Believe Tollers and Art
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers and the Art they inspire. Custom painted and wood burned art
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facebook.comJack, Mike and Cher are available to the right homes.
The puppies love their shaggy dog. Male puppies available in both litters.
Two handsome dudes in the Disney x Rev litter. Boy puppies available. Contact me if interested.
The blog has been updated with photos of Disney's puppies on day 15 and Kid's puppies on day 10. Applications being accepted for male puppies.
Disney babies got a new bed!
The Disney puppies have eyes! And then they curl up on you and close them and drift off to sleep. I may never move again :)
We have puppies! Follow us on our blog and instagram. Links on our website:
Puppies are coming! Mid to late July. Reservations being taken now.