Ice Cream Parlor, Bake Shoppe & Candy store
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If you happen to have a craving for that "sweet tooth"! They taste as good as they look, fresh this morning!!
It smells wonderful in here. Today we’re offering Snow cones will be offered from 1-5 Peanut butter gluten free cookie Crusty French bread hello dolly, salty caramel, cherry chews, choc/butterscotch brownies, dates squares, confetti squares, morning glory & blueberry loafs & slices, butterscotch&chocolate cookie, plain&cheese croissant, cheese &blueberry biscuits, apple pie, pecan, plain & raisin butter tarts, pecan cinnamon buns
It’s a beautiful day here in Renfrew so will be offering snow cones from 1-5 today #sweettoothrenfrew #snowcones #sweettreats
It’s Reese’s time #sweetthoothrenfrew #reeses #yum
Birthday candy bouquet #sweettoothrenfrew #candyboutique #alloccasions
Did someone say donuts 🍩
We will be closing at 5 today as we will be attending An Evening in Paris