RFDA Thunder Bay Regional Food Distribution Association
A food bank for food banks. Let no one go hungry in our midst.
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This is happening all month! Head in to any local Walmart and support the RFDA! Thank you Walmart, and thank you Thunder Bay! https://www.foodbankscanada.ca/Blog/April-2018/Walmart%E2%80%99s-Fight-Hunger-Spark-Change-%E2%80%9D-Campaign-%E2%80%93-M.aspx
We are all setup and have recieved our first donations of the day. Come on down and support the RFDA/Shelter House Meat and Dairy Drive!
Happening tomorrow and Sunday! Please ignore the bizarre picture of Brendan. 🙃
Happening this weekend!
This weekend! come help support both the Shelter House and the RFDA.
Still looking for something to do tonight? Well look no further. Come on out for a night and laughs and support te hungry in our community while you're at it!
Check out what TBT Engineering did today! Sounds like an amazing event that was a lot of fun, and raised money for those most in need in our community. Thank you so much to our wonderful supporters at TBT Engineering!
Think you're funny? Prove it! Check out Open Mic Night this Friday with some of Northern Ontario and Thunder Bay's best comics! Even if you don't think you're funny, go check out others who do. A great night for sure in support of the RFDA.
Check out this amazing drive we are doing with our partners from Shelter House! We are still looking for help for this event, so if you can spare some time on April 7th or 8th, contact Amber below. We would be most grateful and you can do your part to help those in our community who need it most. Have a great weekend, everyone!
We are excited to welcome Gourmandises Bantu to the RFDA incubator kitchen family! After a lot of hard work, and a steep learning curve still to come, Thunder Bay can now enjoy #flavoursofAfrica! A big big shout-out to the gorgeous and talented Breakfast Lunch & Deener, who has been a huge success and supporter of the RFDA's incubator kitchen space. Also providing our new friends with some kitchen training! Check out both of their websites to learn about the amazing food they are cooking up in our amazing kitchen :) #onebigfamily #sharedkitchens #smallfoodbusiness #tbayfoodies #mealdelivery #mealprepservice