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The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations

1170 Sheppard Ave. West Unit 15, Toronto, Canada
Community organization



The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations is an umbrella organization representing 19  member associations from Victoria BC to Quebec. The Federation was established in 1985 and is a non-profit organization with no political affiliations. It supports and encourages activities that deal with important cultural, economic, educational, historical, social and religious issues that relate to the Turkish Community in Canada.


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10 Aralık, Cumartesi günü İstanbul'da gerçekleştirilen hain terör saldırısını nefretle kınıyoruz. Şehitlerimize tanrıdan rahmet, yaralılara acil şifalar dileriz. Ulusumuzun başı sağ olsun Kanada Türk dernekleri federasyonu

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The 93rd Anniversary of Turkish Republic Day - Oct 29 2016

The 93rd Anniversary of Turkish Republic Day (Turkce metin sondadir) Dear all, You are cordially invited to the following Turkish Republic Day events: Traditional Turkish Republic Day Ball With participation of:500+ Turkish/Turkic community members Expected Honor Guests: HE Mr. Erdeniz Sen, Consul General of Turkey In Toronto Mr. Hilmi Yarayici, MP for Hatay/Turkey of Main Opposition Party (CHP) Canada Local/Provincial/Federal politicians (MPs,MPPs, Trustees, Councillors) Date : October 29, 2016, Saturday Time : 6pm Cocktail 7:30pm Opening 8pm Müsic 9:30pm Gift Drawings (Return air tickets for Turkey) 10pm Müsic Venue: Riviera Parque (2800 Hwy7 W, Concord .ON, Tel :416 987 4400) Contacts: 416 720 1856 416 782 8668 416 859 1884 416 880 6293 416 888 1955 ______________________________________ Other Related Events: Turkish Flag Raising at Ontario QP Legislative Assembly Expected Honor Guests: HE Mr. Erdeniz Sen, Consul General of Turkey In Toronto Mr. Hilmi Yarayici, MP for Hatay/Turkey of Main Opposition Party (CHP) Hon. Dave Levac, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario Liberal Rep, MPP Hon.Dr.Reza Moridi NDP and PC MPP reps (TBD soon) Ontario Provincial MPPs, and other local Toronto politicians Turkish/Turkic & other Ethnic community leaders/reps Date : October 27th, 2016, Thursday Time : 12pm-12:30pm Venue: QP Legislative Assembly Building South Side, Toronto Contacts: 416 859 1884 416 888 1955 416 720 1856 __________________________________ Other Turkish Republic Day Events Across Canada (contacts at invitations) Proclamation within Ontario QP LA on Oct 27, 2016 (Sponsored by Liberal MPP Hon.Dr.Reza Moridi) Public Reception (by Turkish Consul General in Toronto, on Oct 27) Public Reception (by Turkish Embassy in Ottawa) Flag Raising & other community events (by Turkish Canadian Assocs. at major Canada cities) __________________________________ Thank you for supporting the Canadians of Turkish/Turkic origin community activities. The Federation of Canadian Turkish Association (FCTA) Turkic Assembly of Canada (TAC) Turkish Culture and Folklore Society of Canada _________________________________ A Brief Background History of Turkish Republic Day 93 Years ago, on October 29, 1923, the newly recognized Turkish parliament proclaimed the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, formally marking the end of the Ottoman Empire. On the same day, Mustafa Kemal, who led the Turkish National War of Liberation and was later named Atatürk (father of Turks), was unanimously elected as the first president of the Republic. In fact, Turkey had effectively been a republic from April 23, 1920 on, when the Grand National Assembly was inaugurated in Ankara and held its first session, after the Allied occupation of Istanbul in 1919 at the end of WWI and the dissolution of the Ottoman Parliament. With the opening of the Assembly, Ankara became the center of the Turkish national struggle fast for full and unrestricted sovereignty. The National War of Independence culminated in the emancipation of Anatolia and Istanbul from foreign occupation, the international recognition of modern Turkey’s borders by the Treaty of Lausanne, and finally, the founding of the Republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923. Since then, October 29- or Republic Day- is an official Turkish holiday celebrated each year across Turkey and by peoples of Turkish heritage world over, including Canada, with joy and pride. Today, the Canadians of Turkish/Turkic origin are happy to celebrate their National Republic Day together with all the Canadian friends of diverse background. Turkish Canadians are proud to contribute to every aspect of life across Canada in economic, academic, cultural and many other ways, proud to be a peace-loving community and responsible citizens. They share their vibrant culture and rich heritage with their fellow Canadians and play a significant role in their adopted country’s multicultural fabric. Increasingly visible achievements of its members are getting proportionally higher comparing to its population ratio in Canada. Happy birth-day Turkish Republic. Long-live Canadian-Turkish friendship. ___________________________________ Değerli Türk Toplumu Üyelerimiz, Bu yılda derneğimiz her yıl olduğu gibi 29 Ekim 2016 - Cumartesi günü Geleneksel Cumhuriyet Balomuzu düzenlemektedir. Cumhuriyet sevdalısı ve Yurtsever tüm toplum üyelerimiz, Cumhuriyetimizin 93.ncu yılını birlik ve beraberlik içinde kutlayacaklardır. Geleneksel Cumhuriyet Balomuzda Toronto Jazz Festivalinden tanıdığımız Zeynep Özbilen ve büyük orkestrası gecemize müzikleriyle katilacaktir. Yılların eskitemediği ünlü piyanist - solist Nişaniko da gecemizi 2.yarısında renklendirecektir. 500 kisilik bir salonda yapilan baloya, Turkiyenin Toronto Baskonsolosu sayin Erdeniz Sen, CHP Hatay Milletvekili sayin Hilmi Yarayici, Canada yerel, eyalet ve Federal politikacilar (MP, MPP, Trustee ve Councillor) davet edilmis olup, seref misafiri olarak katilmalari beklenmektedir. Türk Kültür ve Folklor Derneği Yönetim Kurulu Geleneksel Cumhuriyet Balosu Etkinlik Bilgileri: Tarih : 29 Ekim 2016 , Cumartesi Saat : 6.00pm Kokteyl, 7.30pm Acilis, 8.00pm Müzik (Zeynep Özbilen ve Büyük Orkestra) 9.30pm Hediye Cekilisleri(Turkiye Ucak Biletleri) 10.00 pm Müzik (Nişaniko) Ücret :$75.00 Yer: Riviera Parque ( 2800 Hwy #7 West , Concord .Ontario) Tel :416 987 4400 Menu : Kokteyl aperatifler : Antipasto Bar Minestrone,Roast Beef,Beef Sausage,Turkey,Olives,Provolone,Hot banana papper, breads and rolls,Jardiniere,Grilled Peppers,Caesar salad,wild mushrooms,artichokes,pasta fagioli. Dinner Menu; Pasta-Spaghetti alla chitarra tomato and basil sauce Tortellini Stuffed with ricotta alla panna Main course -Mixed grill Beef Medallion,Roasted lamb and chicken breast Seasonal mixed vegetables Roasted potatoes Salad -Spring mixed salad balsamic vinaigrette Desert - Tartuffe topped with berries in a grand mariner sauce Drinks: Unlimited Red and White Wine beer,whisky and others Open Standard Ucretsiz Bar Coffee / Tea / Espresso Bilet ve Bilgi için: Marche İstanbul : 416 782 8668 Celal Uçar : 416 720 1856 Nazif Kurt : 416 880 6293 Mahmut Kaba : 416 526 5666 Mesut Meral : 416 358 1787 Ibrahim Bayramoğlu : 647 782 7982 Vildan Cevik : 416 782 8668 Dr.Engin Aras : 416 420 2215 Mehmet Bor : 416 859 1884 İsmail Vataner : 416 888 1955 Yıldız Ünsal : 647 293 9791

The 93rd Anniversary of Turkish Republic Day - Oct 29 2016

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30 August Turkish Victory Day Celebration reception: August 30, 2016, Tuesday, 8-10pm, 1170 Sheppard Ave.W, Unit# 15 (FCTA Center, Toronto) (Turkish text follows - Turkce metin sondadir) Dear all, You are cordially invited to the following FCTA activity: 94th Anniversary of "August 30 1922 Great Turkish Victory" will be celebrated with a modest public reception, at the following venue and time: Venue: 1170 Sheppard Ave.West, Unit 15, Toronto (Federation Center) Date\Time: August 30, 2016, Tuesday, 8-10pm hours. Thank you for supporting the Canadians of Turkish/Turkic origin community activities. The Federation of Canadian Turkish Association (FCTA) Turkic Assembly of Canada (TAC) _________________________________ Degerli Turk/Turkic toplum uyeleri, KTDF ve uye dernekleri ile KTBB tarafindan duzenlenen asagidaki etkinlige hepininz davetlisiniz: 30 Agustos Zafer Bayrami Kutlamasi. 30 Agustos 1922 Buyuk Tarruz ve Zafer Bayramini 94ncu yildonumunde, Federasyon Merkezinde, asagidaki gun ve saatlerde, mutevazi bir resepsiyonla kutluyoruz. Tum toplum uyelerimiz davetlidir. Yer: 1170 Sheppard Ave. West, Unit 15, Toronto (Federasyon Merkezi) Darih\Zaman: 30 Agustos, 2016, Sali, 8-10pm Katilim ve desteginiz icin tesekkurler. Kanada Turk Dernekleri Federasyonu (KTDF) Kanada Turk Boylari Birligi (KTBB) ___________________________________ Zafer Bayrami, 26 Agustos 1922'de başlayıp, 30 Ağustos'ta Dumlupınar'da Mustafa Kemal'in başkumandanlığında zaferle sonuçlanan Başkomutanlık Meydan Savasini'ni (Büyük Taarruz) anmak için kutlanan ulusal bayramimizdır. 30 Ağustos 1922’de kɑzɑnılɑn bu onemli zɑfer, kahraman Turk ulusu ve onun celikten ifadesi olan ordusunun eşsiz destɑnlɑrındɑn biri olɑrɑk tɑrihteki yerini ɑlmıştır. Bu buyuk zaferin 94.ncu yili Kanada Turk/Turkic toplumuna ve tum Turk dunyasina kutlu olsun. Sabir ve itinayla surdurulen uzun hazirliklardan sonra (yaklasik bir yil) planlanan, Gazi Mustafa Kemal'in başkomutanlığını yaptığı Türk ordusu, 26 Ağustos 1922'de düşmanin en guclu cephesine saldırarak, bir kaç saat içinde düşman baskomutanlik karargahini ele geçirip ordusunu tamamen imha ett ve Yunan Başkomutanıni esir aldi. Bu savaş, Atatürk'ün başkomutanlığında yapıldığı için "Başkomutanlık Meydan Muharebesi" olarak tarihe gecmistir. Yunan tarihlinde ilk defa 250 bin kisilik bir ordunun olusturuldugu bu savasta, silahlarindan arindirilmis yorgun ve fakir Turk ulusunun kit kaynaklarindan Ataturk'un askeri dehasiyla yarattigi bir halk ordusunun, batinin en modern silahlariyla donanmis boyle bir orduyu yenmis olmasi suphesiz kucumsenecek bir basari degildir. Sayisiz kesif ucaklari ve binlerce motorlu tasima araclariyla donamis Yunan ordusunun bir kac saat icinde birliklerini yer degistirebilmesine karsilik, kagni ve at arabalariyla desteklenen Turk birliklerinin en erken 6 gunde yer degistirebildigini dusununce, Ataturkun askeri dehasinin bu savasin kazanilmasindaki gercek rolu ve onemi ortaya cikmaktadir. Ancak, bu zaferin asil onemi, aslinda Anadoluda gozu olan zamanin yenilmez sanilan Emperyalist guclerine karsi kazanilmis olmasindadir. Büyük Taarruz'un başarıyla sonuçlanmasından sonra dusman ordularinin emelleri kirilmis, zamanin "emsalsiz guclerinin" yenilmezlik unvanlari anadoluya gomulmus, ve Milli Kuvvetler Turk Ulusunun tek temsilcisi olarak tanindigindan Turkiye Cumhuriyetin temelleri fiilen atilmistir. Turkler son bin yil icinde dunya tarihinin akisini uc defa degistirmislerdir. Bunlardan birincisi “Buyuk Taarruz” un basladigi ayni gun olan 26 Agustos 1071 yilinda kazanilan Malazgirt meydan savasidir. Bu buyuk zafer, Anadalu’nun bir Turk vatani olmasinin baslangici olmak yaninda, Mekedonyali Iskenderle baslayip Romalilarla devam eden Batinin Doguya karsi 1300 yil suren ustunlugunun ve Asyadaki varligininda sonunu baslatmistir. Ikincisi ise, Turklerin Istanbul’un fethi ile Ortacag’in kapanip yeni cag’in baslamasidir. 1453’te Istanbul surlarinin Turk toplariyla yikilmasi artik sehirlerin kalelerle korunamayacgini gostererek derebeyligin sonunu getirmistir. 30 Agustos 1922’de baskomutan Ataturk liderliginde Turk ulusunun kazandigi Baskumandanlik Meydan Savasi ise, son 300 yildir Batinin dogu milletlerine karsi dayattigi insan onuruna aykiri askeri isgale dayayli somurgecilik doneminin (askeri acidan) sonunu baslatan en onemli etken oldugu tarihciler tarafindan kabul edilir. Bu baglamda, Hintli Mahatma Ghandi 9 Eylul 1922’de (buyuk zaferden 10 gun sonra) düzenlediği basın toplantısında, “…Türk Orduları bir devir kapatmıştır. Şimdi mazlum ve tutsak devletler ve uluslar artık vazgeçilmez bir reçeteye sahiptirler. Mustafa Kemal’in utkusu, Dünya için özgürlük ve bağımsızlık sancağı olacaktir…”, demektedir. Ataturk de bu gercegin farkindadir. "Eger biz bu savasi tum mazlum uluslar adina yapmiyor olsaydik bu kadar kanli olmayacakti", diyerek, bu savasin sonunda Emperyalizmin boyundurugu altinda yasayan mazlum uluslara da onderlik yaptigimizi ifade etmistir. Nitekim, bu zaferin ardindan mazlum uluslar tek tek savasarak bagimsizliklarini kazanirken Atatuk'u ve Turk Istiklal Mucadelesini/Zaferini kendilerine rehber etmislerdir. Ataturk kendi soylevlerinde bu zaferin onemini su tarihi sozlerle ifade etmektedir: “Memleketimizi esir etmek isteyen düşmanları behemehal mağlûp edeceğimize dair olan emniyet ve itimadım bir dakika olsun sarsılmamıştır…30 Ağustos Zaferi, Türk Tarihi’nin en önemli dönüm noktasıdır. Ulusal tarihimiz çok büyük, parlak zaferlerle doludur, ama Türk Ulusu’nun burada kazandığı zafer kadar kesin sonuçlu, yalnız bizim tarihimize değil, dünya tarihine yeni bir akım vermekte kesin etkili bir meydan savaşı hatırlamıyorum…Yeni Türk Devleti’nin, genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin temeli burada sağlamlaştırıldı, ölümsüz yaşayışı burada taçlandırıldı. Bu alanda akan Türk kanları, bu göklerde uçuşan şehit ruhları, devletimizin, cumhuriyetimizin ölümsüz koruyucularıdır…Anɑdolu zɑferi, tɑrih ɑrɑsındɑ bir millet tɑrɑfındɑn tɑmɑmen benimsenen bir fikrin ne kɑdɑr kɑdir ve ne kɑdɑr muhyi bir kuvvet olduğunun en güzel misɑli olɑrɑk kɑlɑcɑktır…Hiç bir zafer gaye değildir. Zafer, ancak kendisinden daha büyük bir gayeyi elde etmek için gereken vasıtadır…Her büyük meydan muharebesinden, her büyük zaferin kazanılmasından sonra yeni bir âlem doğmalıdır… Yoksa başlı başına zafer, boşa gitmiş bir gayret olur… Millet hayatı tehlikeye maruz kalmadikca savas bir cinayettir...Dönemin şɑrtlɑrı içerisinde ɑskeri kuvvetlerimizden kɑt kɑt üstün bir ordu kɑrşısındɑ kɑzɑnılɑn Bɑşkomutɑnlık Sɑvɑşı ile milletimiz; birlik ve berɑberliğinden, hürriyet ve istiklɑlinden en zor koşullɑrdɑ dɑhi vɑzgeçmeyeceğini tüm dünyɑyɑ hɑykırmıştır…” Atatürk, NUTUK adli eserinde (1927), “Her safhasıyla düşünülmüş, hazırlanmış, yönetilmiş ve zaferle sonuçlandırılmış olan bu harekat, Türk Ordusunun, Türk Subay ve Komuta Heyetinin yüksek kudret ve kahramanlığını tarihe bir kere daha geçiren muazzam bir eserdir. Bu eser Türk Milletinin hürriyet ve istiklal düşüncesinin ölümsüz bir abidesidir. Bu eseri yaratan bir milletin evladı, bir ordunun Başkomutanı olduğum için sevincim ve mutluluğum sonsuzdur.”, demektedir. Gunumuz Dunya duzeninde kuresel Emperyalizmin sekil degistirip farkli yontemler kullanmasina ragmen ozunde ayni kaldigi ve varligini ozellikle bolgemizde cirkin ve acimasiz sekilde gosterdigi su gunlerde emperyalizme karsi mazlum milletler adina Turk ulusunun 1922'de kazandigi bu buyuk zafer hala temsili onemini korumakta, hayranlik, gurur ve saygiyla anilmayi hak etmektedir. Buyuk komutan ve devlet adami Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk basta olmak üzere, bu zaferi bize armağan eden İstiklal mücadelemizin bütün kahramanlarını, bu toprakları tekrar vatan yapmak icin ülkemizin milletiyle bölünmez bütünlüğü ugruna bu gunde canlarını seve seve feda eden aziz şehitlerimizi ve kahraman gazilerimizi rahmet ve minnetle anıyor, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerimizin kahraman mensuplarının ve bütün Turk Dunyasinin 30 Ağustos Zafer Bayramı'nı, 94.ncu yildonumunde kivanc ve gururla kutluyoruz.

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2nd Annual Toronto Turkic Summer Picnic – August 28 2016

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34th Annual Commemoration of Turkish Col. Attila Altikat

FCTA Press Release: 34th Annual Commemoration of Turkish Military Atache Colonel Attila Altikat who was gunned down by Armenian terrorist organization ASALA on August 27, 1982, in Ottawa August 27, 2016 marks the 34th anniversary of the assassination of Turkish Military Attaché Colonel Atilla Altikat, the first fatality of international terrorism on Canadian soil. On that terrible day in 1982, a terrorist repeatedly shot 45-year-old Colonel Altikat, who was on his way to work at the Turkish Embassy. The Armenian terrorists who claimed responsibility for the killing disappeared after the attack. It was the second shooting of a Turkish Embassy official by Armenian terrorists in Ottawa in less than five months. The first victim was Kani Gungor, Commercial Attaché at the embassy, who was shot in his car on April 8th, by the same Armenian terrorist group, ASALA. Just hours after Col. Altikat’s assassination, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau called on all Canadians to join him in condemning the assassination. “It is a despicable and cowardly crime that no words can too strongly indict,” he said. Nevertheless, neither this crime, nor any of many other crimes that commuted by the same Armenian terrorist organizations in Canada (and other places of the world), were condemned by neither Armenian-Canadians, their associations and community churches, nor any Armenian state officials ever.. The third Armenian terrorist attack in Canada was on the Turkish Embassy on March 12, 1985, aiming at to kill the Turkish ambassador Coskun Kirca who narrowly escaped a certain dead, and the security guard Mr. Claude Brunelle, a 31-year-old student from the University of Ottawa, was killed during the attack. In fact, some of these criminals are being treated as hero by Armenian government, and as such, even statuses have been erected for them.For example, Rafi Titizian, killer of security guard Mr. Claude Brunelle, after released from Canadian jail in April 2010 and deported to Armenia, was welcomed as a national hero in Armenia. A coat of arms of the Armenian Republic that was hand-made by him is being exhibited at the Sardarabad Ethnographic Museum in Armenia, since then). Unfortunately, the perpetrators of Colonel Altikat were never caught and never brought to justice, and it is still unknown who helped them to suddenly disappeared that morning, and who are still hiding these criminals within the society.. Between 1973 and 1986, Armenian terrorist organizations killed more than 32 innocent Turkish diplomats and 35 from other nationalities, including French, Italian, Spanish, Lebanese and Canadian citizens, around the world. The Canadian citizen who was killed on March 12, 1985 by three Armenian terrorists was a security officer at the Turkish Embassy. They shot and murdered Claude Brunell to get in the embassy. Eventually, Armenians realized that the acts of their terrorist groups were getting world-wide condemnation, and that nothing could be achieved by the deaths of innocents. In the decades since, they have been trying a new tactic - lobbying and pressuring politicians in many countries, including Canada, to accept their views about what happened during the WWI in Eastern Anatolia almost a century ago. And, some opportunist politicians think that they are substitute for International\UN courts and historians, and have the right to make judgments in support of one community by issuing favorable verdicts for their political gains, against another community. The Turkish/Turkic Canadian community knows that Armenians were wrong when their ultra-nationalist organizations were terrorizing innocent people; collaborating with invading enemy (treason) that forced relocation of their community from war zone to safety causing unwanted/unplanned civil causalities from both sides; were wrong when they brought terrorism into Canada; and are wrong today when they continue to fabricate false history for putting pressure on Canadian politicians and governments of all levels to suit their needs. Turks have many unbiased historians, academics and writers from numerous nations on their side supporting Turkish position, always willing to discuss and debate the issues between the two communities to reach the truth and reconciliation, offering free access to its archives for all parties interested. It is the Armenians who refuse to come to the table for discussion, refusing to open their historical archives and insisting on imposing their biased assumptions unchallenged.. We hope that one day the Armenian Canadian community will realize their mistake and apologize to Colonel Atilla Altikat’s family, Claude Brunell’s family and Kani Gungor’s family for what Armenian terrorists did to their loved ones, for no good reasons. There will be a public "Commemoration Ceremony", which will mark the fourth anniversary of the inauguration of the Fallen Diplomats Memorial and be held at the Monument of Fallen Diplomats,at the following venue, date and time: Date : Saturday, August 27, 2016, 14 - 15pm hours Location: Corner of Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway and Island Park Drive (the intersection where Col. Altikat was gunned down). The ceremony will also be an opportunity to show our solidarity with all the countries who have lost diplomats in attacks all around the world, such as the losses of the US Ambassador and members of the US Embassy to Libya during an attack in Benghazi in September 2012; UN diplomat who was killed at the hotel attack in Mogadishu in March 2015, and others since then including the killing of the young Canadian diplomat in the shopping mall attacks in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2013. Senators, Parliamentarians, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Members of the Turkish-Canadian community, media and general public are also invited to attend the ceremony. For more info please contact: 6613-422 3622 and (in Ottawa), or 647-955 1923 and (in Toronto). The Federation of Canadian Turkish Association (FCTA) Turkic Assembly of Canada (TAC)

34th Annual Commemoration of Turkish Col. Attila Altikat

Photos from The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations's post

Democracy Rally Against FETO Coup - August 7, Toronto & Montreal - Montreal ve Torontoda Demokrasi Yurusu, 7 Agustos Pazar.

Photos from The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations's post

24 TEMMUZ 1923. LOZAN (LAUSANNE) ANTLAŞMASININ 93. YILI TURK ULUSUNA VE DOGUNUN MAZLUM ULUSLARINA KUTLU OLSUN 1905 ten 1922 ye kadar dört cephede cok defalar haksizca saldiriya ugrayan Turk milletinin ölüm-kalim savasi diye bilinen Istiklal harbi, temelinde vatan savunmasiyla, Canakkale’de baslamistir ve Lozan antlasmasiyla sonuclanmistir. Birinci dünya savasi, sömürgeci bazi Avrupa devletlerinin hakim olduklari Asya ve Afrika kit’asi uzerinde hakimiyetlerine, son kalan Osmanli devletini aralarinda paylasmalarindan ibaretti, Rusyada sicak denizlere inme istegiyle bu plana dahil oldu. Almanya safinda savasan ve savastan yenik cikan Osmanli Imparatorlugunun Sevres antlasmasiyla ordulari terhis edildi, tum tersaneler/karakollari isgal edildi, Osmanli Sultani tutsak alindi ve silah tehdidi altinda imzalatilan Sevr antlasmasiyla son Turk yurdu Anadolunun dort tarafi paylasilip isgal edildi. Turk ulusu, kendisi icin bir olum fermani olan Sevr’i reddederek Atatürk’un önderliginde zamanin en agir kosullari altinda düsman isgaline maruz kalan vatan topraklarini kaniyla geri aldi. Bu kanli mücadelenin sonundaki buyuk zaferden sonra Turk ulusu, Ismet Inönü liderligindeki heyetle dünya devletlerine tam bagimsizlik kosullarini 8 ay suren kararli bir pazarlik surecinden sonra Isvicre’nin Lozan kentinde kabul ettirdi. Türkiye topraklari üzerinde baska hic bir devletin kurulmasina taviz verilmeyecegini, kapitilasyonlarin artik gecerli olmadigini bildiren Ismet Inönü’nun Lozan antlasmasinin imzalanmasindaki dirayet ve katkisinida taktirle aniyoruz. Lozan baris gorusmeleri sirasinda karsilasilan zorluklari anlayabilmek icin Ingiltere basbakani Lord George Curzon antlasma sonuna kadar tahammul edemeyerek istifa etmek zorunda kaldigini bilmek cok onemlidir. Sekiz aylik pazarliktan sonra, yeniden bir catisma ihtimalinden kacmak isteyen muttefiklerin Turk heyetinin tum sartlarini kabul etmesiyle 24 temmuz 1923 te Lozan gorusmeleri Turk milletinin zaferi ile sona ermistir. Konferansta baslangicta kendileri deri koltuklara oturup Turk delegelerine oturmalari icin tabure sunan batili gucler, sonunda Türk delegeleri gibi, kendileride sandalyalara oturmak mecburiyetinde kalmis ; Bati, Viyanadaki Osmanli bozgunundan sonraki 300 yillik tarihi boyunca, ilk defa Dogu’nun karsisinda basini egmis ve sömürücü Avrupa siyasetinin yayilmasi Asyanin kapisinda Lozan ile durdurulmustur. Lozan’da kiliseler tarihin bu dönüm noktasini 25 temmuz 1923 günü bütün gün can calarak bildirmislerdir (Tribune de Lausanne, Tribune de Geneve 25 Juillet 1923). 24 Nisan, 1923, Ingiliz imparatorlugunun yenilmezlik unvanini kaybettigi gundur, ve toprak isgaline dayali somurgeciliginde (colonializm) sonunun baslangicidir. Lozan Barış Antlaşması hakkındaki değerlendirmelere bakıldığında, üzerinde durulan ve vurgu yapılan en önemli konunun “Türkiye’nin bağımsızlığı” olduğu görülmektedir. Türkiye’nin Lozan Konferansı’nın daha başından itibaren üzerinde durduğu en önemli meselenin “ekonomik ve siyasî bağımsızlık” olması nedeniyle, bu konu hakkında pek çok açıklama, yorum ve değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Lozan Barış Antlaşması’nın imzalanmasıyla Türkiye ve Türkler için savaş ortamının ortadan kalktığı, barış dönemine girildiği ifade edilerek, her yönden bağımsız, tek bir millete dayalı yeni bir Türk Devleti’nin ortaya çıktığı, bu devletin vatandaşları arasında, cemaat hakları hariç, birey hakları açısından her hangi bir farkın ve müslüman olan bütün vatandaşların azınlık statüsünde olmayacağı dile getirilmiştir. Bundan sonra yapılacak olan işin, devlet ve toplum hayatı için çok önemli olan siyasal, sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik devrimlerin bir plan dahilinde, zaman geçirilmeden yapılması gerektiği ifade edilmiştir. Bir anlamda devleti yönetecek olanlara hedef tespitinde yardımcı olunmuş, yol gosterilmistir. Lozan’in Turk milleti adina tartismasiz bir zafer oldugundan suphe duyanlar, kotu niyetli degilse eger, o gunlerin kosullarini anlayamayan hayalperestlerdir sadece. Lausanne anlasmasi 20nci yüzyilin hayatta kalan ve gecerligini muhafaza eden tek anlasmadir ve hic bir devletten destek görmeden Türk milletinin kendi emegi ile 29 ekim 1923 te kurdugu Cumhuriyetinde siyasi temelidir, ve 2023 te sona erecegi bir yalandan ibarettir. Lozan antlasmasi hakkinda batida cok sey yazilip cizilmistir, ancak bu antlasmanin bati icin zafer yada kazanc oldugunu ifade eden batili kimse yoktur. Asagida, Lozan antlasmasinin bati acisindan onemini vurgulayan birkac alinti gorebilirsiniz. Lozan zaferi ve onun 93.ncu yildonumu Turk ulusuna ve dogunun mazlum uluslarina kutlu olsun. Kanada Turk Dernekleri Federasyonu (FCTA) ___________________________________________________ The Treaty of Lausanne was a surprising contrast to the Treaty of Sevres. The Great Powers who had been so ready to dictate terms, not only of peace but of national destruction, to the Turks now found themselves obliged to bow their heads. Winston CHURCHILL (1874-1965). Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 1940-1945; 1951-1955. Vol. The Aftermath of the 6 volumes The World Crisis. 1928 (p. 437) Schoolboys in Europe are at present taught in their lessons on contemporary history, that one of the victories of the Entente at the end of 1918 was the victory over Turkey. Now, the truth is, that if the victor is the country that gains everything in the treaty of piece at Lausanne, and the defeated are those who lose all the privileges they enjoyed in that country before the war, there is no doubt that it is Turkey which had won the war against us. Count Carlo SFORZA (1872-1952), Italian Foreign Minister (1920-1921). Makers of Modern Europe. 1930 (p. 346) Dank Gasi Mustafa Kemal wurde der Lausanner Konferenz am 24.7.1923 der Freibrief der neuen Turkei. Die Glocken der christlichen Kathedrale läuteten den Wendepunkt in der Geschichte ein. Zum ersten Mal hat das neuere Europa Asien gegenuber eine Niederlage erlitten.Der Ausdehnungsdrang des Westens nach dem Osten hin war an der Schwelle des asiatischen Kontinents zum Stillstand gekommen. Dagobert von MIKUSCH. Deutscher Historiker. Gasi Mustafa Kemal. 1929, (s. 304) The Conference of Lausanne, which met from Nov. ’22 to July ‘24 was one of the most important diplomatic gatherings after the WW I. It marked the definite triumph of Turkish nationalism under Mustafa Kemal, the disastrous defeat of Greece and Hellenic dreams in Asia Minor, and dignified a victory of French over British policy in the region of the Near East. ................. The long struggle of the Turks for national independence was one of the great epics of recent world history. That independence won on the battlefields of Asia Minor was to be completed by no less notable victories in diplomacy at Lausanne. Harry N HOWARD (1902-1987). Adviser to the Department of State 1947-1956. The Partition of Turkey. A Diplomatic History 1913-1923. 1966. (Chapter IX. p. 277) The latest promoted and youngest general of WW I. Admirable military leader and revolutionar. His reversal of the Treaty of Sevres after the WW I is a remarkable diplomacy. Austin BAY retired US Army high ranking officer. In his recent book Ataturk: Lessons in Leadership from the Greatest General. 2011. After eight months of bargaining at Lausanne, the Allies have given away each and everything they have won by centuries and by the Great War. Indeed, the Lausanne conference, no doubt, in every aspect, has been, a complete failure. James STUART. The Failure of the Lausanne Conference. Fortnightly Review. vol. CXIV. July-Dec. 1923 (pp. 574-581) The Treaty of Lausanne. which gave to Turkey the whole of the conditions claimed by the National Pact, coupled with the Allied evacuation of Constantinople, made Mustafa Kemal the creator of modern Turkey and the winner not merely of a military victory over the Greeks, but a far-reaching diplomatic success againgst the Western Powers. H. Chales WOODS. Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha. His Career. Power and Achievements. Forthnightly Reviw. Vol. CXXII. July-Dec 1927 (pp. 637-642) The Peace Treaty of Lausanne is the decisive stage in the history of the Eastern Question and the start of the new glorious period of the Turkish nation on the national soil in both Europe and Asia. Bernard LEWIS. (1916- ) Worldwide famous Prof. in history at Princeton University. Turkey Today. 1940. p. 30 Treaty of Lausanne. The only peace by mutual consent following WW I, amply amptifies by the world-wide respect thereafter accorded to Turkey for her recovery at home and her voluntary co-operation with the Western powers. Turkey in my Time. 1956. P. 134 Ahmet Emin Yalman. (1888 - 19 December 1972). The influential Turkish nationalist newspaper Vatan. He was also one of the founders of the Liberal International in 1947 and the International Press Institute in 1950.

The Federation of Canadian Turkish Association (FCTA) is condemning the illegitimate military coup attempt in Turkey on July 15 by a minority group, which has caused loss of some innocent lives and caused damage to the public/national assets. FCTA is against any form of military coups anywhere in the World, regardless of their aims and identity of attempting groups, which are a clear violation of democracy and its values, such as respect to the national sovereignty and governance model based on free elections.

Happy Canada Day - 149th Birthday of Canada

FCTA reps visited/met with few MPs' Canada Day celebration picnic: Toronto Eglinton-Lawrence MP Marco Mendicino, Toronto Danfort MP Julie Dabrusin, Toronto DVW MP Rob Oliphant

Happy Canada Day - 149th Birthday of Canada

Timeline Photos

FCTA Condemns the terrorist attack at Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul, Turkey - June 28, 2016 The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations (FCTA) and Turkic Assembly of Canada (TAC) strongly condemn the senseless heinous terrorist attack at International Ataturk Airport in Istanbul, Turkey, on June 28, 2016, pointing to DAES by indications so far. A National Day of Mourning has been declared in Turkey to mourn the victims of the heinous terrorist attack, which claimed more than 40 lives including 10 non-Turkish nationalities, and wounded over 200. Many Canadian politicians condemned the attack including RH PM Justin Trudeau, Toronto Mayor John Tory and Brampton Mayor Linda Jeffrey. Toronto sign at City Hall was colored by Turkish flag colors on Wednesday to honor the Istanbul terror victims. A Book of Condolences have been opened at the Turkish Embassy in Ottawa and the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey in Toronto to be signed by guest on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 and Thursday, June 30, 2016 ( between 10:00 am- 4:00 pm hours in Toronto, and 10:00 am- 5:00 pm hours in Ottawa) In Turkey, within last two years, DAES terrorists attacked 5 public civilian targets at different places and times. In its fight against terrorism Turkish security forces faced many terrorist attacks by PKK/PYD terrorists as well, targeting Turkish soldiers, security forces, as well as businesses and civilians by remotely-controlled explosives/mines, and long range sophisticated weapons. Since July, 2015, more than 600 civilians and security officers lost their lives in PKK/PYD terrorist attacks (40,000 since 1985), at various cities/towns of mostly Eastern provinces of Turkey. The PKK, which listed as a terrorist organization by the laws of the United States, Canada, Turkey and European Union, is a separatist racist organization that persecutes people who are not Kurdish and Kurds who do not support its Marxist-Leninist ideology. Turkey has suffered many times from International terrorism, by PKK since 1984, by DHKP- C (a Marxist-LLeninist terrorist organization) since 1970s, by Armenian terrorist organizations ASALA/JCAG/ARF since 1973, and by Al-Qaeda’ spin off DAES since 2010s. Between 1973 and 1990s, Armenian terrorists groups, particularly the left-wing ASALA and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation's militant wing JCAG, committed 239 attacks against Turkish targets, killing at least 70 (two in Canada) including 42 foreign service officers (out of which 31 were Turkish diplomats), wounding over 700 innocent people, and causing billions of dollars in property damage worldwide. These groups took 105 hostages, executing 12. The FCTA supports greater cooperation between the International community and the free World, including NATO allies Canada and Turkey, to combat international terrorism, including PKK/PYD, Al-Qaeda, DAES, Taliban or any other terrorist groups that threaten our freedom, common democratic values and principles. The FCTA also urges all its NATO allies to increase their support for Turkey in fighting International terrorism in its territories, by making sure their military supplies don’t fall in hands of PKK and its Syrian branch PYD, which perpetrated terrorist attacks on civilians in Turkey, in coordination with PKK. As the preeminent organizations representing the Canadians of Turkish/Turkic origin, FCTA and TAC offer deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of terrorism in Istanbul/Turkey and around the World, wishing a speedy recovery to those injured. We strongly denounce terrorism in all its forms and shapes which can have no ethnicity, no religion, no country, no moral limitation and no respect for any human value. The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations (FCTA) Turkic Assembly of Canada (TAC)

Timeline Photos

Documentary Screening: "The Eye of Istanbul” - Ara Guler

This wonderful work of Ara Guler, Istanbul documentary screening event took place at Aga Han Center in Toronto on Saturday, June 25, with participation of Turkish Consul General in Toronto (Mr. Erdeniz Sen), Australia Consul General in Toronto (Ms Portia Maier), Toronto City Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, Liberal MP Ahmed Hussen, Director of the film Fatih Kaymak, the only Turkish Korean War veteran in Canada Vahe Bedrossian, President of Royal Canadian Military Institute Col. Gilbert W. Tylor, FCTA reps, and many Turkish/non-Turkish association leaders and community members. Thanks for Aga Han Center for hosting this wonderful event, as part of promoting Istanbul in 2016, as part of their annual program series that promotes one Islamic city every year. Thanks also go to Ara Guler for such great work about Istanbul, to all the people including Fatih Kaymak who contributed to put these pieces together, as well as all guests who attended the event.

Documentary Screening: "The Eye of Istanbul” - Ara Guler

Photos from The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations's post

Closing weekend Documentary Screening of Ara Guler - "A City Transformed: Images of Istanbul Then and Now" - Aga Han Center - Sat. June 25 , 2PM Dear friends of Turkish people and admirers of Istanbul , You are cordially invited to the following Istanbul documentary screening event at Aga Han Center of Toronto: Documentary Screening: "The Eye of Istanbul”, the fascinating documentary of “Ara Güler — (Binnur Karaevli, Fatih Kaymak, 2015, 58 min.). Venue: Aga Khan Museum, 77 Wynford Drive Date/Time: Saturday, June 25, at 2pm, Info & Tickets: $10, Regards. The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations (FCTA) Turkic Assembly of Canada (TAC) ____________________________________________________________ Thank you for your support and efforts to make “A City Transformed: Images of Istanbul Then and Now” at the Aga Khan Museum a great success! I am writing to let you know that the exhibition is closing this Sunday, June 26. Tomorrow, Saturday, June 25, at 2pm, there will be a screening of the fascinating documentary “Ara Güler — The Eye of Istanbul” (Binnur Karaevli, Fatih Kaymak, 2015, 58 min.). This is an exciting opportunity to discover Istanbul through the legendary Armenian-Turkish photographer, Ara Güler! Producer Umran Safter will introduce the film, whose screening marks the close of the exhibition. This weekend will be your last chance to experience the many faces of this city through the astonishing historical collection of the noted Turkish collector and art philanthropist Ömer Koç. This incredibly important archive contains approximately 250 albums and over 15,000 photographs of the most central areas of population in Istanbul, the Ottoman Empire, and the Middle East. It spans the early 19th century to the early 20th century, including World War I, the Turkish War of Liberation, and the Republic’s early years. Please invite your constituents to plan their visit at and to learn more about the film screening at Thank you again for your continued support, Arlene Arlene Madell Head, Marketing and Communications Aga Khan Museum 77 Wynford Drive Toronto | ON Canada M3C 1K1 Email: Phone: +1 416.646.4677 x 7735 Mobile: +1 416.953.1985

Photos from The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations's post


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