CRLCC - Centre for Research on Language and Culture Contact
CRLCC - Centre for Research on Language and Culture Contact / Centre de recherche sur le contact des langues et des cultures. CRLCC - Centre for Research on Language and Culture Contact / Centre de recherche sur le contact des langues et des cultures. Glendon College / Collège universitaire Glendon. YORK UNIVERSITY. Toronto, Canada.
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La traduction et les arts – 7e colloque annuel du programme d’études supérieures en traductologie 5 mars 2016. Collège Glendon, Université York, Toronto L’événement multilingue est ouvert aux étudiants, aux érudits, aux artistes et aux professionnels qui souhaitent, le temps d’une journée, en apprendre davantage sur les interactions entre notre imagination et les diverses formes d’expression culturelle. Nous attendons avec impatience les présentations qui porteront sur des thèmes allant du cinéma aux arts visuels, et sur des sujets aussi variés que les bandes dessinées et les haïkus. Le tout sera couronné par une exposition d’art, une performance théâtrale et la conférence principale « The Many Faces of Translation in Popular Music » de Şebnem Susam-Saraeva, professeure à l’Université d’Édimbourg. Nous espérons vous y voir! Le comité organisateur ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation and the Arts—the Seventh Annual Graduate Student Conference in Translation Studies March 5, 2016. Glendon College, York University, Toronto. This one-day multilingual event invites students, scholars, artists and professionals to come together to question the interplay between the human imagination and our diverse forms of cultural expression. We're looking forward to presentations on topics ranging from film to visual arts and as diverse as graphic novels and Haiku poetry. These will be highlighted by an art exhibition, a theater performance and keynote presentation: "The Many Faces of Translation in Popular Music" by Dr. Şebnem Susam-Saraeva from the University of Edinburgh. Sincerely hope to see you there! The Organizing Committee
CRLCC - Centre for Research on Language and Culture Contact
The CRLCC is pleased to invite you to a workshop on Globally Networked Learning (GNL), to be led by Dominique Scheffel-Dunand. You will be able to learn about the Globally Networked Learning project at York (, created to enable students and faculty to internationalize their curriculum and develop international/intercultural competencies by promoting experiences with intercultural learning. The goal is to foster awareness on global values and the capacity to work across differences in a global context. You will have the opportunity to reflect collectively and creatively about the project, and tell us how you imagine an internationalized classroom at York. Date: Friday March 4. 9:30 to 11:30 am Location: York University, Glendon Campus, room GH115.