This is the information and discussion page for the Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program at Mount Allison University
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facebook.comThis summer the Institute for Liberal Studies will be hosting the following two Freedom Week seminars: July 9-14 at the University of Alberta. August 13-18 at McGill University. These five-day seminars are designed for students who are interested in learning about the classical liberal tradition. They are open to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates, in all fields. Lectures will provide an interdisciplinary approach to this rich intellectual tradition and will cover subjects such as philosophy, economics, politics, and law. Our faculty at this year’s seminars will include Jacob Levy (McGill), Michael Munger (Duke), Moin Yahya (Alberta), Lauren Hall (Rochester Institute of Technology), and more! Freedom Week seminars are offered free of charge, and room and board will be provided for all accepted students. Participants will be selected through a competitive application process. All applications must be submitted by April 15 at The Institute for Liberal Studies in a non-partisan, educational non-profit dedicated to exploring classical liberal ideas and the foundations of a free society. Last year we hosted more than 40 events across Canada, which were attended by more than 1,500 students, faculty, and members of the public. If you wish to learn more about us, please visit
Dr. Michael Munger: What Are the Moral and Regulatory Implications of the Sharing Economy? Monday, March 12, 2018, 11:30 a.m. Dunn Building, Wu Centre, Room 113 The “sharing economy” is actually the intersection of using “apps” to sell reductions in transactions costs, and the large amounts of unused or excess capacity in a variety of durables in our lives. The transactions costs revolution will transform the boundary between renting and owning. Professor Michael Munger received his Ph.D. in Economics at Washington University. He was the Chair of the Political Science Department at Duke University from 2000 through 2010. He has won three University-wide teaching awards (the Howard Johnson Award, an NAACP “Image” Award for teaching about race, and admission to the Bass Society of Teaching Fellows). He is currently director of the interdisciplinary PPE Program at Duke University.
Black History Month Professor Uzoma Esonwanne Department of Comparative Literature University of Toronto "The 60th Anniversary of Chinua Achebe's great African novel: 'Things Fall Apart' Then and Now" Wednesday 28 February 2018 East Alcove, Bell Library 7pm Refreshments will be served Chinua Achebe received an Honorary Doctorate from Mount Allison in 1984 His novels will be available for purchase at the event from Tidewater Books
Gwynn’s Dyer will be speaking Monday, February 12 at 7, in Crabtree Auditorium. The talk is sponsored by History and the three PPE Departments. Dyer will talk about surviving the populist/nationalist wave. For more go to the Mount A events page.
A Reminder: The Deadline for applications for the Wilson Internships in PPE is January 31.,_Politics,_and_Economics/Wilson_Internship/Wilson_Internships/
This is quick reminder that the Philosophy sponsored PPE Hastings Lecture will be given by Dr. Bindu Puri at the Owen’s Art Gallery, tomorrow (Oct. 2), at 7 pm, followed by a reception. Dr. Puri’s talk is entitled “Gandhi on the Good Life: Truth, Non-Violence and Autonomy.” We hope to see all of you there.
The Official Facebook Page of the Mount Allison PPE Program
Next week! Dr. Bindu Puri (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India) will be speaking on "Gandhi and the Good Human Life: Satya (Truth), Ahimsa (Non-Violence), and Swaraj (Autonomy)." Come join us! Monday Oct. 2, 7pm, Owens Art Gallery. Reception to follow. Presented by the Mount Allison Philosophy Department and the Philosophy, Politics & Economics Program.
Dr. Bindu Puri (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India) will be speaking on "Gandhi and the Good Human Life: Satya (Truth), Ahimsa (Non-Violence), and Swaraj (Autonomy)." Come join us! Monday Oct. 2, 7pm, Owens Art Gallery. Reception to follow. Presented by the Mount Allison Philosophy Department and the Philosophy, Politics & Economics Program.
From Daniel Gold Hi there, I'd like to reach out to anybody who'd be willing to sit with me at the Clubs and Societies fair on September 10th to recruit some people for this fledgling society. Also, for any PPE peeps who would like to get together to discuss PPE Society or any other PPE related subjects, hit me up!