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Nature's Looking Glass

Waneta Plaza, Trail, Canada
Gift Shop



A place for everyone to gather in celebration of all things that are Nature's Looking Glass. To keep updated on current/future products and sales. Nature's Looking Glass is a small store with great personality. We strive to bring in a diverse collection of interests as it is our sincere hope, that everyone feels welcome in our store. And perhaps more importantly finds something that speaks to their interests and/or needs. It is just one of the many things we do to reach the highest standards of customer service and overall customer satisfaction.


Store Items

A wide selection of wares from figures, do gemstones.

Store Items

Photos from Nature's Looking Glass's post

Photos from Nature's Looking Glass's post

Photos from Nature's Looking Glass's post

Good Day Everyone,....well it is starting to get to that time of year where most of us are looking for gifts, for our friends and family. So come on in and see and take a peek at what we have . We look forward to seeing you.

Photos from Nature's Looking Glass's post


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