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facebook.comWatch Stink! - The movie the chemical industry doesn't want you to see. Online | Vimeo On Demand
Watch this trailer of the movie 'Stink!' People are waking up! We're with the right company at the right time! https://vimeo.com/r/1FyI/ek1PaEJZM1
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Thanks to Liz Lloyd Pomillo Women in Wellness Creating Healthy Homes Interested in Essential Oils but not sure where to start?? Check out this starter 4-pack! Includes Melaleuca tea tree oil, Peppermint, Lavender and Lemon. Tea tree oil is great for cuts, burns,bites, treating bacteria, viruses and fungi. Peppermint is great for headaches, relieving pain and congestion that causes sinus infections and congestion. Lemon has great antiseptic qualities purifing the air and at the same time acts as a powerful stimulant improving concentration, memory, and clear thinking. Lavender is great for creating a calming atmosphere, reducing stress as well as helping wtih asthma, headaches, imsomina and kills germs that cause sinus and lung infections, coughs and colds. To see additional uses and how to use these refer to the files above in the quick guide for PURE oils.
You must try these 4 special oils in our difuser !
Have you tried these fresh new scents?
Love is in the air! Here’s a recipe for your own special love potion this Valentine’s Day. It’s got a little sweet, a little spice, and it’s very, very nice for creating the perfect romantic ambiance.
Two Droplets
2 drops of a drain declogger solution --so sad... no one should have those toxic products in their home!
Our whole family loves the moisturizing properties of RENEW Intensive Skin Therapy as well as the RENEW Body Wash!
Love and our oils should be in the air all the time!
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From good friend and fellow cruiser, Betsy Epton. PreSpot to the rescue again: 'I have to talk about the pre-spot. I was just on vacation and my friend spilled red wine on my white sweater on the first night. I was so bummed because I did not bring many sweaters. To make it worse, I took a black napkin with water and dabbed at the stain(very stupid). I just got home and did my laundry and soaked that horrible black, red wine spot with Mela's pre-spot. My sweater looks like new! No spots...I can't believe it!'
Food Inc
'From under the bed to inside our medicine cabinet, the products we unwittingly surround ourselves with may make a table sparkle but are basically filled with chemicals that were never properly understood before they were sprinkled in most everything we use.' The common culprits in many unseen hazards in our homes are pesticides and other chemicals. Keeping those out of use also means keeping them out of the environment—out of the air and the water that we flush down drains.