Start with the Sole Reflexology
Start with the Sole and work your way up, to better health. Your feet and body will love you for it!
What is Reflexology and How Does it Work?
Reflexology is the Gentle Massaging of the Hands & Feet to Stimulate the Body's Own Natural Healing Power.
A session will help balance the body as well as break up deposits of toxic by-products or better know as crystals, uric & lactic acid. Also Scar tissue, Pooling of Lymph Fluid, Corns & Callouses can create internal & external physical obstructions (blockages). Sensations such as swelling, softness or hardness of muscle tone may also be felt as gritty or sandy under the skin which may interfere with the natural flow of the body's electromagnetic energy.
By Applying Pressure on Specific areas of the feet or hands, a reflexologist can stimulate corresponding organs or glands. Because internal organs like the lungs and the kidneys can not be directly massaged, Reflexologists believe that the foot and hand reflexes are an appropriate alternative which have no adverse side effects.
** Ask Me about Prices: Which vary from Office, In Home services and Senior Rates.
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