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Monster Fitness

1373B Hunter Street, Pincher Creek, Canada
Outdoor, Recreation & Fitness



In 2012, Monster Fitness started with the core belief that no matter your physical fitness level, appearance, or size you should always feel welcome and comfortable the moment you step into the gym.  Here at Monster we focus on facilitating family fitness and instilling healthy routines into the daily lives of all family members. Monster Fitness is the only place you will need to go to for all your health, fitness, and nutrition needs.   With our diverse physical activities and programs for all age groups, personalized training and nutrition, small group training, rehab and wellness programs, and a variety of classes to choose from there will be an inspiring activity for each member of your family.

We have a fully qualified and enthusiastic team committed to providing a safe, fun, motivating, and comfortable experience for EVERYONE.   Be sure to check out our staff profiles and class schedules to find the personal trainer or class that would suit you best. Otherwise, you are always welcome to stop in and chat with one of the members of our Monster Team.

For all you first time monsters, we invite you to try an initial work out with the drop-in fee waived. Please visit our website and follow the free drop-in link from the home page to get your free pass today! The Gym is open to drop-ins or general use during business hours.  However, if your schedule doesn't permit you to make those hours we have the option of a 24 hour membership. This allows you access to the gym and all the equipment regardless of your busy schedule.  Join Monster Fitness today and start your road to a healthier, happier lifestyle with those that truly care about your well-being.



Monster Fitness

Whose coming tonight? Can't wait to see everyone at the new R.I.P.P.E.D class!

Monster Fitness

We have the position filled for our gym cleaner.....Thank you for everyone who applied. The gym is so clean! we LOVE it

Classes are back to our regular schedule this week! Hope everyone had great Easter celebrations. See you back in the gym!

Pincher Creek Pop Up Shop

If you are in the market for new shoes, stop by and get some help for the proper fit. Next weekend CrossFit Pincher Creek

Pincher Creek Pop Up Shop

We hope everyone a great Easter weekend and enjoyed some family time together. Please note that the only classes running this week are Modified Monsters Tuesday and Thursday 11am, Yoga 6pm Wednesday, Killer Cardio Wednesday 7pm and Wake up Yoga 6am Friday. Regular classes will resume next week.

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Reminder that the gym is closed tomorrow and Monday. However, 24 hour members don't cry, you still have access to the gym with your 24 hour pass. Have a great Easter! See all you Monsters on Tuesday.

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Monster Fitness


Monster Fitness

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Starting next week! Call to register or for more details!

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JOB OPPORTUNITY! See picture for details!

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Way to Grow Baby

Tia's mom and baby classes are cancelled today but you can find her teaching at the Way to Grow Baby event put on by Parent Link. Follow the link to join the event and Tia while she teaches a couple sessions!

Way to Grow Baby

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If you guessed Sariah Brasnett as our Mystery Monster of the day, you're right! Sariah is the owner of Monster Fitness and loves to help others reach their goals. You can join her for personal training or in the classes she teaches

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NEAR Monster Fitness