Andrick Enterprises LTD
Winter: Snow Removal, Sanding, Ice Management
Summer: Landscaping, Fences, etc SNOW REMOVAL - COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL
Andrick Ent. Ltd. offers fully insured, professional & reliable snow removal & ice management. Parking lot & sidewalk clearing. Sanding. We work in all areas of Peace River. We have 3 skidsteers & enough staff ready to take on any size property. Fully insured with WCB coverage. Competative rates.
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facebook.comNow that the fire ban is lifted this weekend would be a great time to have friends and family over for a gathering around the fire pit. Andrick now sells firewood for $230 a truck load, Give Clayton a call 780-625-5833
Andrick Enterprises Ltd. is now stocked with Black mulch, fir and hemlock bark chips, red cedar mulch, black lava rock, grey rundle rock (20 mm and 40 mm) topsoil, peat moss, 3/4 road crush. Also and assortment of both round and crushed washed rock. If any of this interests you give Clayton a call 780-625-5833