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REPS Sports & Fitness Training

562 Talbot Street, Saint Thomas, Canada
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Specialized Workout Programs, BootCamps, and Specialized Nutritional Meal Plans designed for you to achieve your fitness goals.  


#Repost @terri.linn.s (@get_repost) ・・・ Having a great time introducing people to the UFE with PRO @jackson.katerina! Come say hi and for your chance to win an all day VIP pass to the Canadian PRO Qualifier on June 23rd and get in a FREE @wellingtonfitnesslondon while you’re here! #ufe #ufeshows #ufenation #naturalfitness #compete #train #workout #fitness #free #giveaway @ufeshows

Transformation Tuesday! 😍 #UFE #REPS Athlete Angela is all about challenging herself to do her best. She has lost 20% Body Fat in 12 weeks!!! πŸ‘Š This determined and beautiful lady is a busy mother of 4 !!! Love watching her go after her dreams!! πŸ’– It's not easy stepping out of the comfort zone but with effort and determination she is proving it can happen!! 😘 🀜🀜Very excited and proud to be your coach. @angela.murraygillard keep inspiring! β˜† SO can't wait to see you grace the UFE Canada Pro Qualifier event June 23rd ! @ufeshows #progress #gains #weightloss #transformation #repstraining #ufe #ufecanadaproqualifier #naturalfitness #gurlswholift #girlswithmuscle #womenshealth #bodybuilding #bikinibabe #fitmoms #neversettle #determination #mindset #goals #inspire #fitnessmotivation #livelifetothefullest

Homemade soup is a wonderful way to enjoy healthy, quick meals at home. This recipe for Sausage and Cabbage Comfort Soup is packed with wholesome fiber from fresh vegetables and protein from sausage.❀️πŸ₯£ Make a big pot on the weekend and then reheat bowls throughout the week for fast, nutritious meals that will keep you on track with your fitness goals. Courtesy of 1 click (100% of total) What you need Serves 20 1 Β½ pounds mild Italian sausage, loose 1 large yellow onion, halved and thinly sliced 2 teaspoons garlic, chopped 4 medium carrots, peeled and sliced into ¼” rounds 1 head green cabbage, core removed and shredded 3 large tomatoes, diced 2 teaspoons sea salt (plus more as needed) fresh ground black pepper (about 5 cracks) 1 teaspoon ground sweet paprika Instructions 1. Brown the sausage at the bottom of a large soup pot over medium high heat, breaking it into small pieces as it browns. Remove the cooked sausage from the pot and set aside in a bowl, leaving the oil from the sausage in the pot. 2. Add the onions, garlic and carrots to the pot with the hot oil. Continue to cook over medium high heat, stirring often as the veggies become tender, about 5 minutes. Add the cabbage and tomatoes, and continue to cook, stirring often, for 5 minutes. Mix in the remaining ingredients and bring the soup to a low simmer for 20 minutes. 3. Add more salt and pepper to taste and serve hot. Enjoy! Nutrition One serving equals 116 calories, 7g fat, 7g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 6g protein. Motivate your friends, family and co-workers! Tag & Share 😍❀️πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Š

Stressed Out? Regular exercise is a simple solution to get you feeling good fast. This is because every time you exercise your body increases its production of endorphins, which are responsible for that feel-good euphoria you get after a great workout or while chomping down on a piece of chocolate. However, before you turn to chocolate and skip the gym, remember the end result of each and choose which one will help you reduce stress in the long run. (Hint: It’s not the chocolate!)

Thank you to everyone who came to the Workshop today! We shared a lot of valuable information! REPS Fitness Studio will be having a Posing Practice Session on Sunday April 21st at 10:00 am for 1 hour with myself and Coach Adam Wilks The next UFE Workshop is on Sunday, May 27th 1:00 - 4:00 PM. Please Direct Message Me to reserve your spot for the REPS Group Posing or the UFE Workshop. :) It was very nice seeing everyone and let's get dialed in for Show Time !!! πŸ‘ŠπŸ’– β€” Products shown: REPS Sports & Fitness Training.

Can't wait for tomorrow's UFE Posing Workshop at the REPS Fitness Studio from 1:00 - 4:00 pm Sunday March 25th. - - - Looking forward to meeting with everyone and sharing tons of great information about the UFE!! - - - We will be learning about stage presentation, practicing mandatory posing, quarter turns and your stage routines!!! So ladies bring your heels and let's have a ton of fun!!! πŸ˜πŸ‘™πŸ’˜ - - - We are also e going into detail about how the tier system works, what categories UFE offers and how each category is judged! Our drug free testing policy, what to expect on show day and all tanning, hair, makeup tips, posing suits and how to promote yourself in the industry! - - - This workshop will give you the knowledge and feedback you need to succeed with UFE So don't miss It!! - - - The workshop is FREE for registered competitors, $20 for UFE members and $40 for anyone else. - - - Direct Message Me To Reserve Your Spot. πŸ’–πŸ˜πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ‘™ @ufeshows @ufenation @katerina.jackson β–ͺ #posingcoach #fitnesscoach #ufeshows #stagepresentation #londonontario #stthomasproud #compete #bikiniprep #bodybuilding #mensfitness #bikiniprep #repstraining #fitnesscompetitor #contestprep

Weekend motivation !!! My girl Angela !!! Cant wait to do some private posing with you at the REPS Studio! See you in a bit! πŸ’–πŸ˜˜ #Repost @angela.murraygillard (@get_repost) ・・・ If you're looking for immediate results, you won't find it. It takes hard work, consistency, and patience. It is easy to give up when you don't see the progress you are making, but one day, when you look back at how far you have come, it will be like, "bam!!! This is definitely worth it!" #feelingstrong #musclegainsπŸ’ͺ #itainteasy #butsoworthit #ufe #fitnesscompetitor #juneiscomingfast

REPS Athlete and Coach, Adam is crushing it!! Mind on that PRO Card and hardware!! πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ₯‡πŸ† #Repost @adamwilks.ufe.elite (@get_repost) ・・・ End of week 12. 1.6lb avg loss. Lots of new details. 13 weeks to go #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #lightweightpride #physiquemasterymovement #swole #shredding #winning #lifestyle #gains #lightweight #bantamweight #ufenation #ufeshows #ufe #natural #naturalpride #imnoteveryone #goaldigger #fitfam #fitspo #ontariomuscle #musclecanada #lift #build #ufeworldchampionship #natty #fitover40 #TeamREPS #jednorth

What an amazing transformation in just 4 weeks! I know this isn’t transformation Tuesday but I just couldn’t wait to share!! Avalon has lost 6lbs in that time and dropped 4 inches in her waist! She’s so excited to be dropping sizes in her clothes especially since having her baby! Yes this is her journey from a post baby bod!!! She is even going out to buy new clothes! Keep up the amazing work, good things are in store for you! - - - Contact REPS to start your fitness journey with a complementary fitness assessment and consultation! Meghan Wright #transformationthursday #postbabybody #weightloss #trainer #client #amazing #fitness #fitlife #confidence #fitspo

Getting SUPER Excited for the UFE Canada Pro Qualifier Event and Sunday's Posing Workshop at the REPS Fitness Studio!! Photo Credits: Matea Testa #flexfriday #fitnessmotivation #glam #fastcars #maserati #photoshoot #model #weekend #beyou #bebeautiful #staytrue #livethelifeyoulove #livelifetothefullest #fitbabes #inspire #smilemore #instagood

Happy Flex Friday Everyone !! πŸ’ͺπŸ‘ŠπŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ 4 week transformation. Bikini prepping for UFE Canada Pro Qualifier!! REPS athlete getting dialed in for her very first competition. @angela.murraygillard @ufeshows #transformation #goals #bikiniprepping #hustle #neversatisfied #neversettle #compete #ufeshows #ufelife #naturalfitness #dreamit #achieveit #repstraining #REPSTeam

No quitting!!! He's counting on you.πŸ‘Š #beleiveinyourself #yougotthis #fitnessmotivation #fitnesspartner #inspire #strongwomen #lilrebel #boys #goodtimes #goodlaughs #determined #balance #planks #repstraining
