Beauty & the Brit
Beauty & the Brit Manicure, Pedicure, Waxing, Lash & brow tinting, Facials, Back treatments.
Teeth whitening and ear piercing. Gift Certificates. Footlogix products.
Private treatment room.
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facebook.comCancellation at 12 tomorrow Saturday To book call 250 486 7810 or message me here
Joanne Lofeudo photography Available @ Beauty & the Brit
Cancellation Friday @ 11am Call or message to book 250 486 7810
Mini pedi $25 Deluxe $39-$49
I'm giving away one teeth whitening @ $129! 1) like my home page 2) share this post 3) comment 'done' Good luck. Winner will be drawn at random March 31
2 deluxe anti aging facials $119!