 This Bylaw shall not apply to an Animal whilst it is kept at a veterinary clinic, or being securely transported within a motor vehicle to or from a veterinary clinic unless otherwise stipulated in this Bylaw. 8.2 Any owner who has been informed that: a) his or her animal License application has been refused; or b) any license issued under this Bylaw has been revoked or cancelled; or c) the Animal has been determined to be a Restricted Dog or Vicious Dog; May appeal the determination to the Designated Officer in writing, provided he or she does so within ten (10) days of being notified that his or her License application has been refused, or the License has been revoked or cancelled, or that the Animal has been determined to be a Restricted or Vicious animal. 8.3 Any notice to an Owner required or permitted by this Bylaw shall be deemed to be given if: a) delivered personally to the Owner; b) posted on the Owner’s Property; or c) sent by registered mail to the last address of the Owner appearing in the records of the City’s Bylaw enforcement office. 8.4 Should any provision of this Bylaw be invalid, then such invalid provision may be severed and the remaining Bylaw shall continue in force. 8.5 This Bylaw shall come into force and take effect on the date of final passing. 8.6 Subject to Section 8.7 of this Bylaw, Bylaw numbers 2007-09 is repealed as of the effective date of this Bylaw. 8.7 If on the effective date of this Bylaw Municipal Tags or Violation Tickets have been issued with respect to alleged offences under either or both of the Bylaws specified in Section 8.6 of this Bylaw, all relevant sections of such Bylaw or Bylaws, including penalty provisions, shall be deemed to remain in force until the conclusion of such proceedings. 8.8 Licenses issued under either of the Bylaws specified in Section 8.6 of this Bylaw shall be deemed to be Licenses issued under this Bylaw. READ a first time this day of September, 2016 . READ a second time this day of September, 2016 READ a third time and finally passed this day of September, 2016 TOWN OF VALLEYVIEW BYLAW 2017-00 SCHEDULE “A” FEES 1. a) License Fee for a non-spayed or neutered dog(s) $40.00/dog b) License Fee for a spayed or neutered Dog(s) $20.00/dog c) License Fee for handicap owner of a Seeing Eye/Police dog free d) Replace dog license Fee $ 5.00 e) Cat trap deposit $50.00 f) License Fee for Restricted Animal $100.00/dog 2. Pound Fees Those charges rendered by the veterinarian that impounds the dog(s), or if a veterinarian is not used, the same charges as would be charged by a veterinarian in the locale of the Municipality’s Offices for similar services. TOWN OF VALLEYVIEW BYLAW 2016-02 SCHEUDLE “B” PENALTIES Section # Offence (Description) Penalty 2.1 Failure to license Animal First Offence $250.00 2.4 Providing false information on registration. $250.00 2.5 Providing false or misleading information. $250.00 2.9 Owner of a licensed Animal not wearing License Tag while off the Owner’s Property. $250.00 3.1 Owner of an Animal at Large. $250.00 3.2 Dog not on a leash. $250.00 3.3 Owner of an Animal which barks or howls or makes another noise there by disturbing the quiet or repose of any person in the area. First Offence $250.00 3.4 Animal on any school, playground or posted area. First Offence $250.00 3.5 Animal which causes Damage to Property. $250.00 3.6(a) Animal which attacks, threatens, harassed and or chases, person. $500.00 plus Either Dog may be made Restricted, Banned, Seized or Dog Euthanized 3.6(b) Animal which bites any person $1000.00 Either Dog made Restricted, Banned, Seized or Dog Euthanized 3.7 Failure to remove feces immediately from property which is not the owner’s property. First Offence $250.00 3.8 Failure to keep property in a clean, sanitary condition. $250.00 3.9 Failure to keep a female animal confined in a building or kennel while in heat. $250.00 3.10 Teasing, tormenting, annoying, abusing, or injuring any Animal. $250.00 3.11 Untying, loosening or otherwise freeing an Animal without the Owner’s authorization. $250.00 3.12 Interfering with, impeding or hindering an Animal Control Officer’s enforcement of this Bylaw. $500.00 3.13 Fail to have proper dog house and or food and water $250.00 3.14 Fail to check cat trap minimum twice daily $150.00 3.15(a) Lead, ride or drive horse or cattle within town limits, except as authorized. $150.00 3.15 (b) Lead, ride or drive horse or cattle without due care and attention. $150.00 3.15 (c) Lead, ride or drive horse or cattle without consideration for others $150.00 3.15 (d) Lead, ride or drive horse or cattle in a manner contrary to the provisions of the Traffic Safety Act and regulations $ 150.00 3.18 (a) Failure to remove excrement from a street, road, or public place, within one (1) hour of the conclusion of the event . $150.00 3.18 (b) Operate a horse or cattle drawn vehicle at night without adequate lighting. $150.00 3.18 (d) Park a horse or cattle drawn vehicle where unauthorized. $150.00 4.1 Failure to report serious wound or bite. $250.00 4.2 Failure to release confined animal. $500.00 5.1 Failure to license Restricted $500.00 5.2 Failure to keep in force liability insurance. $500.00 5.3 Failure to confine Restricted or Vicious Animal. $1500.00 Dog may be Banned or Seized 5.6 Failure to muzzle Restricted or Vicious Animal. $1500.00 5.7 Restricted or Vicious Animal running at large. $1,500.00 Dog may be Banned or Seized 5.8 & 7.3 Restricted or Vicious Animal bite, chase or attack a person or another animal. $2,500.00 plus Dog seized and Euthanized Any offence for which is not mentioned in the penalty in Schedule “B” of this Bylaw is $250.00
Public Notice Due to the amount of attacks and complaints against pit bull dog(s) in the last two years within the Town of Valleyview, the Town of Valleyview has no choice but to enforce Animal Control Bylaw 2007-09. As of October 1, 2016, you the owner(s) of a Restricted Dog will have to comply with Section 5” Restricted Dog(s)”, 1.33 RESTRICTED DOG” means any breed(s) of dog(s) that shows aggression towards any person(s) or other animals off the owner’s property and is not on leash will be deemed restricted by a Bylaw Officer, Peace Officer, RCMP, CAO or The Vet. Plus, the following; a) Pit Bull Terrier; b) American Pit Bull Terrier; or c) Pit Bull; or any dog or mixed breeding, which can be identified through its physical characteristics as a dog partially of the above mentioned breeds or kinds by a Registered Veterinarian If you fail to comply with this Bylaw, you will be fined and your dog will be ordered to be removed from the Town of Valleyview. If any questions, please feel free to call between 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday at 780-524-5150.
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Town of Valleyview