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Saffron - A Taste of the Exotic

522 Goderich Street, Port Elgin, Canada



Our goal is to bring culinary diversity to Saugeen Shores - a place to sample foods from around the globe in a non-intimidating setting!  Don't know what something is? - just ask!  We are passionate about food and would love to explain to you what certain ingredients are and how we prepare meals.  We also aim to create food that suits different dietary needs/choices.  While we have hearty meat dishes that carnivores will salivate over (we roast our pork and beef all day!), we offer several mouthwatering cuisines for vegetarians, vegans, the lactose intolerant and the gluten-intolerant.  Our menu is broad and we focus on changing features.  In terms of breakfast, we offer comfort-food with a global twist.  Come in and sample it!  We have a gorgeous outdoor patio that we open in the late spring. It is shaded from the sun, private and comfortable.  We hope to see you soon!


There used to be a time when observable galactic phenomena would be a part of our lives; when light particles from the sun would actually come into contact with our retinas. Do you remember that? I do. Like a gift from the heavens, sunlight used to bathe us in its purifying essence. And now? -a wash of melancholy over everything. As I personally prepare to endure this sad hue of greyish-white for the next several months, I shall remind you of our love for you guys. We have had the busiest autumn on record and we can't thank you enough for your continued support and loyalty. Friday was so busy that our beloved teenage staff member, Rhys, put the 1988 smash hit "Don't Worry, Be Happy" on repeat - FOR THREE AGONIZING HOURS - to get through the night in the kitchen. We love our staff, even if they sometimes drive us to madness (ironically, the exact opposite message the song tries to send.) While people rightfully flee for warmer climes this winter, we will still be here. Remember, if you are driving by and that blessed yellow sign is not hanging in the door, that means we have free tables. Yes, there are many times where tables are full and the phone is ringing off the hook (even in winter), but it is a guarantee that there will be days in which things have slowed down to a manageable pace and we shall embrace your spontaneous visit with open arms and lots of spices! Thank you again. For everything. Love and lollipops, Jenn

You know how when you are so close to holidays that every single task feels like an enormous plight? That's me. Right now. And it's not because I don't love you guys. I do. More than ever. But it's because everything feels insufferable; a life challenge akin to surmounting Everest. Without oxygen. Or shoes. On a three-legged miniature donkey. When I look at the floor covered in a thick layer of onion skins and miscellaneous goo, I think, without blinking, "I don't need to sweep, do I? I mean, who cares about health code violations, really. Aren't those merely suggestions? What if I invented a robot to do this for me? I could teach it to scrub grout and mop and love me unconditionally... wait, what if it becomes self-aware?" Within minutes I am in really deep and then I realize the best thing to do is pick up a broom to avoid further existential crisis, much to my dismay. Our little team has worked extra hard this year to overcome some hurdles. It has not been an easy one but the thing that kept us going was all of you wonderful, loyal people. Every time you come to pick up your take-out or sit on one of our wobbly black chairs, I breathe a sigh of relief. "This - this, is why I love my job," I remind myself. So, yes, there is a point to this message (sometimes it's hard to tell, right?) and it is to inform you that our holidays are coming up after our busiest summer yet: our last day open is this Sunday September 17th and we re-open a few weeks later on Wednesday October 11th. I have heard rumours going around that we are closing permanently but this is not the case. Rest assured we are staying open. I even heard that one of us joined the army. Sorry guys - as much as you thought it was me, tiny Jenn, donning camouflage and holding an assault rifle - it's not. I will still be here serving your Butter Chicken. Thanks for everything. With eternal love, Jenn (and the rest of the staff xo)

Hello lovely peoples, Anyone who knows me knows that I am the best version of myself when faced with technical issues on the computer - a wholesome, cherubic bundle of joy. I never cuss inappropriately, I never feel as though the blood is boiling inside of my tiny body nor do I ever threaten to wrap my laptop up with rope and heavy rocks and throw it off the Southampton bridge to face its demise in the glorious waters of Lake Huron. I am the opposite of anger - I am like a beam of shining light; a room filled with puppies; a warm embrace from a grandmother on a cold day. So it is with these feelings of happiness that I come on Facebook to provide for you here Saffron's daily features since the website chooses to not work. It's because I am better than these technical issues, right? Rise above, Jenn. Rise above. Soup: Spiced Sweet Potato $5.50/$8 (To Go: $7) A pureed soup with many spices, a touch of heat and coconut milk! (Vegan. Dairy and gluten free.) Main: Spicy Indian Madras Curry! $18 You must sign a waiver before you eat this: one stating that we are not personally responsible for any uncomfortable burning that may occur as a result of eating it! Nah, it's not THAT hot but it is quite spicy indeed. It's pleasing. It makes you want to keep eating it. Chicken breast cooked in a spicy tomato sauce with many fragrant spices, chilies galore, cashews and a touch of vinegar. Served with rice and homemade naan bread and topped with finely chopped red onions and cilantro as garnish. (Contains butter. Gluten free without the naan. Add $1 for a GF tortilla.) Dessert: Lemon Blueberry Cake $7 Moist and delicious! With a lemon glaze icing. Big enough for 2. How are you? I hope you are all doing well. We love you eternally for your loyalty and kindness. With rainbows, Jenn

You've waited three weeks and the time is here now, To again stuff your cheeks full of Saffron's chow! You've been utterly deprived of your favourite meals, While we sat on our butts or escaped on our wheels. This Wednesday at four you can give us a call, And tell us the woes of your awful withdrawal. We feel kind of bad for those we let starve, Rest assured the roast is now ready to carve! You can dream once again of our Chick Pea Doubles, That deep-fried bread that soothes all of your troubles! If it's the Peanut Stew that you so dearly miss, Send your lover to get some and give them a kiss! Perhaps it's Butter Chicken that you can't live without, We'll cook kilos of the stuff, without a doubt! Do you long to sink your teeth into our Mexican Beef? The wrap can be yours with a sigh of relief! We are rested and ready for another busy season, Why do we holiday? - this is the reason. We've missed your lovely faces, so give us a call, We'll do our best to feed you - one and all!

Today we have taken on the snow with NO FEAR. We are OPENING THIS RESTAURANT no matter what happens. Wipers full-force, four-ways on, optic blood vessels popping at the sheer horror of it all, we yelled out loud to Mother Nature in all of Her glory while we drove: "WE WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO OPEN SAFFRON! NNNOOOOTTTTHHHIIINNNNNG!!!" So here we are. Please call us for food. If you pick up your phone and CALL 519-832-9121 between 4:00-8:00 - all of your WILDEST DREAMS will come true. WE 100% GUARANTEE IT! THAT IS OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU. (Some conditions may apply.) Seriously though, we really don't want to be bored. There is nothing worse than standing around at work imagining instead being at home on my couch with a book in my hands and contentment in my eyes. I mean, we can dust stuff while we're here. Maybe scrape some goo off the floor. But in all honesty, we'd much rather be simmering your Butter Chicken. It would give us such pleasure. Ok, I used A LOT OF CAPS in this write-up, but it makes me feel empowered so forgive me, ok? I ALSO HAVE A SERIOUS CASE OF CABIN FEVER. See you soon, lovely friends. LOVE JENN XOXOXOXOXOXO

There are two ways you can wake up this morning: fresh and ready for the world and all it might bestow upon you, or confused, foggy and slightly disheveled. In either case, hair brushed or not, have you considered starting your New Year with breakfast at Saffron? Because, folks, we are indeed OPEN TODAY for all your breakfast needs. Resolutions to get ripped can wait until tomorrow, can they not? Fantasies of Arnold's delicious biceps can still be had while stuffing one's face with Bollywood Benedict. Or Caribbean Banana French Toast. Think about that. Give us a call for take-out or to dine in. 519-832-9121.

Greetings all! UPDATES AND OTHER EXCITING (?) HAPPENSTANCE TO FOLLOW. ("Exciting" is a subjective feeling. This could, in fact, be the most mundane thing you read today.) Facebook has been making subtle suggestions that I ought to make a post - it has been 232 days. My goodness, I have been neglecting my social duties and should be scolded. (I need to take a crash course on modern life.) What a bizarre week it has been! A few missed days and a few missed deliveries but we're here nonetheless. OUR SPIRITS SURVIVE THE SNOW. What else can I tell you? Not too much. The last few weeks have slowed down which means now you can call to make a take-out order and not have to wait four days for your food. IMAGINE THAT! We keep things real here at Saffron. Anyway, yes, go ahead and call. What else? Nothing has broken down in the last month. That's a miracle worth noting. When your equipment turns on without buzzing, hissing or smoking, one must celebrate. I made a new friend. That has been cool. Tomorrow is our Second Annual Christmas Pajamas Breakfast form 9:00-1:00ish! Come dressed in your PJs and your name goes into a draw to win a prize. If you wear a onesie, your name goes in twice - NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Last year, people got really creative! A few times I wished I could have washed my eyes out with soap, but it was so worth it. Ok, we have an exciting proposition: Who wants to drag their snow blower over to our garbage and cardboard bins and dig us out? I am dead serious. We will give you free food for 2 in the form of a gift certificate. WE WILL ALSO LOVE YOU ETERNALLY AND THAT ALONE IS WORTH IT. The brown Miller Waste bins are half-buried on the north side of the building and I am far too lazy to shovel them out. Any takers? Just come on over and work your magic. After you've finished, come in to the restaurant and say "I AM YOUR HERO!" and we will reward you accordingly. The more stoically you proclaim your heroism, the greater our love. Anyway, that's all I think. We will be open WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY next week so come get some food or gift certificates for stocking stuffers. We are also open New Year's Eve and New Year's Day for breakfast! LOVE YOU ALL. JENN XOXOXOOXOXOXOX

The love of chimichangas is deeply rooted in the human genome, its smells, textures and tastes so embedded that even cavemen craved them; but because they'd not yet been invented, the cavemen passed away in vain. Each fur-clad person died never truly having lived, a disgruntled, agonized outburst the last utterance to escape their larynx. A deep-fried burrito is that of a spiritual nature, answering the larger questions in life like: "what is art?"; "what is beauty?"; "what is the point of anything?" The thirst for these answers is quenched when the first bite of it, drenched in a luscious cheese sauce, reminds one of their higher place in the world. Dear customers: thank you for your love of chimichangas and our food in general. By 5:00 last night the phone had rang around 30 times. We went back and checked. Alex and Linda were the sole customers dining in the restaurant at the time, laughing at us, taking photos and saying we needed an automated phone system that simply said "sorry, there's no food." They warned other customers picking up their precious cargo to bring a gun with them to protect themselves. Our customers have really good ideas. No one knew what to do but keep working. My mom and I were flabbergasted. By 5:15 I pulled a chair over to the phone and sat down, unblinking, with a hand outreached waiting for the next ring while I watched the kitchen frying, baking, sauteing, flipping, chopping and sweating. It was glorious. A few times I had to go into the bathroom and splash water on my face, if only to feel once more. THANK YOU, SAUGEEN SHORES (and far beyond!) for allowing us to succeed in this on-your-feet-all-day, onion-skins-all-over-the-floor job. You guys make us get up every morning and put the aprons back on. I received an email saying that the chimichanga made a person's night (they drove all the way back to Owen Sound with it); a photo was posted on here - check it out on our Visitor Posts - of the chimichanga, artfully cut open with a picture of Deadpool next to it; a grown man clasped his hands together like a child on Christmas morning when it was delivered; I listened to the elongated, sincerely heartbroken "nooooooooos!" when I told callers that the food-in-question was already sold out; and I got more than one "holy s---!" reaction upon delivering the beautiful monstrosity to tables (people I never pegged as the expletive-using types surely surprised me.) Tonight we are going to work hard to make even more but I can't tell you how long they will last. I really can't. I woke up this morning after having a dream that all we had left to serve today were hot dogs and we thought we were giving customers a deal by serving them with mango salsa. What commitment! While I'm here, I should tell you that we still have openings for our Mother's Day Greek Brunch Buffet on Sunday May 8th. Give us a ring at 519-832-9121. More details can be found on the home page of our website! You guys are the best. Really and truly. LOVE, Saffron!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxox
