Tony & Adam's
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS$3 Burt Reynolds & Swedish Berry shots this Friday & Saturday! 10pm till close! Have a great spring break
$3 Burt Reynolds & Swedish Berry shots this Friday & Saturday! 10pm till close! Have a great spring break
Thursday Night = $3.99 Mule Night Come Try one of our 7 different mules. Also, Buy 2 get 1 FREE apps 8:30-11
Student Pricing for everyone again this Friday & Saturday Night. $3 Domestic Beer & Bar Shots! From 10pm-Close
Half price wine Wednesday! Buy 2, get 1 FREE apps after 9pm
Student Pricing again this Friday & Saturday Night. $3 Domestic Beer & Bar Shots! From 10pm-Close
Student Pricing for Everyone this Weekend! $3 Bar Shots & Molson Beer 10pm to Close. Both night, Friday & Saturday.
Come celebrate valentines day with us! We are going to have several valentines lobster features.
This is our REALLY EARLY Christmas present tonight!
Student Hour (10am-2am tonight) $2.66 domestic Molson Beer $2.66 Bar Shots (Vodka, Rye, Rum and Gin)
Ladies night tonight! $4.86 Sourkey & Banana martini's 2oz $5.10 for all other Martini's 2oz all night long!
$2.00 Burt Reynolds shots tonight after 10pm. Also, it is ladies night! So all martini's are on feature all night long. See you tonight.