Stirling Aikido is the facebook presence for Yoshinkan Aikido in Stirling, ON. We train at Peaceful Warrior Dojo under the instruction of Dan Boyle Sensei
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facebook.comMay 27, 2017 Shinsa
Denis 8th Kyu, Jennifer 7th Kyu, Hedy Uke
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Kenshu and Demo
Wasenkan Dojo is hosting a kenshu. Instructors will be Jim Murray Sensei, Godan and Todd Fleck Sensei, Yondan. It will be followed by a farewell party for Todd Fleck Sensei, as he has been posted to Greenwood, NS and will be leaving us in July. A demonstration of Aikido will take place at 3:30 pm which will be open to the public with free admission.
Mark your calendars. Saturday, June 17th, 2017. Kenshu and farewell party!
Photos from Stirling Aikido's post
We had a great shinsa (grading) last night. MacKenzie received his green belt. It was an excellent demonstration of the material. Very strong and controlled. Great work MacKenzie.
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Testing tonight! Guess who is on deck!
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Awesome Saturday morning class
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Warm up at the Stirling Dojo
Great news everyone...Saturday we will have Jenn Hutter visiting us for class. Jenn is a Nidan in aikido and a long time friend of Sensei Todd. Please come on out to welcome her to our dojo.
Family Day Holiday is tomorrow. Both adult and children's classes are cancelled. Enjoy your family!
Tomorrow's class will be lead by Sensei Todd. Remember to bring your A-Game with you! It's going to be a great class!
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I will be attending this kenshu. If anyone wants to join me I will be leaving Stirling at 6:45 am. It is an allday event. Starts at 9 am. Party starts at 5 pm. Osu! ~ Sensei Dan