Le Dog Shack
Pension, Garderie de Jour & Toilettage pour chiens & chats
Boarding, Daycare & Grooming for dogs and cats « Le Dog Shack »
Nous sommes un service de soins spécialisés pour animaux de compagnie à domicile. Nous offrons à vos animaux un « chez-soi » comme à la maison dans une atmosphère chaleureuse et incomparable.
Nos services offerts englobent le toilettage, le gardiennage de jour ainsi que la pension dans un univers à l’écoute des besoins de vos animaux. Tout cela, afin de fournir un environnement apaisant et positif ainsi qu’une expérience agréable pour vos êtres chers durant leur séjour chez nous!
Dog Shack
We are a home-based pet care service offering your pets a
``home away from home`` in a comfortable and loving atmosphere.
Our services include grooming, daycare, and boarding all devoted
to provide a stress-free, positive and fun experience for your loved ones
during their stay with us!
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Soaking up the sunshine with Bailey Dd and Ewok 🐾😎☀️🌻
Hôpital Vétérinaire Ormstown Veterinary Hospital Inc.
Blue Staffy Ramsey
Timeline Photos
The Dodo
Photos from Le Dog Shack's post
My phone cant hold anymore photos ( all dogs hehe ) found these that are too cute not to share
Photos from Le Dog Shack's post
Photos from Le Dog Shack's post
First dip in the river this year! Was it muddy? Omg yes :S .. but... it was SoOo much FuN!!!! :p ,, now time for a hose down and maybe a few snoring dogs :D
Photos from Le Dog Shack's post
Timeline Photos
Cutie-pie Riley testing out our new doggie door/gate ;)
Photos from Le Dog Shack's post
Photos from Le Dog Shack's post
Spring has finally arrived!! ☀️Such a beautiful day to play outside with Riley🐾 Chloe 💕 Dd and Ewok 🌻