University College of the North is a post-secondary institution located in Northern Manitoba, Canada. UCN has a student body of approximately 1,800 annually, and a staff of approximately 400. The Chancellor of UCN is Edwin Jebb.Student lifeUCN is committed to providing students with education and training characterized by a culture of openness, inclusiveness, and respect of Aboriginal and northern values.MissionThe mission of University College of the North is to ensure Northern communities and people will have access to educational opportunities, knowledge and skills, while being inclusive and respectful of diverse Northern and Aboriginal values and beliefs.VisionRooted in the Seven Sacred Teachings of Aboriginal peoples, University College of the North prepares life-long learners and graduates to be positive and contributing members of society.HistoryNorthern Manitoba Vocational Center was established in The Pas in 1966 and the Thompson campus was opened in the early 1980s.University College of the North was established on July 1, 2004, with the passage of the University of the North Act in the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, and is the successor to Keewatin Community College.CampusUCN has two main campuses, in The Pas and Thompson. There are 12 regional centres in Churchill, Cross Lake, Easterville, Flin Flon, Pukatawagan(Mathias Colomb), Grand Rapids (Misipawistik), Nelson House (Nisichawayasihk), Norway House, Oxford House (Bunibonibee), St. Theresa Point, Split Lake, and Swan River. Nine of UCN's 12 regional centres are in First Nations communities. In partnership with local Cree Nation authorities, UCN co-sponsors public libraries in Pukatawagan (Mathias Colomb), Norway House and Chemawawin (Easterville).
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