Custom jewelry designer, traditional cedar weaver, and artist of Northwest Coast formline design. Contemporary Gitxsan/Nisga'a Art, Cedar Weaving & Jewerly by Jaimie Davis
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS*SOLD* THE ORIGINAL Hoobiyee moooooooons are back! Just in time for Hoobiyee next weekend in Laxgaltsalp! 🌙 #hoobiyee #nisgaanewyear #jadacreations #jaimiedavis #JADA #jaimiedavisdesigns #originaldesigns #earrings #earcandy #moons#abalone #sterlingsilverhooks #designerjewelry
I’ve been so busy painting and carving that I haven’t made any jewelry in 2 months!! These earrings are going to Hoquiam, Wa. #jadacreations #jaimiedavis #JADA #jaimiedavisdesigns #cedarweaving #originaldesigns #earrings #earcandy #cedarbark #abalone #jewelry #handmadejewelry
Check the NWCC WEBSITE! 1st and 2nd place recipients of the President’s Award 🥇🥈
Congratulations to my brotha! Nothing but good energy going in to every one of your pieces. So proud of you Gunni!
We must all unite as one. Stand together to become one powerful source because when we are divided, we are weak. #allnations #unity #decolonize #waterislife #waterprotectors #salmonislife #wearestillhere #jaimiedavis #Gitx̱san #Nisg̱a’a #jadacreations
The Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Fine Art! #westillhere
My “Ancestor Faces”. They are always guiding us along our path. Always watching over us. This piece was sold at the art show and I couldn’t be more ecstatic! No words can explain how truly blessed I feel and how honoured I am to be where I’m at, at the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Fine Art, where Freda’s legacy of teaching will live on forever! Our Master carvers Ken McNiel, Stan Bevan and Grand Master Dempsey Bob are making sure of that! They teach so that it lives on. They teach so we don’t lose it. They teach because one day, we will eventually replace them and it is our duty to honour that. I am completely humbled to be a part of that. • • • #fredadiesing #northwestcoastart #jaimiedavis #jadacreations
My rendition of a Nisg̱a’a box design #nisgaa #northwestcoastart #ancientart #theyweretherealmasters
Check out this wicked raven design! A first year student and my friend at the Freda Diesing School!!
The Grand Master, Dempsey helping me on my eagle mask 😁
Unity in diversity! The Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Fine Art houses different nations from all across BC and the Yukon. In this school we all unite to become one powerful force as we help lift eachother up. We stand together as one. #unityindiversity#originaldesigns #northwestcoastart #acrylic#birchpanel#jaimiedavis#jadacreations
Sneak peek of what’s to come at our first art show this Friday at the Terrace art gallery, 7pm!