Happy Acres U-Pick
Closed for the season:+) Chemical Free Fruits and Veggies, Coffee shop, Foothills Creamery Ice Cream, pickled veggies and jams and syrups, honey and farm eggs!!!! Call 780-968-0099 weekly or we will update Facebook weekly so you know what is ready. Open Seasonally look for opening date on Facebook and our message (usually open around the end of May until end of September).
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Duck poop tickle bath anyone?
Wilder Child
25 Awesome Earth Day Activities for Kids!
Happy Earth Day 🌿🍀🌲🌱🌳🌴🌍
Happy Easter!
22 Words
Happy Acres U-Pick's cover photo
Photos from Happy Acres U-Pick's post
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Looking to find some kids wagons (not fussy with color) for this season. If you have one to get rid of, or one for sale message us!😆
Meet our cutest new member of the family Autumn our 20 month old Miniature Jersey Cow (A2A2). 😍😍❤❤ She is settling in nicely, happy and loves to have fun!
Liquor On McLeod Ltd.
ALBERTA Fruit wine:+) Find it at Liquor on McLeod!
Timeline Photos
Due to many complaints of chicken poop getting stuck to the bottom of people's shoes while visiting the farm the last year open, we have decided we will be putting these chicken diapers on ALL of our chickens this 2017 season.......... April Fools😆😆😆😆😆😆
Fluffy Layers