Fine Authentic Jamaican Cuisine
We really love Jamaican food. We believe that when Jamaican food is prepared with the right mix of seasonings and spices, skilfully cooked in just the right manner and infused with love, the taste is unparalleled. Our food includes all the food groups supporting a healthy lifestyle.
We believe that Jamaican food cooked abroad, if done correctly, should remind one of ‘back home' or for newbies to this fantastic genre of food it should make them make lovers of Jamaican food from the first try.
That’s what we do at Patois.
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facebook.comChef Wayne's Irresistible Valentine Menu
Chef Wayne's Irresistible Valentine Menu
Chef Wayne's Irresistible Valentine Menu
Chef Wayne's Irresistible Valentine Menu
Chef Wayne's Irresistible Valentine Menu
Chefs Wayne's Irresistible Valentine Menu
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VALENTINES....JAMAICAN STYLE? THIS WEEK we want YOU to tell us what the perfect Valentines looks AND tastes like ~ JAMAICAN STYLE ~. This Friday the 15th Chef Wayne will choose the top 3 entries and YOU will decide by vote the TOP submission. The TOP submission WINS a FREE meal @PatoisJA* Chef Wayne will release his exciting and delicious Valentines Menu shortly thereafter. Stay tuned! Share! *conditions apply #patoisjamaicanrestaurant #pickering #ajax #love #valentines #valentinesday #jamaicanstyle #cupid #heart #contest #cupid
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No additives No preservatives Gluten free Truly authentic taste From our kitchen to yours Available in store now
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5 WAYS TO ENSURE YOUR CATERER MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A HERO QUALITY FOOD Quality matters and quality food is what will keep your guests happy and singing the praises of your event long after it’s over. Choose quality over the budget, and if what you desire exceeds your budget then pare down the selection with the confidence that what you do have will taste great and be sufficient in quantity. SPECIALTY FOCUS Does your caterer know what they are doing? Usually if a claim is made that “we can do anything” it is unlikely that all the food will taste good and authentic. Choose a caterer with specialty focus. FLEXIBILITY How do you best package or serve the food to your guests? Buffet style? Box lunches? A caterer with some flexibility is good. It may cost a little more but giving thought to the packaging of the food will be much appreciated by your guests. ON TIME Timeliness is a must. Establish whether the food will be picked up or delivered and have confidence that your caterer won’t let you down. TALK TO THE CHEF Who is preparing your food? Often the catering order process is impersonal with no connection to the actual preparer of the food. When you are able to communicate with the Chef any special requests can be discussed with the confidence that it will be executed as planned. Whenever you can, talk to the Chef! ~Patois Jamaican Restaurant & Catering ~ 905 492 8492
Thanks for the #follow @bobmarleyarchive #BlackWallStreet #BlackLivesMatter #BlackAndSpanishLivesMatter

Email me @plussizemagazine for an interview at Trust me, I got stories. #BlackWallStreet #BlackLivesMatter #BlackAndSpanishLivesMatter #PlusSizeMatters


#BlackLivesMatter #BlackAndSpanishLivesMatter


@patoisjamaican -- Tags @firstfridaysTO @huffpostwomen @huffingtonpost @huffpostentertainment @huffpostlifestyle @huffpostlive @huffpostuk @huffpostscience @huffpostweddings @huffpostparents @huffpostcomedy @huffposttaste @huffpostbeauty @cnn @ctvcanadaam @ctvnews @ctvtoronto @nicoleedits @tylerperry @rathikas @limmediagroup @enactusryerson @gbcollege @sagbc @chill_ashhh @areyoushe @adamxatelier @daviddixoninc @kofidotcom @freedomfridayz @iamsteveharveytv @marjorie_harvey @mwallace2358 @cbc @cbcns @blackincanada @blackcanada @BlkMntlHlthNet @blackbizpro @bwim416 @blackinthegta @naacp @blackvoices @theroot @blackinamerica @blackenterprise @thereval @revjjackson @soledadobrien @andersoncooper @breakingnews @theview @pharrell @i_ am_ other @viewofficial @whitehouse @barackobama @michelleobama @denise_deepthroat @WhoppiGoldberg @100huntley @yestvcanada #CleoniNATACHACrawford Fashion Designer, Mental Health Advocate, #Social #Entrepreneur and #Marketplace #Minister @happyhome42tv...

Just took my #daily #medications

#twb #takebackthenight #togetherwebuild #togetherwebuild42 #changetheworld by @truthonduty -- -- Tags @firstfridaysTO @huffpostwomen @huffingtonpost @huffpostentertainment @huffpostlifestyle @huffpostlive @huffpostuk @huffpostscience @huffpostweddings @huffpostparents @huffpostcomedy @huffposttaste @huffpostbeauty @cnn @ctvcanadaam @ctvnews @ctvtoronto @nicoleedits @tylerperry @rathikas @limmediagroup @enactusryerson @gbcollege @sagbc @chill_ashhh @areyoushe @adamxatelier @daviddixoninc @kofidotcom @freedomfridayz @iamsteveharveytv @marjorie_harvey @mwallace2358 @cbc @cbcns @blackincanada @blackcanada @BlkMntlHlthNet @blackbizpro @bwim416 @blackinthegta @naacp @blackvoices @theroot @blackinamerica @blackenterprise @thereval @revjjackson @soledadobrien @andersoncooper @breakingnews @theview @pharrell @i_ am_ other @viewofficial @whitehouse @barackobama @michelleobama @denise_deepthroat @WhoppiGoldberg @100huntley @yestvcanada #CleoniNATACHACrawford Fashion Designer, Mental...

#takebackthenight @justinpjtrudeau @justinbieber @justintimberlake

#blackpanther #BlackWallStreet #blacklivesmatter -- Tags @firstfridaysTO @huffpostwomen @huffingtonpost @huffpostentertainment @huffpostlifestyle @huffpostlive @huffpostuk @huffpostscience @huffpostweddings @huffpostparents @huffpostcomedy @huffposttaste @huffpostbeauty @cnn @ctvcanadaam @ctvnews @ctvtoronto @nicoleedits @tylerperry @rathikas @limmediagroup @enactusryerson @gbcollege @sagbc @chill_ashhh @areyoushe @adamxatelier @daviddixoninc @kofidotcom @freedomfridayz @iamsteveharveytv @marjorie_harvey @mwallace2358 @cbc @cbcns @blackincanada @blackcanada @BlkMntlHlthNet @blackbizpro @bwim416 @blackinthegta @naacp @blackvoices @theroot @blackinamerica @blackenterprise @thereval @revjjackson @soledadobrien @andersoncooper @breakingnews @theview @pharrell @i_ am_ other @viewofficial @whitehouse @barackobama @michelleobama @denise_deepthroat @WhoppiGoldberg @100huntley @yestvcanada #CleoniNATACHACrawford Fashion Designer, Mental Health Advocate, #Social #Entrepreneur and...

I am a #blackpanther ! #melindachampagne

Party at 9pm. Running late.

@_maryjblige -- Tags @firstfridaysTO @huffpostwomen @huffingtonpost @huffpostentertainment @huffpostlifestyle @huffpostlive @huffpostuk @huffpostscience @huffpostweddings @huffpostparents @huffpostcomedy @huffposttaste @huffpostbeauty @cnn @ctvcanadaam @ctvnews @ctvtoronto @nicoleedits @tylerperry @rathikas @limmediagroup @enactusryerson @gbcollege @sagbc @chill_ashhh @areyoushe @adamxatelier @daviddixoninc @kofidotcom @freedomfridayz @iamsteveharveytv @marjorie_harvey @mwallace2358 @cbc @cbcns @blackincanada @blackcanada @BlkMntlHlthNet @blackbizpro @bwim416 @blackinthegta @naacp @blackvoices @theroot @blackinamerica @blackenterprise @thereval @revjjackson @soledadobrien @andersoncooper @breakingnews @theview @pharrell @i_ am_ other @viewofficial @whitehouse @barackobama @michelleobama @denise_deepthroat @WhoppiGoldberg @100huntley @yestvcanada #CleoniNATACHACrawford Fashion Designer, Mental Health Advocate, #Social #Entrepreneur and #Marketplace #Minister @happyhome42tv...

I'm single because #MenAreStupid and would rather the #HalfBreedMovement -- #HouseVersusFieldNigger

#male model - -- Tags @firstfridaysTO @huffpostwomen @huffingtonpost @huffpostentertainment @huffpostlifestyle @huffpostlive @huffpostuk @huffpostscience @huffpostweddings @huffpostparents @huffpostcomedy @huffposttaste @huffpostbeauty @cnn @ctvcanadaam @ctvnews @ctvtoronto @nicoleedits @tylerperry @rathikas @limmediagroup @enactusryerson @gbcollege @sagbc @chill_ashhh @areyoushe @adamxatelier @daviddixoninc @kofidotcom @freedomfridayz @iamsteveharveytv @marjorie_harvey @mwallace2358 @cbc @cbcns @blackincanada @blackcanada @BlkMntlHlthNet @blackbizpro @bwim416 @blackinthegta @naacp @blackvoices @theroot @blackinamerica @blackenterprise @thereval @revjjackson @soledadobrien @andersoncooper @breakingnews @theview @pharrell @i_ am_ other @viewofficial @whitehouse @barackobama @michelleobama @denise_deepthroat @WhoppiGoldberg @100huntley @yestvcanada #CleoniNATACHACrawford Fashion Designer, Mental Health Advocate, #Social #Entrepreneur and #Marketplace #Minister @happyhome42tv...
