- Dedication, time and effort
Angus and Hereford cattle
Dorset and Suffolk sheep Dusty Breeze Farm is located in Jolicure, New Brunswick on the edge of the Tantramar Marsh. The name "Dusty Breeze" depicts the stiff breezes that usually sweep over the marshes. We have a 150 cow calf herd; mostly Angus and Charolais crosses. When the calves are weaned, we sell them to a feed lot in P.E.I. We grow enough grain, hay and silage to feed all of our cattle. In the summer, we put most of our cattle on the local community pasture. The farm is operated by three generations including the granddaughters; Nicole, Allison and Beverly. They are involved in several 4-H projects, including beef, market steer, sheep, welding, crafts, cake decorating, and light horse. They are also very enthusiastic Junior Angus and Junior Hereford members. The kids have about 30 cows / heifers, 15 of those are purebred Angus, 9 are purebred Herefords, 2 are Maine Anjou’s and the rest are Angus feeder steers. They also have about 15 purebred sheep; most of them are Dorset's but there are a couple Suffolk’s and North Country’s.
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Dusty Breeze Farm