Sendcere Send Out Cards Appreciating people in the here & now!
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Colouring has been proven to be relaxing and stress relieving. We have the perfect colouring book of Inuit art from Cape Dorset. Celebrate a piece of Canada’s heritage as you relax!
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Great comparison!
Caio Terra BJJ
The power of positivity!
Rescue Pit Bulls Act As 'Surrogate Moms' To 3 Newly Blind Cats
3 blind cats, 2 rescued pit bulls and an unlikely friendship. You will want to grab the tissues before reading this touching story!
Every day should be Random Acts of Kindness Day. Never miss the opportunity to teach your kids to share kindness.
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Happy Leap Year!! Make today memorable.
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Thank You all for joining me for the February 2016 Gratitude Challenge. You've all inspired me! You reached out and changed the day for so many people, just by showing them that you care, you thought of them. And I know you all feel awesome for it! Sending out to give has become a way of life for me & I love it. Your Friend, Linda
100 trips everyone should take in their lifetime
Travel is good for you on many levels. Wouldn't it be fun to share these adventures?
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All wrapped into one nice, affordable, easy to use system!
“The greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.” ~"Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" by Ronald Dahl. What secrets have you found on your journey?
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When was the last time you received something beside bills in your mailbox? Brighten someones day ~ send them a card :)
The journey can be long. Remember: "It's not a sprint; it's a marathon." So pace yourself to win the race!