Admission by donation Formerly known as the Art Gallery of the South Okanagan, the renamed Penticton Art Gallery serves the City of Penticton and the South Okanagan.
The gallery has four exhibition spaces which change every 8 weeks, and features the best in regional, national, and international art. We host regularly scheduled outreach and educational programs.
For more information on the gallery and its exhibitions, please contact us at (250) 493-2928 or visit our website
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facebook.comHave you heard? We are doing a Creative Kids Spring Break Camp for children aged 7-12! Only 10 spots left in this class! Call us at 250-493-2928 or email to find out more!
Do you have your tickets yet for this Thursday's Kitchen Stove Film? Faces Places, recently nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, is a must-see picture! It is also one of the rare films to get a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Tickets are available for the 4pm and 7pm screenings at the Penticton Art Gallery and The Book Shop (cash only at The Book Shop) for $13 each. A limited amount may be available at the door for $15 each. Come get your tickets while you can!
Kitchen Stove Films is pleased to present a special screening at the Cleland Community Theatre. Thursday, April 5th, 7pm, doors open at 6:15 Tickets: $13 members $15 non-members TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE PENTICTON ART GALLERY STARTING TUESDAY, MARCH 13TH Q&A to follow with Stuart Gilles Created by friend and filmmaker Stuart Gilles and directed by Melanie Wood, SHUT UP AND SAY SOMETHING tells the untold story of internationally acclaimed spoken word artist Shane Koyczan as he embarks upon an emotional road trip to reconnect with the father he hardly knew. Seen and heard by millions worldwide and feature performer at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics Games Opening Ceremonies, Shane's poignant and powerful poems tackle everything from bullying to body image but behind his larger-than-life stage persona is a private and introverted man. As Shane unravels the story behind his childhood we get a powerful and intimate look at how a master wordsmith mines the scars of his past for truth, acceptance and the most important poem of his life.
We are honoured to have Laurent Isadore, a NAPAT student of the En'owkin Centre performing again at the PAG during the cultural showcase tonight!
Artist talks and performances happening right now at the PAG! Thank you to all of the students, staff and alumni of the En'owkin Centre for speaking about their work and sharing their art with us!
Tonight at the PAG from 7-9pm, please join us for an important cultural showcase presented by the En'owkin Centre in conjunction with their exhibition REsilience #597. This event is free, family friendly and open to the public!
Please join us tomorrow evening, Friday March 9th, from 7-9pm at the Penticton Art Gallery for a Cultural Showcase in conjunction with REsilience #597 | The Annual En'owkin Centre Exhibition. There will be performance art, artist talks, snacks and refreshments. This event is free, family friendly and open to the public.
Call For Artists ... The Penticton Art Gallery is inviting artists from across the region to submit an artwork for our upcoming exhibition “Ipseity”, exploring issues around gender and Identity. The definition of Ipseity is not exactly identity and not exactly self, but both and also something between the two meanings; it can also mean nature or self-nature. We have all experienced the challenges of living in today's society with its contradictory push and pull between individuality and conformity. On one hand we are scared to be the same as everybody else because it could mean mediocrity, yet we live in fear as being seen as too different because it could mean risking acceptance by our friends and peers. As a result the majority of us go about our public lives darting behind partially drawn curtains, revealing only the aspects of our personality that society has deemed acceptable. The Penticton Art Gallery invites you to pull back those curtains and unite the parts of ourselves that make us whole. Come celebrate the uniqueness in ourselves and in others and share in the love through understanding and acceptance and the building of bridges that connect the human experience regardless of who you love, letting love conquer all. We need more moments that cross the line of conformity to unite and celebrate our diversity. We need the arts to help bridge our differences and expand the fabric of our culture. In such serious times we also need to have some fun too. So with these words in mind we set forth a call for artist to show their colors and unite in a show that celebrates our individuality however we want to term it; queer, gay, lesbian, trans……human. The public engagement part of our exhibition “Ipseity” ultimately is the promotion of individuality and this exhibition aims to bring people together to share and discuss ideas of what Gender and Identity means to you. How to submit your work to this public outreach project: 1) Artists and the public are invited to submit one 2d work no larger than 16” x 20” along with a written statement exploring the complex issues they face around gender and identity. Video works are also welcome and may be compiled onto one or more DVD's if the number is greater than TVs available. 2) Email a picture of your submission along with your written statement and biography by Friday March 16th to: We strongly encourage artists and organizations to apply who work reflects the diversity and intersectionality between ones identity, sexuality and gender. 3) Once your work has been accepted please arrange to have your work shipped to, or delivered to, the Penticton Art Gallery by Friday March 23rd. The Penticton Art Gallery will cover the shipping of artworks. (Mailing address: Penticton Art Gallery, 199 Marina Way, Penticton, BC, V2A 1H5) Phone: (250) 493-2928 4) The exhibition Opening Party for Ipseity, featuring Rae Spoon and Parlour Panther is on Saturday March 24th, from 7:30 pm – 1:30 am. This is open to the public and all the participating artists. This is an all ages licensed event and general admission is a suggested $10 donation at the door. Anyone under 19 must be accompanied by an adult. For further information on this call for artists and to submit your works please contact Paul Crawford at: Phone: (250) 493-2928
The arTTalks | Made in Italy lecture tonight is SOLD OUT! There are only two spots left in the April lecture, but lots of space still available in the bonus May lecture! Pre-purchase your spot for $10 each. And don't forget about the trip to Rome in September - there are still several spots available!
Check out this feature on JR, French photographer and muralist, on 60 Minutes earlier this week. JR and his artwork are featured in the upcoming Kitchen Stove Film "Faces Places" showing at the Landmark Cinema on Thursday March 15th. Screenings are at 4pm or 7pm. Tickets are available at the Penticton Art Gallery or at The Book Shop (cash only at The Book Shop). This is one of the rare films to get a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes! You do not want to miss it!
Some photos from last night's Bob Ross Painting Party! What a hoot! Huge thank you to the talented Jenny Long Painting for being our very own "Bob"!
Join us today from 2-3pm for Topics and Teas at the Penticton Art Gallery! Cristin Platt will be speaking about "Reviving the Dying Textile Arts". There will be tea as well as delicious baked goods courtesy of The Bench Market. This event is free and open to the public; donations greatly appreciated.