Plains Wine Beer & Spirits
The name says it all. Pleasing everyones wants, needs & tastes with a large selection of world wines, beer & spirits. Requests welcome.
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facebook.comTry Rum instead of Tequila. 🌵
😂 I can relate.
Congratulations Jessica, our winner of the Big Rock lumber jacket. I'm sure it will keep you warm on those cool summer nights.
MADD approved single use Breathalyzer's available in store while supplies last.
Uh Oh 😯
Kir Royal Mom-osa 3-4 oz Sparkling Wine 1 oz Chambord 2-3 frozen raspberries Combine
Roll on summer.
Start your day with dessert....why not???
Do you have any Tequila left over from Cino De Mayo? Add some to a Mom-osa and a little Grenadine.