Penhold School of Dance is a place where your child can discover that dance is all about working hard and having fun!
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facebook.comPotluck 2017
Our annual potluck! Thank you to all the local businesses who donated some great prizes for my students!
Photos from Penhold School of Dance's post
Some more recital photos compliments of a grandparent. These grandparents get some great photos and action shots! Thank you to Ken Hoskin!
Potluck fun! 😍 #penholdschoolofdance #potluck #endonahighnote #endofseason
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Hope you can all join us tonight from 5-7 for potluck. We'll have lots of draw prizes and a bouncy house and of course your last chance to say a final goodbye to Miss Phedra! That's a wrap! Awesome recitals that I couldn't have gotten through without these two! Season 13! We did it! #penholdschoolofdance #season13 #recital2017 #endonahighnote #potluck
Recital 2017 - Let's Dance!
Some photos taken with my phone. I let the kids take it during recital so some are a little crazy! :P
Timeline Photos
And finally a HUGE thank you to my two biggest helpers of all! Suzanne Birn and Shelley Davis I could not have done it without you! For example...cutting out cheeks for these crazy ballerinas and having extra red felt on hand for just in case....which we needed is just one VERY small example of how well organized you keep me and all my dancers and my studio! I cannot say enough to thank you both for your endless help and support!
Timeline Photos
Backstage photo taken by one of my volunteers. She was in charge of the boys dressing room and from what I hear they were perfectly behaved gentlemen! I can't thank my volunteers enough...we truly could not run the show without you! Props, runners, dressing room supervisors, and of course LORNA!! She is the ultimate volunteer! She spent three full days with us doing many buns, straightening ponytails, spraying flyaways, tucking costumes, fluffing tutus, tucking strings on shoes, helping quick change, helping me with many many many last minute tasks and making sure every single dancer went onstage looking perfect! Thank you all for all you do to help our recital run so smoothly! We love our volunteers! <3
Photos from Penhold School of Dance's post
With her permission, sharing some pictures one of our dance Grandmas took on Monday night. Thank you Marion for these great photos! Dance families please feel free to share any photos you got before, during and after recital or rehearsals and tag the studio! I never have time to take enough photos and I love spending some time looking through all the photos after recital! <3
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Last night was amazing! Can't wait to do it all again tonight! #recital2017 #season13 #refusingtobecursed #endonahighnote #penholdschoolofdance #musicaltheatre
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Theatre at 5:00! Show at 6:00! 😀😍👯👯♂️
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Dance Studio: Dress rehearsal day at the theatre! Monday show dancers - arrive at 9:45 Tuesday show dancers - arrive at 1:45 See you there! 😀
Instagram Photos
Old dance accessories come in handy for little siblings! I found this photo on my phone....I think from September and couldn't help post it! Cutest little frog! If you want to see more cute dance costumes tickets for our shows are still on sale at Black Knight Inn ticket centre! Monday 6PM and Tuesday 6PM. Certain to be our best shows yet! #penholdschoolofdance #endonahighnote #season13 #refusingtobecursed #cutestfrog #recital2017