All Fibreglass Plastic Welding Powder Coating Hydrograpics Ceramic Coating Bodywork Painting Welding Gelcoating Air Brushing Decalling Sandblasting & more!
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facebook.comHere is a video I did because I get asked frequently on "how durable is powder coating", here is an example from a project that I'm redoing. I'm using a 40 grit paper on a 8" orbital gear driven sander (very agressive).
Finished the other parts for the Harley bike...will have pics of bike when customer has bike put back together.
Powder Coated some signs for a company...Alex the Grape, Ink Black & Super Chrome with Lollypop Red.
Just to let everyone know, Selkirk Fibreglass & Plastic Repairs has a new web page up and running follow the link from our page or go to
Just powder coating some commercial items
Did some powdercoating, speaker covers-Desert Charcoal Grey a heater box-Ink Black and Martial Arts Kama Weapons-a large amounts of colors to list.
Hydrodipped a rifle stock in reaper buck film.
Powder coated a older BMW motorcycle frame and assorted parts with Prismatic Ink Black
Did some sample dips of pictures of film for hydrograpics.
Repair, bodyworked and painted this badly damaged Skidoo Elite hood. Now just add decals!