Pachamama Organics
Pachamama organics is a small farm just outside of North Gower. We will be selling produce, livestock and sharing our experiences.
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Goat Yoga Saturdays
A series of goat yoga classes offered at the farm. The classes will cap 20 people, so sign up now to reserve a spot. The class will cost $10 per person and the all the proceeds will go to a local animal shelter.
Goat Yoga
This will be the first in a series of goat yoga classes offered at the farm. The classes will cap 20 people, so sign up now to reserve a spot. The class will cost $10 per person and the all the proceeds will go to a local animal shelter.
The First Seedlings of 2017!
It's time!!! That's right this is the month most farmers and gardeners get to plant the first seeds of the year. Not a whole bunch of seeds mind you, just a little warm up. This is the time for onions and leeks!! If you want tasty green onions in June and big full bulbs in the fall you have to start early!! [ 907 more words ]
Growing Happy Vegetables From The Dirt Up
Since I started gardening I have considered myself green thumbed. I have had no trouble making plants grow and keeping them alive, mostly. But it turns out that plants are pretty keen on being alive, and with the right conditions plus a little attention they will manage to make it through. Having plants that thrive or vegetables that taste good and last once harvested... [ 881 more words ]
Planning your garden!
Holy cow!!! I am doing so much planning right now at the farm and I'd like to share my process with you! Over the next few weeks I will be posting a series of posts about the different parts of planning a garden. This week I will be writing about the first stage of effective garden planning: The Layout In order to know the varieties and quantities of plants to grow we will need to take a big picture look at our garden plan. [ 1,073 more word ]
What to grow!?
I really love vegetables... I love all the different tastes, colours, shapes, textures and personalities of vegetables. So when it comes time to select this season's varieties the struggle is real! In a perfect world I could just plant each and every variety of each and every crop and call it a day. But that would mean losing consistency, not being able to buy in bulk, always planting things that are new to me and really just an overwhelming amount of vegetables. [ 1,018 more word ]
Timeline Photos
The last of the lady goats has been bred! By the beginning of June we will have between 6 and 12 of these little bundles of joy!! #cantWaitForKids
CSA sign-ups for 2017 are officially open! Space is limited so don't wait too long to sign-up!
The “Off-Season”
One of the questions I always get asked when I tell people I am a farmer is: "What do you do in the off-season?". To be honest this question always gives me pause, we don't really have an off-season on the farm. Yes, there are many months in the winter where growing vegetables outside is near impossible. But that hardly means activity stops on the farm. [ 590 more words ]
The Nitty Gritty of Farm Life
Today's post is not the usual upbeat post, but its important and I think it is something that deserves talking about. Death and slaughter on the farm - they are natural parts of farming that all farmers will be presented with eventually, even if you only have dairy goats and laying hens. For those of us that don't come from a farming or hunting background this is usually completely uncharted territory. [ 1308 more words. ]
Toby and Cailyn get bees!