St. Mark's Anglican Church, Port Hope
St. Mark's is a parish of the Diocese of Toronto. The Eucharist is celebrated each Sunday at 8.00 am (said) and 10.30 am (sung). There is also a said Eucharist on Wednesdays at 10.00 am (alternates monthly with St. John's, 33 Pine St. North, Port Hope). St. Mark's is a parish of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Our common life is centered in the eucharist (also known as Holy Communion or Mass). There we gather and encounter Christ in the words of scripture read and preached. We also encounter Christ sacramentally in the bread and wine, blessed, broken, and distributed.
We are involved in a number of social outreach and social justice initiatives, and in community activities. We also have a fine choir of both adults and kids, 18 and under.
As we discern the activity of God, we undertake initiatives that draw us towards God and neighbour. These include a Centering Prayer group, a book club (Tuesday Tea & Theology), and a monthly adult study group (5-Minutes Monthly). We are also involved with the Greenwood Coalition Suppers held weekly on Wednesdays, a free Tuesday lunch, the Junior Choir, and other periodic children's activities.
Your presence and suggestions are welcome.
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facebook.comLenten Video from the Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE), for Week 3, Day 6.
Lenten Video from the SSJE, for Week 3, Day 5.
Lenten Video from the Soiety of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE), for Week 3, day 4.
Lenten Video from the SSJE, for Week 3, Day 3.
Lenten Video from the Society of St. John the Evangelist, for week 3, day 2.
Lenten Video from the SSJE, for Week 3, day 1.
Lenten Video from the Society of St. John the Evangelist, for week 2, day 6.
Lenten Video from the SSJE, for Week 2, Day 5.
Lenten Program--Each Wednesday evening at 7.00, we meet to discuss and share the thoughts, questions, and sometimes quandries, that have surfaced from watching the daily Lenten Video Series from the Society of St. John the Evangelist. The videos are posted here each day (I'm catching up on that) or watch on YouTube or the SSJE website. You are welcome to do the program on your own (a booklet is available at the church or online to record your responses), with a friend or friends, or join our group.
Lenten Video from the Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE). Week 2, Day 4.
Lenten Video from SSJE for Week 2, Day 3.
Lenten Video from the Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE), Week 2, Day 2.