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Dr. JD LeGallais Veterinary Consulting

, Toronto, Canada
Professional services



To help Veterinarians improve and grow their practices Let me share with you the a story which encouraged me to start this consulting business, a story which epitomizes what I believe is holding the majority of Veterinary clinics back from reaching their full potential:

My son took his cat into a veterinary clinic to have his teeth looked at - teeth that were in terrible shape. My son does not have much money to spend on his beloved pet, but he was willing to spend what he could to give his friend some much needed relief from the rotten teeth and infection in his mouth.  My son told the Veterinarian that he had $400 to spend - could they please do whatever they could for that amount of money to give his friend some relief?  My son was turned away - the procedure would cost over $700, and they would not even consider any options which might cost less.  So my son walked away with a cat in bad shape, and the hospital lost $400 dollars worth of business (plus untold future money from a client who would not be returning due to a bad customer relations).  Worst of all, my son's cat would have to continue to suffer.  Luckily, for my son, I am a Veterinarian and have connections which allowed him to get his cat the help it needed, but the same is not true for most of our clients out there.

How would I have handled this differently?  I would ask you, the Veterinarian, to use the money the client was offering to do what you could for the animal.  Wasn't this why you got into the business in the first place - to help animals in need?  

I will not tell you that you can work less hours, or that you can charge more.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  I will ask you to work more hours, charge your patients less, and forget what is now known as "customer compliance", in exchange for "customer loyalty".  But why should you listen to me?  Below, find a summary of my expansive experience:

1966....  Graduate from University of Guelph, Ontario Veterinary College....  Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

1966-1968  Worked at Eglinton Veterinary Hospital for Dr. DeGeer

1969 -  Purchased St. Clair Veterinary Practice.  Operated until 2006

1974 - Purchased Don Mills Veterinary Practice and Building   (1984-  Sold Don Mills Practice but maintained building under lease)

1982 - Purchased Guildwood Village Veterinary Hospital  ( Sold practice in 1986 )

1988 - Founded St. Clair Realty Inc.  Bought buildings housing St. Clair Veterinary Practice

1989 - Purchased Arnold Cresent Veterinary Hospital, practice and building.

1999 - Purchased building in Aurora.  Renovated into Veterinary Hospital and began LeGallais Veterinary Practice

2004 - Sold Arnold Cres. Veterinary Practice.  Maintained Building under lease through St. Clair Realty Inc.

2005 - Sold LeGallais Veterinary Practice. Maintained building under lease through St. Clair Realty Inc


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